- 中文名:高佩婷
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:最最佳化算法及套用
- 任職院校:太原理工大學大數據學院
- 職稱:講師
在國外高水平學術期刊上發表 SCI 論文 4 篇,其中兩篇 2 區(一作),一篇 3 區(一作),一篇 2 區(三作)。
Peiting Gao, Chuanjiang He. A derivative-free three-term projection algorithm involving spectral quotient for solving nonlinear monotone equations. Optimization, 2018, 67(10): 1631-1648.(SCI,1.206,三區)
Peiting Gao, Chuanjiang He. An efficient three-term conjugate gradient method for nonlinear monotone equations with convex constraints. Calcolo, 2018, doi:10.1007/s10092-018-0291-2. (SCI,1.981,二區)
Peiting Gao, Chuanjiang He, Yang Liu. An adaptive family of projection methods for constrained monotone nonlinear equations with applications. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 359:1-16.(SCI,3.092,二區)
Yang Liu, Chuanjiang He, Peiting Gao, Yongfei Wu, Zemin Ren. A binary level set variational model with L1 data term for image segmentation. Signal Processing,2019, 155: 193-201.(SCI,4.086,二區)