高彥強,男,重慶大學生命科學學院講師。碩博研究生期間主要從事水稻基因組與代謝組的研究。課題組蒐集了水稻品種533份,並且進行基因組重測序以及代謝物的檢測,研究水稻代謝組在自然群體變化的遺傳規律,利用代謝物全基因組關聯分析(mGWAS),鑑定和挖掘基因,利用人工群體重組自交系(RIL)和導入系(IL)以及轉基因,生化的方法驗證定位結果並進行基因的進一步深入功能研究。 目前在李正國教授團隊從事番茄、柑橘相關研究,研究主要集中於對番茄、柑橘進行自然變異的研究,進化過程中番茄存在形成了非常多的自然選擇突變,形成了豐富多彩、形態各異的品種資源。利用基因組 、 轉錄組、蛋白組、代謝組等多種組學相結合,挖掘和解析果實發育以及采後相關基因功的能與代謝途徑,進一步選取有益基因指導分子育種和品種改良。
- 中文名:高彥強
- 畢業院校:華中農業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:植物功能基因組及代謝組
2005.09-2009.07: 山西師範大學 生物技術 學士
2009.07-2015.06: 華中農業大學 生化與分子 博士
2015.07至今 重慶大學
2009.07-2015.06: 華中農業大學 生化與分子 博士
2015.07至今 重慶大學
Gong L#, Chen W#, Gao Y#, Liu X, Zhang H, Xu C, Yu S, Zhang Q*, Luo J*. Genetic analysis of the metabolome exemplified using a rice population. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013, 110, 20320-20325. (IF=9.504,Co-first author )
Wen W#, Li D#, Li X, Gao Y, Li W, Li H, Jie Liu, Liu H, Chen W, Luo J*, Yan J*. Metabolome-based genome-wide association study of maize kernel leads to novel biochemical insights.
Nat Commun, 2014, 5, 3438-3447. (IF=12.353,三作)
Chen W#, Gao Y#, Xie W#, Gong L#, Lu K#, Wang W, Li Y, Liu X, Zhang H, Dong H, Zhang W, Zhang L, Yu S, Wang G, Lian X, Luo J. Genome-wide association analyses provide genetic and biochemical insights into natural variation in rice metabolism. Nat Genet, 2014, 46, 714-721. (IF=27.125, Co-first author)
Dong X, Gao Y, Chen W,Wang W, Gong L, Liu X, Luo J*. Spatio-temporal distribution of phenolamides and the genetics of natural variation of hydroxycinnamoyl spermidine in rice.
Mol Plant 2015,8:111-121. (IF=9.326,二作)
Ewas M, Gao Y, Wang S, Liu X, Zhang H, Nishawy EME, Ali F, Shahzad R, Ziaf K, Subthain H, Martin C, Luo J*. Manipulation of SlMXl for enhanced carotenoids accumulation and drought resistance in tomato. Science Bulletin 2016,10.1007/s11434-016-1108-9 (IF=4.136,二作)
Chen W#, Wang W#, Peng M#, Gong L, Gao Y, Wan J, Wang S, Shi L, Zhou B, Li Z, Peng X, Yang C, Qu L, Liu X, Luo J*. Comparative and parallel genome-wide association studies for metabolic and agronomic traits in cereals. Nat Commun, 2016, In Press. (IF=12.353,三作)
Peng M#, Gao Y#, Chen W#, Wang W, Shen S, Shi J, Wang C, Zhang Y, Zou L, Wang S, Wan J, Liu X, Gong L, Luo J* (2016) Evolutionarily Distinct BAHD N-Acyltransferases Are Responsible for Natural Variation of Aromatic Amine Conjugates in Rice. Plant Cell 28 (7):1533-1550. (IF=8.228,Co-first author)
Ewas M, Gao Y, Ali F, Nishawy EM, Shahzad R, Subthain H, Amar M, Martin C, Luo J: RNA-seq reveals mechanisms of SlMX1 for enhanced carotenoids and terpenoids accumulation along with stress resistance in tomato. Science Bulletin 2017, 62(7):476-485.(IF=4.136,二作)
Li N, Huang B, Tang N, Jian W, Zou J, Chen J, Cao H, Habib S, Dong X, Wei W,Gao Y*,Li Z*: The MADS-Box Gene SlMBP21 Regulates Sepal Size Mediated by Ethylene and Auxin in Tomato. Plant and Cell Physiology 2017, 58(12):2241-2256.(IF=4.059,Corresponding Author)
Zou J, Chen J, Tang N, Gao Y, Hong M, Wei W, Cao H, Jian W, Li N, Deng W et al: Transcriptome analysis of aroma volatile metabolism change in tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) fruit under different storage temperatures and 1-MCP treatment. Postharvest Biol Technol 2018, 135:57-67.(IF=3.112,參與)
Waseem M, Ahmad F, Habib S, Gao Y, Li Z: Genome-wide identification of FK506-binding domain protein gene family, its characterization, and expression analysis in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Gene 2018.(IF=2.498,Corresponding Author)
Gong L#, Chen W#, Gao Y#, Liu X, Zhang H, Xu C, Yu S, Zhang Q*, Luo J*. Genetic analysis of the metabolome exemplified using a rice population. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013, 110, 20320-20325. (IF=9.504,Co-first author )
Wen W#, Li D#, Li X, Gao Y, Li W, Li H, Jie Liu, Liu H, Chen W, Luo J*, Yan J*. Metabolome-based genome-wide association study of maize kernel leads to novel biochemical insights.
Nat Commun, 2014, 5, 3438-3447. (IF=12.353,三作)
Chen W#, Gao Y#, Xie W#, Gong L#, Lu K#, Wang W, Li Y, Liu X, Zhang H, Dong H, Zhang W, Zhang L, Yu S, Wang G, Lian X, Luo J. Genome-wide association analyses provide genetic and biochemical insights into natural variation in rice metabolism. Nat Genet, 2014, 46, 714-721. (IF=27.125, Co-first author)
Dong X, Gao Y, Chen W,Wang W, Gong L, Liu X, Luo J*. Spatio-temporal distribution of phenolamides and the genetics of natural variation of hydroxycinnamoyl spermidine in rice.
Mol Plant 2015,8:111-121. (IF=9.326,二作)
Ewas M, Gao Y, Wang S, Liu X, Zhang H, Nishawy EME, Ali F, Shahzad R, Ziaf K, Subthain H, Martin C, Luo J*. Manipulation of SlMXl for enhanced carotenoids accumulation and drought resistance in tomato. Science Bulletin 2016,10.1007/s11434-016-1108-9 (IF=4.136,二作)
Chen W#, Wang W#, Peng M#, Gong L, Gao Y, Wan J, Wang S, Shi L, Zhou B, Li Z, Peng X, Yang C, Qu L, Liu X, Luo J*. Comparative and parallel genome-wide association studies for metabolic and agronomic traits in cereals. Nat Commun, 2016, In Press. (IF=12.353,三作)
Peng M#, Gao Y#, Chen W#, Wang W, Shen S, Shi J, Wang C, Zhang Y, Zou L, Wang S, Wan J, Liu X, Gong L, Luo J* (2016) Evolutionarily Distinct BAHD N-Acyltransferases Are Responsible for Natural Variation of Aromatic Amine Conjugates in Rice. Plant Cell 28 (7):1533-1550. (IF=8.228,Co-first author)
Ewas M, Gao Y, Ali F, Nishawy EM, Shahzad R, Subthain H, Amar M, Martin C, Luo J: RNA-seq reveals mechanisms of SlMX1 for enhanced carotenoids and terpenoids accumulation along with stress resistance in tomato. Science Bulletin 2017, 62(7):476-485.(IF=4.136,二作)
Li N, Huang B, Tang N, Jian W, Zou J, Chen J, Cao H, Habib S, Dong X, Wei W,Gao Y*,Li Z*: The MADS-Box Gene SlMBP21 Regulates Sepal Size Mediated by Ethylene and Auxin in Tomato. Plant and Cell Physiology 2017, 58(12):2241-2256.(IF=4.059,Corresponding Author)
Zou J, Chen J, Tang N, Gao Y, Hong M, Wei W, Cao H, Jian W, Li N, Deng W et al: Transcriptome analysis of aroma volatile metabolism change in tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) fruit under different storage temperatures and 1-MCP treatment. Postharvest Biol Technol 2018, 135:57-67.(IF=3.112,參與)
Waseem M, Ahmad F, Habib S, Gao Y, Li Z: Genome-wide identification of FK506-binding domain protein gene family, its characterization, and expression analysis in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Gene 2018.(IF=2.498,Corresponding Author)
重慶市社會事業與民生保障科技創新專項任務書(子課題主持 2016-2019年,30萬)
重慶市社會事業與民生保障科技創新專項任務書(子課題主持 2016-2019年,30萬)