



  • 書名:魅力英語(第1冊)
  • 作者:王尚閣 編
  • ISBN:9787300141619
  • 頁數:335
  • 定價:53.00元
  • 出版社中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011-8
  • 副標題:閱讀




reading skill: context clue to word meaning
unit 1 campus life
section a passions, friends, and great profs
section b
section c 10 tips for a good roommate relationship
unit 2 political party
section a political parties in the united states
section b
section c political parties in the uk
unit 3 environment
section a blame failure of copenhagen summit on denmark, notchina
section b
section c silent spring (excerpt)
reading skill: word-formation
unit 4 technology
section a what is artificial intelligence?
section b
section c innovation: teaching robots some manners
unit 5 jury system in america
.section a jury service in america
section b
section c conduct of the jury during the trial
unit 6 fighting cold
section a hand-washing, mask-wearing may limit transmission ofpandemic flu
section b
section c flu prevention: 5 critical lessons from history and whatthey mean today
reading skill: skimming
unit 7 online shopping
section a forget taobao.com, try these other shopping sites on forsize
section b
section c online shopping: good for the environment; good for thewallet
unit 8 career
section a the job of jobs
section b
section c young&jobless
unit 9 management
section a our management approach of johnson & johnson
section b
section c help your best people do a better job
unit 10 military academies
section a west point cadet ready to be leader
section b
section c monterey naval postgraduate school prepares militaryelite
reading skill: scanning
unit 11 news
section a online sites win journalism firsts at pulitzers
section b
section c tensions rise as south korea says north torpedoedship
unit 12 travel
section a proper trip preparation
section b
section c europe's best and worst--with no apologies
reading skill: denotation and connotation
unit 13 culture
section a does the blues need a pick-me-up?
section b
section c russian wedding traditions and customs
unit 14 people who shaped our world
section a mother teresa
section b
section c mae zedong
unit 15 speech
section a blood, toil, tears and sweat
section b
section c how to land on your feet when speaking in public
unit 16 fiction
section a in the morning
section b a day of misery


