



1996.9 – 2000.6 南開大學 環境科學與工程系 環境工程與管理學士
2000.9 – 2003.8 清華大學 環境科學與工程系 環境工程與科學碩士
2006.9 – 2009.3 哈佛大學 John A. Paulson工程與套用科學學院 套用數學碩士
2006.9 – 2011.3 哈佛大學 John A. Paulson工程與套用科學學院 工程科學博士


2015.11 – 今 清華大學 環境學院 副教授、博導、青年千人學者
2014.01-2015.10 哈佛大學 John A. Paulson工程與套用科學學院 Research Associate
2012.01-2015.10 哈佛大學 文理學院 講師
2011.03-2013.12 哈佛大學 John A. Paulson工程與套用科學學院 博士後
2003.08 – 2005.10 北京西圖集團(CH2M-HILL) 環境諮詢師


留美青年學者環境論壇(CESF) 創辦人
Science, EST, Scientific Reports, Energy Policy, JGR, RSER等十多個SCI期刊審稿人


Energy Policy優秀論文獎,2014


21. Ning Zhang, Xi LU*,Michael B. McElroy, Chris P. Nielsen, Xinyu Chen, Yu Deng, Chongqing Kang, 2015, Reducing curtailment of wind electricity in China by employing electric boilers for heat and pumped hydro for energy storage, Applied Energy, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.10.147
20. Wang, H.; Zhang, Y.; Xi LU; Nielsen, C. P.; Bi, J., 2015, Understanding China's Carbon Dioxide Emissions from both Production and Consumption Perspectives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52, 189-200.
19. Yu Deng, Shenghe Liu, Jianming Cai, and Xi LU*, 2015, Spatial pattern and its evolution of Chinese provincial population: Methods and empirical study, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 69 (10)
18. Xi LU; McElroy, M. B.; Chen, X.; Kang, C., 2014, Opportunity for Offshore Wind to Reduce Future Demand for Coal-Fired Power Plants in China with Consequent Savings in Emissions of CO2. Environmental Science & Technology, 48, (24), 14764-14771.
17. 矯梅燕,魯璽,2014,全球能源格局中的中國能源形勢與挑戰,風能,2014年7期,52-55.
16. Xinyu Chen, Xi LU*, Michael B. McElroy, Chris P. Nielsen, Chongqing Kang, 2014, Synergies of Wind Power and Electrified Space Heating: A Case Study for Beijing, Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (3), pp 2016–2024.
15. Michael Gillenwater, Xi LU, Miriam Fischlein, 2014, Additionality of wind energy investments in the U.S. voluntary green power market. Renewable Energy, 63, 452–457
14. Xi LU, Michael B. McElroy, Chris P. Nielsen, Xinyu Chen, and Junling Huang. 2013. Optimal Integration of Offshore Wind Power for a Steadier, Environmentally Friendlier, Supply of Electricity in China. Energy Policy 62 (2013) 131–138
13. Huang, Junling, Xi Lu, and Michael B. McElroy. 2013. Adopting a Meteorologically Based Configuration of Wind Resources to Minimize the Variability of Associated Power Generation in the US. Renewable Energy, 62,331–340
12. Michael B. McElroy and Xi LU, 2013, Fracking's Future: Natural gas, the economy, and America's energy prospects, Harvard Magazine, January-February 2013
11. Xi LU, Michael B. McElroy, Gang Wu, and Chris P. Nielsen. 2012. Accelerated Reduction in SO2 Emissions from the US Power Sector Triggered by Changing Prices of Natural Gas. Environmental Science & Technology 46 (14): 7882-7889.
10. Xi LU, Jackson Salovaara, and Michael B. McElroy. 2012. Implications of the Recent Reductions in Natural Gas prices for Emissions of CO2 from the US Power Sector. Environmental Science & Technology 46 (5): 3014-3021.
9. Gang Wu, Yi-Ming Wei, Chris Nielsen, Xi LU, and Michael B. McElroy. 2012. A Dynamic Programming Model of China's Strategic Petroleum Reserve: General Strategy and the Effect of Emergencies. Energy Economics 39: 4207-4214.
8. Xi LU, Jeremy Tchou, Michael B. McElroy, and Chris P. Nielsen. 2011. The Impact of Production Tax Credits on the Profitable Production of Electricity from Wind in the U.S. Energy Policy 39: 4207-4214.
7. Xi LU, Michael B. McElroy, and Nora Sluzas. 2011. Costs for Integrating Wind into the Future ERCOT System with Related Costs for Savings in CO2 Emissions. Environmental Science & Technology 45 (7): 3160–3166.
6. Juha Kiviluoma and Xi LU. 2010. How Much Super Grids Could Decrease Wind Power Variability? Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants. Québec City, Québec, Canada, Oct. 18-19, 2010, ISBN 978-3-9813870-2-5.
5. Michael B. McElroy, Xi LU (joint first author), Chris P. Nielsen, Yuxuan Wang. 2009. Potential for Wind Generated Electricity in China, Science , 325 (5946): 1378-1380 (front cover).
4. Xi LU, Michael B. McElroy and Juha Kiviluoma. 2009. Global Potential for Wind-Generated Electricity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS) 106: 10933-10938.


