1978.2-1982.2, 安徽農業大學果樹專業,農學學士;
1998.10-2004.2 以色列
2010.8- 至今, 安徽農業大學茶與食品科技學院。
植物合成和釋放的香氣物質常常對植物產品的質量有決定性的影響,這些物質也往往成為昆蟲識別寄主的信息分子。通過改變植物揮發性物質生物合成和釋放, 不僅有可能改變植物和相關昆蟲的寄主關係而減輕昆蟲對植物的危害, 還可以定向改變植物的香味香型,增進之物的品質。
異戊二烯途徑合成而呈現紅色、橙紅色和黃色的一大類色素物質的總稱。是植物光吸收複合體的重要組分,並且在保護光合器官、防止光氧化損傷等方面起著重要作用, 並具有重要的健康功能。對植物類胡蘿蔔素生物合成途徑的研究已有大量的報導。但對於該途徑的調控因子機制了解放非常有限。希望通過對
安徽農業大學人才項目(在研): 增進植物香氣品質及提高植物對病毒抗性的生物技術研究
1.Shu WEI, Daniel L. Siegel, Ira Marton, Ben-Ami Bravdo, Mara Dekel, Oded Shoseyov, Method of producing recombinant Aspergillus niger beta-glucosidase and an aroma spreading plant. 美國專利號: 7,223,902
2.Shu WEI, Daniel L. Siegel, Ira Marton, Ben-Ami Bravdo, Mara Dekel, Oded Shoseyov, Aspergillus Niger Beta-Glucosidase Gene, Protein And Uses Thereof. 加拿大專利號: 2392060
3.Shu WEI, Oded Shoseyov, Agents for control of codling moth in fruit orchards. 加拿大專利申請號: CA 2583122 (pending).
Shu Wei, Margaret Y. Gruber, Bianyun Yu, Ming-Jun Gao, George G. Khachatourians, Dwayne D. Hegedus, Isobel A. P. Parkin, Abdelali Hannoufa(2012) Arabidopsis mutant sk156 reveals complex regulation of SPL15 in a miR156-controlled gene network. BMC Plant Biology , 12:169, doi:10.1186/略-169.
Huang S, Shu T, Zhang J, Ma W, Wei S, Huang LQ (2102)Functional significance of some particular amino acid residues in Bombyx mori pyridoxal kinase. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2012 Feb;161(2):155-60.
Ming-Jun Gao, Gordon Gropp, Shu Wei et al., (2012) Combinatorial networks regulating seed development and seed filling. In Embryogenesis ISBN 979-953-307-439-8, ed. by Dr.K.Sato,Croatia, InTech Publisher.
賀志榮,項威,徐燕,高麗萍,夏濤,魏書*(2012) 茶樹揮發性萜類物質及其糖苷化合物生物合成的研究進展. 茶葉科學 32(1):1-8. (*通信作者)。
Shu Wei*, Abdelali Hannoufa*, Julie Soroka, Ning Xu, Xiang Li, Alireza Zebarjadi, and Margaret Gruber* (2011) Enhanced β-ionone emission in Arabidopsis over-expressing AtCCD1 reduces feeding damage in vivo by the crucifer flea beetle. Environmental Entomology 40(6): 1622-1630 (* Co-corresponding authors).
ShuoHao Huang, HaiBin Zeng, JianYun Zhang, Shu Wei, LongQuan Huang (2011) Interconversions of different forms of vitamin B6 in tobacco plants. Phytochemistry 72(17): 2124-2129.doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2011.07.019.
ShuoHao Huang, HaiBin Zeng, JianYun Zhang, Shu Wei, LongQuan Huang (2011) Characterization of enzymes involved in the interconversions of different forms of vitamin B6 in tobacco leaves. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49(1): 1299-1305.
ShuoHao Huang, Ting Shu, JianYun Zhang, Wang Ma, Shu Wei, LongQuan Huang (2011) Functional significance of some particular amino acid residues in Bombyx mori pyridoxal kinase. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 161(2): 155-160 doi:10.1016/j.cbpb.2011.10.009.
Ming-Jun Gao, Xiang Li, Helen Lui, Gordon M. Gropp, Derek D. Lydiate, Shu Wei and Dwayne D. Hegedus (2011) ASIL1 is required for proper timing of seed filling in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6(12): 1886-1888.
Shu Wei, Bianyun Yu, Margaret Y. Gruber, George G. Khachatourians, Dwayne D. Hegedusa, Abdelali Hannoufa (2010) Enhanced seed carotenoid levels and branching in transgenic Brassica napus expressing the Arabidopsis miR156b gene. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58(17): 9572–9578.
Shu Wei (2010) Methyl jasmonic acid induced expression pattern of terpenoid indole alkaloid pathway genes in Catharanthus roseus seedlings. Plant growth Regulation 61(3): 243-251.
Shu Wei (2009) Utility of tetracycline inducible promoter system in transgenic Catharanthus roseus hairy roots. International Journal of Plant Sciences 170(7): 829-833.
Shu Wei, Xiang Li, Margaret Y. Gruber, Rong Li, Rong Zhou, Alireza Zebarjadi, Abdelali Hannoufa (2009) RNAi-mediated suppression of DET1 alters the levels of carotenoids and sinapate esters in seeds of Brassica napus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 (12): 5326–5333.
Renlin Xu, Shu Wei (2009) Marker-free Technologies for Transgenic Plant Research. In: Transgenic Plants: New Research edited by Oliver T. Chan, ISBN 978-1-60692-017-6. © 2008 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA.
Before 2008
Suping Zhou, Shu Wei, Levy Shawn, Braden Boone (2007) Microarray analysis on salt stress affected genes in tomato seedlings. African Journal of Environmental Technology 1 (2): 014-026.
Xia Liu, Songwen Wang, Yong Wang, Shu Wei* (2007) Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of a nuclear recessive male-sterile gene [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ms91(t)] in rice. Genome 50(9): 796-801 (*Corresponding author).
Shu Wei, Yaniv Semel, Ben-Ami Bravdo, Henryk Czosnek, Oded Shoseyov (2007) Expression and subcellular compartmentation of Aspergillus niger ß-glucosidase in transgenic tobacco result in an increased insecticidal activity on whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci). Plant Science 172:1175–1181.
Shu Wei, Ira Marton, Mara Dekel, Dror Shalitin, Efraim Lewinshon, Ben-Ami Bravdo, and Oded Shoseyov, (2004) Manipulating volatile emission in tobacco leaves by expressing Aspergillus niger β-glucosidase in different subcellular compartments. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2: 341–350.
Shu Wei, Ben-Ami Bravdo, Oded Shoseyov, (2004) Fluorescent Screening of Transgenic Arabidopsis Seeds without Germination. Plant Physiology 135:709–714.
Shu Wei, Haim Reuveny, Ben-Ami Bravdo, and Oded Shoseyov (2004) Hydrolysis of glycosidically bound volatiles from apple leaves (Cv. Anna) by Aspergillus niger b-glucosidase affects the behavior of codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52 (20), 6212 -6216.