



  • 中文名:高職高專規劃教材:建築工程專業英語
  • 作者:蔣春霞
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年10月1日
  • 頁數:254 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787122149596 
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語


《建築工程專業英語》共15個單元,每個單元由課文(Text)、閱讀材料(Reading Material)和附錄(Supplement)3部分構成。內容以建築工程為主線,按照項目的建造順序,由淺入深,系統選編了建築工程、工程項目管理等方面的英文文獻總計45篇。為便於學生自學,每篇課文配有單詞和詞組表,並對課文的難點做必要的注釋,並配有與課文相對應的練習,如問答、填空、英譯漢與漢譯英等。為拓寬讀者知識面,在每篇課文後面安排的兩篇與課文內容相近的閱讀材料,具有一定的難度,供讀者課後閱讀。每篇課文後配有科技英語翻譯和寫作指南,以培養和提高讀者的閱讀、翻譯和寫作的能力和技巧。同時,《建築工程專業英語》還突出了專業英語口語的訓練,在每篇課文後面插入了施工現場實用英語,介紹在涉外工程中常用的口語,供有意提高自身專業英語口語的讀者參照。全書最後附有專業英語常用詞綴和土木工程專業辭彙,供查閱。《建築工程專業英語》選材廣泛,圖文並茂,實用性強。 為高職高專、中等職業學校土建類專業學生的專業英語教材,也可作為同等英語程度的建築技術人員的參考書,還可供英語愛好者閱讀參考。


Unit 1
Text: Civil Engineering
Reading Material 1 Careers in Civil Engineering
Reading Material 2 Resume
Supplement 1 The Basic Characters of English for Special Purpose
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site(Part 1)-Greeting and Introduction
Unit 2
Text: Computer-aided Design
Reading Material 1 Components of a Building
Reading Material 2 Selection from Concrete Construction Scheme
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose (Part 1)-A Summary of the Translation of Special English
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site (Part 2)-Talking about Languages
Unit 3
Text: Modern Buildings and Structural Materials
Reading Material 1 Prestressed Concrete
Reading Material 2 Mortar Selection
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose (Part 2)-Contrast between English and Chinese
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site (Part 3)-Dates and Times
Unit 4
Text: Mechanics of Materials
Reading Material 1 Stress-strain Relationship of Materials
Reading Material 2 Stresses in Soils
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose (Part 3)-Selecting and Extending the Meaning of a Word
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site (Part 4)-Weather and Environment
Unit 5
Text: Reinforced Concrete Structures
Reading Material 1 Steel Structures for Architecture in Japan and Asia
Reading Material 2 Concrete vs. Steel
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose (Part 4)-Methods of Adding and Omitting
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site (Part 5) -At the Meeting
Unit 6
Text: Information on Building Construction
Reading Material 1 Design Specifications for Electric Constructional Drawings
Reading Material 2 Recent Research and Design Developments in Steel and Composite Steel-concrete Structures in USA
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose (Part 5)-Translation of Special Sentences Pattern
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site (Part 6)-Engineering Project
Unit 7
Text: An Overview of Surveying
Reading Material 1 Engineering Survey and Review Check Plan of Some Project
Reading Material 2 Application to Leveling Using Total Station
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose (Part 6)-Translation of Long Sentences
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site (Part 7) -Planning and Scheduling
Unit 8
Text: Subsoils and Foundations
Reading Material 1 Site Investigation
Reading Material 2 An Overview of Footings and Foundations
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose (Part 7)-Translation of Subordinate Clause
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site (Part 8)-Technical Documents and Drawings
Unit 9
Text: Construction Engineering
Reading Material 1 Scaffolding
Reading Material 2 Formwork
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose (Part 8)-Translation about Quantity
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site (Part 9)
Unit 10
Text: Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Building Foundations
Reading Material 1 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Building Foundations
Reading Material 2 Quality Acceptance Record Sheets about Inspection Lot of Static Force Pressing-in Piles
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose (Part 9)-The Basic Qualities of Translators and Ways to Improve the Translating Ability
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site (Part 10)-Civil Engineering
Unit 11
Text:A Review of Green Roof Performance towards Management of Runoff Water Quantity and Quality
Reading Material 1 Green Roofs
Reading Material 2 Low Energy Materials and Methods for Construction
Supplement 1 The Translation of English for Special Purpose(Part 10)-Machine Translation
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site(Part 11) -Construction Machinery
Unit 12
Text : Civil Engineering Contracts
Reading Material 1 The Contract Documents
Reading Material 2 Renovation Agreement
Supplement 1 Writing of Scientific and Technical Papers(Part1)-Stylistic Rules of Papers, Title and Sign
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site(Part 12)-Common Tools
Unit 13
Text:Introduction to Project Management
Reading Material 1 Tendering Procedure
Reading Material 2 Safety Management
Supplement 1 Writing of Scientific and Technical Papers(Part 2)-Abstract
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site(Part 13)-Engineering Materials
Unit 14
Text : Construction Quality Management
Reading Material 1 What Is Project Management
Reading Material 2 Reinforced Concrete-Use, Deterioration and Repair
Supplement 1 Writing of Scientific and Technical Papers(Part3)-Writing and Organizing of the Main Text(Part One)
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site(Part 14) - Quality Control
Unit 15
Text: Bridges
Reading Material 1 Construction Techniques
Reading Material 2 Construction Control for the Panyu Cable-Stayed Bridge
Supplement I Writing of Scientific and Technical Papers(Part4)-Writing and Organizing of the Main Text (Part Two)
Supplement 2 Useful English on Construction Site(Part 15)-At the Banquet


