



  • 中文名:魏光升
  • 學位/學歷:博士







[1] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Technological innovations of carbon dioxide injection in EAF-LF steelmaking[J]. JOM, 2018, 70(6): 969-976.
[2] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Study on the Fluid Flow Characteristics of Coherent Jets with CO2 and O2 Mixed Injection in Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking Processes[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, 49(3): 1405-1420.
[3] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Study on the impact characteristics of coherent supersonic jet and conventional supersonic jet in EAF steelmaking process[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, 49(1): 361-374.
[4] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Research and analysis on the physical and chemical properties of molten bath with bottom-blowing in EAF steelmaking process[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016, 47(5): 3066-3079.
[5] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Study on the Impact Characteristics of Submerged CO2 and O2 Mixed Injection (S-COMI) in EAF Steelmaking[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2019, online.
[6] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Effect of Main Gas Composition on Flow Field Characteristics of Supersonic Coherent Jets with CO2 and O2 Mixed Injection (COMI) at Steelmaking Temperature[J]. ISIJ Int., 2018, 58(5): 842-851.
[7] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Modelling on the penetration depth of the coherent supersonic jet in EAF steelmaking[J]. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2018, 45(9): 828-838.
[8] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Influence of bottom-blowing gas species on the nitrogen content in molten steel during the EAF steelmaking process[J]. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2018, 45(9): 839-846.
[9] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Simulation and application of pulsating bottom-blowing in EAF steelmaking[J]. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2018, 45(9): 847-856.
[10] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Numerical simulation of jet behavior and impingement characteristics of preheating shrouded supersonic jets[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research Int., 2016, 23(10): 997-1006.
[11] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, et al. Modeling on impact zone volume generated by coherent supersonic jet and conventional supersonic jet[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2018, 25(7): 681-691
[12] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, Yun Wang, et al. Technological innovations of electric arc furnace bottom-blowing in China[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2018, online.
[13] Kai Dong, Guangsheng Wei(corresponding author). Simulation and application of coherent supersonic jet with low calorific value fuel gas in EAF steelmaking[J]. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2018
[14] Guangsheng Wei, Rong Zhu, Lingzhi Yang, et al. Hybrid Modeling for Endpoint Carbon Content Prediction in EAF Steelmaking[C]//TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Springer, Cham, 2018: 211-224.
[15]朱榮,魏光升,等. 電弧爐煉鋼流程潔淨化冶煉技術. 煉鋼, 2018, 34(1): 10-19.


[1]朱榮, 魏光升, 等. 一種全廢鋼電弧爐潔淨化快速冶煉方法. ZL201710678453.3.(授權發明專利)
[2]朱榮, 魏光升, 等. 一種煉鋼出鋼過程線上噴粉脫氧方法及系統. ZL201610602812.2.(授權發明專利)
[3]朱榮, 魏光升, 等.一種電弧爐煉鋼線上測量鋼液溫度的測溫系統及測溫方法. ZL201510958681.7.(授權發明專利)
[4]朱榮, 魏光升, 等.電弧爐煉鋼過程二噁英治理與餘熱回收最佳化運行控制方法. ZL201710601315.5.(授權發明專利)
[5]朱榮, 魏光升, 等. 一種LF爐動態底吹CO2-Ar精煉方法. ZL201810564389.0.(授權發明專利)
[6]朱榮, 魏光升, 等. 一種轉爐煉鋼通過CO2高強度輸入控制渣中(FeO)和粉塵產生的方法. ZL201820991719.X.(授權發明專利)
[7]朱榮, 韓寶臣, 魏光升, 等. 一種利用CO2控制轉爐氧槍射流衝擊區高溫火點的方法. ZL201810608833.4.(授權發明專利)
[8]朱榮, 唐天平, 魏光升, 等. 一種全廢鋼電弧爐雙聯冶煉潔淨鋼的生產方法. ZL201710456056.1.(授權發明專利)
[9]Rong Zhu, Guangsheng Wei, et al. A production method for smelting clean steel from full-scrap steel using duplex electric arc furnaces. PCT/CN2017/107291.(PCT國際專利申請)
[10]Rong Zhu, Guangsheng Wei, et al. Clean and rapid smelting method in an electric arc furnace with full scrap steel. PCT/CN2018/074228.(PCT國際專利申請)


[1] 2018年中國產學研合作創新成果獎一等獎
[2] 2018年中冶集團科學技術獎(科技進步)一等獎
[3] 2018年中國鋼鐵工業協會、中國金屬學會冶金科學技術獎二等獎
[4] 2017年教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果科技進步獎二等獎
[5] 2019年北京科技大學優秀博士論文
[6] 2018年北京科技大學第十四屆研究生“十佳學術之星”
[7] 2017年博士研究生國家獎學金


