



  • 書名:高級英文寫作教程:論文寫作
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 頁數:338頁
  • 開本:32
  • 品牌:北京大學出版社
  • 作者:馮幼民
  • 出版日期:2002年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7301053770




To the Students
Unit 1
Part 1 Narration
Part 2 Academic Style(1)
Part 3 Stages of Writing an Academic Paper
Part 4 Short Academic Paper Stage One
Unit 2
Part 1 Description
Part 2 Academic Style(2)
Part 3 Choosing and Limiting a Topic
Part 4 Short Academic Paper Stage Two
Unit 3
Part 1 Exemplification
Part 2 Coherence(1)
Part 3 Reading for Information
Part 4 Short Academic Paper Stage Three
Unit 4
Part 1 Cause and Effect
Part 2 Coherence(2)
Part 3 Taking Notes
Part 4 Short Academic Paper Stage Four
Unit 5
Part 1 Definition
Part 2 Direct Quotation and Source Reference
Part 3 Thesis Statement
Part 4 Short Academic Paper Stage Five
Unit 6
Part 1 Comparison and Contrast
Part 2 Paraphrasing
Part 3 Introductions and Conclusinos
Part 4 Short Academic Paper Stage Six
Unit 7
Part 1 Classification
Part 2 Summarizing
Part 3 Synthesising Information
Aart 4 Short Academic Paper Stage Seven
Unit 8
Part 1 Putting It All Together
Part 2 Compiling a Bibliography
Part 3 Three Sample s
Part 4 Short Academic Paper Stage Eight


The three necessary elements of this rough thesis statement are listed as follows.
Topic: earthquake prediction
Controlling idea: systematic observation of all phenomena prior to an earthquake
Direction of development: a listing and analysis of different kinds of phenomena and how these have helped to predict earth- quakes.
However, many and varied phenomena might be related to earthquakes. The phenomena may include, to mention a few, abnormal animal behaviour, abnormal weather conditions, and abnormal geographical phenomena. If we are to write a fairly short academic paper, for example a 3,000-word paper, this scope is too broad. We must narrow the scope.
As our reading and research deepen, we may gradually find that abnormal animal behavior provides more recorded observations and is therefore easier to handle. We rewrite the rough thesis statement to provide a more specific focus:
Systematic and Careful analysis of recorded observations of all abnormal animal behavior prior to an earthquake is helping in successful earthquake predictions.
Obviously, this second Version provides a narrower focus to the discussion. However, further research along these lines reveals that most of the recorded observations of abnormal animal behavior come from countries where earthquakes often happen and where such observations have been recorded more completely.
Aart 4 Short Academic Paper Stage Seven
Unit 8
Part 1 Putting It All Together
Part 2 Compiling a Bibliography
Part 3 Three Sample s
Part 4 Short Academic Paper Stage Eight


The three necessary elements of this rough thesis statement are listed as follows.
Topic: earthquake prediction
Controlling idea: systematic observation of all phenomena prior to an earthquake
Direction of development: a listing and analysis of different kinds of phenomena and how these have helped to predict earth- quakes.
However, many and varied phenomena might be related to earthquakes. The phenomena may include, to mention a few, abnormal animal behaviour, abnormal weather conditions, and abnormal geographical phenomena. If we are to write a fairly short academic paper, for example a 3,000-word paper, this scope is too broad. We must narrow the scope.
As our reading and research deepen, we may gradually find that abnormal animal behavior provides more recorded observations and is therefore easier to handle. We rewrite the rough thesis statement to provide a more specific focus:
Systematic and Careful analysis of recorded observations of all abnormal animal behavior prior to an earthquake is helping in successful earthquake predictions.
Obviously, this second Version provides a narrower focus to the discussion. However, further research along these lines reveals that most of the recorded observations of abnormal animal behavior come from countries where earthquakes often happen and where such observations have been recorded more completely.


