
◆ 1996-2001,喬治亞大學計算機科學,博士
◆ 1993-1995,華中科技大學計算機科學,碩士
◆ 1989-1993,華中科技大學計算機科學,學士
◆ 2014-至今,南方科技大學副教授
◆ 2003-2014,香港大學電子商業科技研究所高級研究員
◆ 2001-2003,美國IBM華生研究院研究員
◆ 廈門大學客座教授
◆ IEEE ICEBE Best Paper Award
◆ RFID Assisted Object Tracking for Automating Manufacturing Assembly Lines
◆ IEEE RFID-TA Best Paper Award Nominee
◆ SAW RFID Enabled Multi-functional Sensors for Food Safety Applications,
◆ IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technology and Applications - RFID-TA , 2010
1. Big data and Predictive Analytics in Humanitarian Supply Chains:Enabling Visibility and Coordination in the Presence of Swift Trust, International Journal of Logistics Management. 2017
2.Dynamics of Environmental Consciousness and Green Purchase Behavior :An Empirical Study, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 2017
3. A Liner Shipping Competitive Model with Consideration of Service Quality Management. Annals of Operations Research, 2016
4. A theoretical model of Jump Diffusion-Mean Reversion – Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance strategy under the presence of transactioncost and stochastic floor.Business Process Management Journal, 2016
5.Pricing and bargaining strategy of e-retail under hybrid operational patterns.Annals of Operations Research, 2016
6.A Bibliographic Study on Big Data: Concepts, Trends and Challenges.Business Process Management Journal,2016
7. Smart Manufacturing Innovation and Transformation: Interconnection and Intelligence, IGI Global, 2014
8. Mechanism Design for Sustainability: Techniques and Cases, Springer, March 2013
9. Supply Chain Management and Logistics Innovation for Dynamic Economy, IGI Global, March 2012
10. Advanced Analytics for Sustainable Economic Development: Supply Chain Models and Financial Technologies, IGI Global 2011
11.Green Finance and Sustainability: Environmentally-Aware Business Models and Technologies, IGI Global 2011
12.Service Science and Logistics Informatics: Innovative Perspectives, IGI Global 2010


