



  • 書名:21世紀高職高專規劃教材、機電類、模具專業英語教程
  • 出版社:北京理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年8月1日
  • 開本:16開


正文語種:英語, 簡體中文
商品尺寸: 22.6 x 18.2 x 1 cm
商品重量: 422 g ASIN:B001F7BIYY






Chapter 1 Introduction of Mold(模具概論)
Lesson 1 The Definition and Function of Mold
Lesson 2 The Classification of Mold
Chapter 2 Introduction of Mold Material(模具材料簡介)
Lesson 3 Steels
Reading Materials(1)The Function of Alloying Elements in Alloy
Lesson 4 Heat Treating of Steel
Reading Materials(2) surface Hardening
Chapter 3 Press Process and Die Design(冷衝壓工藝及模具)
Lesson 5 Forming of Sheet Metals
Lesson 6 Press Process and Product Applications
Lesson 7 Classification of Dies
Lesson 8 Presses
Reading Materials(3)Drive Mechanisms for Presses
Lesson 9 Shear Operation
Reading Materials(4) Strudure of Stamping Die
Lesson 1 0 Bending Operation
Reading Materials(5) An Example of Grouping,Piercing and Bending
Lesson 1 1 Drawing Operation
Lesson 12 Compound and Progressive Dies
Reading Materials(6) Combination and Compound Dies
Chapter 4 Plastics Forming and Mold Design(塑膠成型工藝及模具)
Lesson 1 3 Summary of Plastics
Lesson 14 The Structure of Plastics
Reading Materials(7) Additives
Lesson 15 Classification and Application of Plastics
Reading Materials(8) Average Plastics :
Lesson 16 Injection Molding
Reading Materials(9) Classification of Plastics Mold
Lesson 17 Injection Machine
Lesson 18 Representative Structure of Injection Mold
Lesson 19 Extrusion Molding
Reading Maferials(10)
Section A Compression Molding
Section B Transfer Molding
Section C Blow Molding
Chapter 5 Forging Processes and Die Design(鍛造工藝及模具)
Lesson 20 Forging Processes and Die Design
Chapter 6 Basic and Special Machining(普通機械加工與特種加工)
Lesson 21 Basic Machine Tool Elements
Reading Materials(11)Turning
Lesson 22 Milling
Reading Materials(12)
Section A Grinding
Section B Machining Process Selection Factors
Lesson 23 ElectricaI Discharge Machining
Chapter 7 The Application of Computer in Design and Manufacture of Mold and Die
Lesson 24 Computers and CAD/CAM
Reading Materials(13)CAD/CAM Defined
Chapter 8 Quotation and Contract for Mo1d and Die(模具的報價與契約)
Lesson 25 Introduction of Quotation for Mold
Reading Materials (14)
Section A Quotation Strategies and Terms of Payment
Section B Computerized Price Quoting System for Injection Mold Manufacture
Lesson 26 Mold Making Contract
Keys to Exercises


