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高成英,女,博士畢業於中山大學信息科學與計算機學院,2015-2016年於加拿大西蒙佛雷澤大學計算機科學與工程系從事研究工作。中山大學數據科學與計算機學院副教授,碩士生導師。在SIGGRAPH Asia、Pacific graphics、ECCV、Computer Graphics Forum、ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 和計算機學報等國內外知名學術期刊和會議上發表學術論文30餘篇。主持國家重點研發計畫子課題、國家自然基金青年科學基金項目及香港科技創新署基金子課題等項目,並參與多個國家自然基金面上項目和廣東省、廣州市科技計畫項目。曾榮獲中國國家教育委員會科技進步一等獎、國家科技進步二等獎等獎項。


  • 中文名:高成英
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:計算機科學與理論
  • 任職院校中山大學


  • 計算機圖形學(三維服裝建模、虛擬試衣和真實感/非真實感渲染)
  • 計算機視覺與圖像處理(草圖理解與生成、圖像修復與顏拒趨姜色遷移)
  • 基於深度學習的新興人工智少乘淚棄能套用



  • 2000.09--2003.12,中山大學,計算機科學與理論專業,博士
  • 1996.09--1999.07,中山大學,計算數學與計算機套用專業,碩士
  • 1992.09--1996.07,西北大學,計算數學與計算機套用專業,本科


  • 2007.07 至今,數據科學與計算機學院,副教授
  • 2001.07--2007.06,中山大學,信息科學與計算機學院,講師
  • 1999.07--2001.06,中山大學,數學學院,助教


  • 2015.09--2016.09,加拿大西門佛雷澤大學計算機承臘科學與工擔獄探程系,訪問學者
  • 2009.07--2009.10:香港理工大民您拘悼學紡織成衣系 訪問學者


  • 廣東省教育教學成果獎(2014)
  • 教育部科技進步一等獎(2008)茅精全
  • 國家科技進步二等獎(2004)
  • 國家教育委員會科技進步一等獎(2000)


  1. 計算機圖形學
  2. 多媒體技術故頸巴
  3. 線性代數
  4. 數據結構


1、Changqing Zou#, Haoran Mo#,Chengying Gao*, Ruofei Du and Hongbo Fu, Language-based Colorization of Scene Sketches, SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 (CCF-A)
3、Qun Niu, Mingkuan Li, Suining He,Chengying Gao*, S. -H. Gary Chan, Xiaonan Luo. Resource-efficient and Automated Image-based Indoor Localization. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks,15, 2, Article 19(2019) (CCF-B)
4、Yirui Cui, Qi Liu,Chengying Gao*, Zhuo Su, FashionGAN: Display your fashion design using Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets, Pacific Graphics 2018, oral, Oct 8th ~ Oct 8th, 2018, Hongkong (CCF-B)
5、Chengying Gao, Mengyue Tang, Xiangguo Liang, Zhou Su, Changqing Zou, PencilArt: A Chromatic Penciling Style Generation Framework, Computer Graphics Forum, Vo. 37, No. 6, 395-409, 2018, (CCF B)
6、Haozhong Cai, Guangyuan Shi,Chengying Gao*, Dong Wang, Automatic 3D Garment Fitting based on Skeleton Driving, 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) 2018 , Oral, Sep 21th~ Sep 22th, 2018, Hefei(CCF-C)
7、Changqing Zou, Qian Yu, Haoran Mo, Ruofei Du, Yi-Zhe Song, Tao Xiang,Chengying Gao, Baoquan Chen, Hao Zhang,SketchyScene: Richly-Annotated Scene Sketches,European Conference on Computer Vision 2018(ECCV 2018), Sep 8th~ Sep 14th, 2018, Munich, Germany(CCF-B)
8、Hefeng Wu,Chengying Gao*, Yirui Cui, Ruomei Wang, Multipoint infrared laser-based detection and tracking for people counting. Neural Computing and Applications 29(5): 1405-1416 (2018) (CCF C)
9、Zhuo Su, Xiangguo Liang, Jiaming Guo,Chengying Gao, Xiaonan Luo, Deep patch-wise colorization model for grayscale images, Neurocomputing,Vol. 311, 305-315, 2018, (中科院JCR SCI 二區)
10、Chengying Gao, Yanmei Luo, Hefeng Wu , Dong Wang, Data-Driven Image Completion for Complex Object, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 57, September 2017, Pages 21-32 (SCI, CCF-C)
11、陳君, 黃立峰,高成英*, 吳賀峰, 基於Gabor小波權值組合的性別識別, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學報, 2015, 27(9):1767-1774
12、Lifeng Huang,Chengying Gao *, Automatic Garment Modeling From Front And Back Images, Pacific Graphics (2014) , Korea, Oct 8 -10 , 2014(CCF-B)
4、Yirui Cui, Qi Liu,Chengying Gao*, Zhuo Su, FashionGAN: Display your fashion design using Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets, Pacific Graphics 2018, oral, Oct 8th ~ Oct 8th, 2018, Hongkong (CCF-B)
5、Chengying Gao, Mengyue Tang, Xiangguo Liang, Zhou Su, Changqing Zou, PencilArt: A Chromatic Penciling Style Generation Framework, Computer Graphics Forum, Vo. 37, No. 6, 395-409, 2018, (CCF B)
6、Haozhong Cai, Guangyuan Shi,Chengying Gao*, Dong Wang, Automatic 3D Garment Fitting based on Skeleton Driving, 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) 2018 , Oral, Sep 21th~ Sep 22th, 2018, Hefei(CCF-C)
7、Changqing Zou, Qian Yu, Haoran Mo, Ruofei Du, Yi-Zhe Song, Tao Xiang,Chengying Gao, Baoquan Chen, Hao Zhang,SketchyScene: Richly-Annotated Scene Sketches,European Conference on Computer Vision 2018(ECCV 2018), Sep 8th~ Sep 14th, 2018, Munich, Germany(CCF-B)
8、Hefeng Wu,Chengying Gao*, Yirui Cui, Ruomei Wang, Multipoint infrared laser-based detection and tracking for people counting. Neural Computing and Applications 29(5): 1405-1416 (2018) (CCF C)
9、Zhuo Su, Xiangguo Liang, Jiaming Guo,Chengying Gao, Xiaonan Luo, Deep patch-wise colorization model for grayscale images, Neurocomputing,Vol. 311, 305-315, 2018, (中科院JCR SCI 二區)
10、Chengying Gao, Yanmei Luo, Hefeng Wu , Dong Wang, Data-Driven Image Completion for Complex Object, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 57, September 2017, Pages 21-32 (SCI, CCF-C)
11、陳君, 黃立峰,高成英*, 吳賀峰, 基於Gabor小波權值組合的性別識別, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學報, 2015, 27(9):1767-1774
12、Lifeng Huang,Chengying Gao *, Automatic Garment Modeling From Front And Back Images, Pacific Graphics (2014) , Korea, Oct 8 -10 , 2014(CCF-B)


