



  • 中文名:麻疹防治
  • 病原體:麻疹病毒
  • 易感人群:6個月至5歲的小孩
  • 易發季節:冬、春季節
由麻疹病毒引起的呼吸道傳染病.易發於冬、春季節,6個月至5歲的小孩易染此病.症狀類似感冒,病人怕光,兩三天后口腔兩側煮朽料謎近臼齒的頰黏膜肯漏柜上,出現針狀白點,周圍有紅暈,約在第四天,可發現耳後、面部有疹子,其後從上到下遍及全身,到腳底見到疹子,表示已出齊.病人一般可在家裡護理、治療.要臥床休息、住屋要戰道循鑽溫暖濕潤,保持空氣新鮮,不要直接吹風,要防止陽光直照眼睛,發熱時,多喝開水,給少量退燒藥,記頸請防止出汗過多和使疹子退回,服五粒回宙項判春丹或蘆根水、香菜湯等,以幫助順利出疹諒院.嚴防受院催堡涼引起肺炎、喉炎等併發症.眼睛等處要常用溫開水擦洗,保持口腔及皮膚清潔.不要接觸病兒、定期接種麻疹疫苗可以有效預防麻疹.Caused by the measles virus, respiratory infectious diseases. Prone in the winter and spring festival, 6 months to 5 years old children the disease easy to dye. Flu-like symptoms, the patient sensitive to light, 23 days after the last molar on both sides of the buccal mucosa of oral on the needle-like white spots appeared, surrounded by flush, about the fourth day, can be found ears, face a rash, then throughout the whole body from top to bottom, to the soles of his feet to see the rash, that it has at a time. the patient is generally In the home care and treatment. to bed rest, the housing should be warm and humid to keep the air fresh, not directly to hair, to prevent direct sunlight according to the eyes, fever, drink water, give a small amount of antipyretics to prevent excessive sweating and to make rash returned, serving five rejuvenateDanor water, reed rhizome, fragrant soup, in order to help smooth skin rash. guard against cold caused by pneumonia, laryngitis and other complications. the eyes, etc. commonly used warm water to scrub, to maintain oral and skin cleansing. Do not contact with children on a regular basis measles vaccination can be effective in preventing measles.


