

《魅力英語:閱讀(第1冊)》(共四冊)本著擴大知識面和增強英語閱讀水平的目標,為學生提供全面而系統的閱讀技巧、閱讀材料和習題訓練,指導學生掌握多種閱讀方法,學會快速而準確地尋找有效信息,並通過習題訓練來培養判斷、歸納、推理等邏輯思維能力。全套書總計四冊,每冊十六個單元,每冊按照閱讀方法分編成組。供高等學校英語專業一、二年級泛讀課教學使用。 本套教材緊跟時代的步伐,體現了新世紀英語教學的新特點,具有獨特性、新穎性、創新性、實用性以及信息量大、趣味性強等優勢。


  • 中文名:魅力英語:閱讀
  • 作者:王尚閣
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年8月1日
  • 頁數:335 頁
  • 定價:53 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787300141619, 7300141617 
  • 外文名:Reading Beautiful English Book 1
  • 語種:英語




Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning
Unit 1 Campus Life
Section A Passions, Friends, and Great Profs
Section B
Section C 10 Tips for a Good Roommate Relationship
Unit 2 Political Party
Section A Political Parties in the United States
Section B
Section C Political Parties in the UK
Unit 3 Environment
Section A Blame Failure of Copenhagen Summit on Denmark, Not China
Section B
Section C Silent Spring (excerpt)
Reading Skill: Word-Formation
Unit 4 Technology
Section A What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Section B
Section C Innovation: Teaching Robots Some Manners
Unit 5 Jury System in America
Section A Jury Service in America
Section B
Section C Conduct of the Jury During the Trial
Unit 6 Fighting Cold.
Section A Hand-Washing, Mask-Wearing May Limit Transmission of Pandemic Flu
Section B
Section C Flu Prevention: 5 Critical Lessons from History and What They Mean Today
Reading Skill: Skimming
Unit 7 Online Shopping
Section A Forget Taobao.com, Try These Other Shopping Sites on for Size
Section B
Section C Online Shopping: Good for the Environment; Good for the Wallet
Unit 8 Career
Section A The Job of Jobs
Section B
Section C Young & Jobless
Unit 9 Management
Section A Our Management Approach of Johnson & Johnson
Section B
Section C Help Your Best People Do a Better Job
Unit 10 Military Academies
Section A West Point Cadet Ready to Be Leader
Section B
Section C Monterey Naval Postgraduate School Prepares Military Elite
Reading Skill: Scanning
Unit 11 News
Section A Online Sites Win Journalism Firsts at Pulitzers
Section B
Section C Tensions Rise as South Korea Says North Torpedoed Ship
Unit 12 Travel
Section A Proper Trip Preparation
Section B
Section C Europe's Best and Worst——With No Apologies
Reading Skill: Denotation and Connotation
Unit 13 Culture
Section A Does the Blues Need a Pick-Me-Up?
Section B
Section C Russian Wedding Traditions and Customs
Unit 14 People Who Shaped Our World
Section A Mother Teresa
Section B
Section C Mad Zedong
Unit 15 Speech
Section A Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat
Section B
Section C How to Land on Your Feet When Speaking in Public.
Unit 16 Fiction
Section A In the Morning
Section B A Day of Misery


