



  • 中文名:高新起
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位:博士
  • 職稱:教授




1. 植物雌、雄配子體發育及其在傳粉過程中相互識別的分子機理:植物雌雄配子體發育以及傳粉的效率和質量直接與種子和果實的發育、作物產量的形成相關。在國家重大科學研究計畫和國家自然科學基金項目支持下,以擬南芥和玉米為主要研究材料,綜合利用現代生物學的研究方法,研究花粉、胚囊發育的分子機理,以及傳粉過程中花粉與柱頭互作、花粉管導向胚珠生長的調控機制。為提高糧食作物傳粉效率和產量、創新作物種質材料提供理論基礎。
2. 微絲骨架參與的細胞信號轉導機制:由肌動蛋白聚合而成的微絲骨架,在植物細胞生長、細胞形態建成、物質運輸以及耐受生物和非生物逆境等諸多生命活動中發揮重要作用。以擬南芥和玉米為主要研究材料,利用分子遺傳學和細胞生物學的方法,研究微絲骨架在花粉與柱頭互作以及植物耐受非生物逆境過程中的功能。




1 《植物生物學》教學資源整合及網路課程建設,2010-2011,項目主持人
2 植物生物學多媒體課件的研製與實踐,2010-2011,項目主要參加人
3 利用數碼互動實驗室資源優勢全方位促進植物生物學教學,2010-2011,項目主要參加人


1.主持國家自然科學基金《SNF1/AMPK/SnRK1 複合體的亞基 UPS 調控擬南芥花粉與柱頭互作的分子機理研究》(31270358)
4. 參與國家重大科學研究計畫課題《花粉與柱頭識別的分子基礎》(2013CB945101)


1.Gao Xin-Qi and Zhang Xian Sheng (2012) Metabolism and roles of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate in pollen development and pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 7:165-169. (PMID:22307045)
2.Sang Ya Lin, Xu Meng, Ma Fang Fang, Chen Hao, Hui Xu Xiao, Gao Xin-Qi and Zhang Xian Sheng (2012) Comparative proteomic analysis reveals similar and distinct features of proteins in dry and wet stigmas. Proteomics 12: 1983-1998.
3.Xu Xiao Hui, Chen Hao, Sang Ya Lin, Wang Fang, Ma Jun Ping, Gao Xin-Qi and Zhang Xian Sheng (2012) Identification of genes specifically or preferentially expressed in maize silk reveals similarity and diversity in transcript abundance of different dry stigmas. BMC Genomics 13: 294.
4.Li Li-Juan, Ren Fei, Gao Xin-Qi, Wei Peng-Cheng, Wang Xue-Chen (2012) The reorganization of actin filaments is required for vacuolar fusion of guard cells during stomatal opening in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell and Environment 36:484-497
5.Liu Shang Gang, Zhu Dong Zi, Chen Guang Hui, Gao Xin-Qi (Corresponding author) and Zhang Xian Sheng (2012) Disrupted actin dynamics trigger an increment in the reactive oxygen species levels in the Arabidopsis root under salt stress. Plant Cell Reports 31:1219–1226
6.Xu Na, Gao Xin-Qi (Co-first author), Zhao Xin Ying, Zhu Dong Zi, Zhou Liang Zi, Zhang Xian Sheng (2011) Arabidopsis AtVPS15 is essential for pollen development and germination through modulating phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate formation. Plant Molecular Biology 77: 251-260.
7.Wang Xiu-Ling, Gao Xin-Qi (Corresponding author), Wang Xue-Chen (2011) Stochastic dynamics of actin filaments in guard cells regulating chloroplast localization during stomatal movement. Plant Cell and Environment 34:1248–1257.
8.Cheng Zhi Juan, Zhu Shan Shan, Gao Xin-Qi (Co-first author), Zhang Xian Sheng (2010) Cytokinin and auxin regulates WUS induction and inflorescence regeneration in vitro in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports 29:927–933
9.Wei Peng-Cheng, Tan Feng, Gao Xin-Qi, Zhang Xiu-Qing, Wang Gao-Qi, Xu Heng, Li Li-Juan, Chen Jia, and Wang Xue-Chen (2010) Overexpression of AtDOF4.7, an Arabidopsis DOF family transcription factor, induces floral organ abscission deficiency in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 153, 1031–1045
10.GAO Xin-Qi, Zhu Dongzi, Zhang Xiansheng (2010) Stigma factors regulating self-compatible pollination. Frontiers of Biology 5: 156–163
11. Li Xing Guo, Su Ying Hua, Zhao Xiang Yu, Li Wei, Gao Xin-Qi, Zhang Xian Sheng. (2010) Cytokinin overproduction-caused alteration of flower development is partially mediated by CUC2 and CUC3 in Arabidopsis. Gene 450, 1-2:109-120
12.GAO Xin-Qi, Wang Xiu-Ling, Ren Fei, Chen Jia, Wang Xue-Chen (2009) Dynamics of vacuoles and actin filaments in guard cells and their roles in stomatal movement. Plant Cell and Environment 32, 1108–1116
13.Wang Xiu-Ling, Xu Yan-Hong, Peng Chang-Cao, Fan Ren-Chun, Gao Xin-Qi (Corresponding author) (2009) Ubiquitous distribution and different subcellular localization of sorbitol dehydrogenase in fruit and leaf of apple. Journal of Experimental Botany 60: 1025-1034
14.Luo Yan, Liu Yu Bo, Dong Yu Xiu, Gao Xin-Qi, Zhang Xian Sheng (2009) Expression of a putative alfalfa helicase increases tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis by enhancing the capacities for ROS scavenging and osmotic adjustment. Journal of Plant Physiology 166, 385-394
15.Wang Bao, Sang Yalin, Song Jian, Gao Xin-Qi and Zhang Xian Sheng (2009) Expression of a rice OsARGOS gene in Arabidopsis promotes cell division and expansion and increases organ size. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 36: 31-40
16.Gao Xin-Qi, Chen Jing, Wei Peng-Cheng, Ren Fei, Chen Jia, Wang Xue-Chen (2008) Array and distribution of actin filaments in guard cells contribute to the determination of stomatal aperture. Plant Cell Reports 27:1655–1665
17.Gao Xin-Qi, Li Chun-Guang, Wei Peng-Cheng, Zhang Xin-Yan, Chen Jia, Wang Xue-Chen (2005) The dynamic changes of tonoplast in guard cells are important for stomatal movement of Vicia faba. Plant Physiology 139:1207-1216
18.Li Chun-Guang, Chen Qi-Jun, Gao Xin-Qi, Qi Bi-Shu, Chen Nai-Zhi, Xu Shou-Ming, Chen Jia, Wang Xue-Chen (2005) AtHsfA2 modulate expression of stress responsive genes and enhances tolerance to heat and oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Science in China, series C-Life Sciences 48: 531-540
19.高新起,任秋萍,王轉斌(2008)保衛細胞液泡活體標記方法的比較。細胞生物學雜誌,30(3): 411-414
21.高新起 (2005) 種子儲藏蛋白的運輸、積累和基因表達調控. 細胞生物學雜誌. 27(1):35-38
22.高新起,王秀玲,席湘媛 (2002) 蕎麥糊粉層和子葉中貯藏蛋白質積累過程的超微結構. 實驗生物學報 35 (4):283-288
23.高新起,王秀玲 (2002) 蕎麥親和與不親和授粉後柱頭和花粉管中ATP酶的超微細胞化學定位. 實驗生物學報 35 (1):47-53
24.高新起,王秀玲(2002)蕎麥水合花粉和花粉管中的被膜小泡. 雲南植物研究 24 (2): 260-266
25.高新起,席湘媛 (2000) 蕎麥胚和胚乳的發育及貯藏營養物質的積累. 雲南植物研究. 22 (4) : 451~455


