- 中文名:馮濟
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1977年
學士(2000)新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)。
碩士(2003)新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)。
博士(2007)康奈爾大學(Cornell University)。
2007-2009博士後,哈佛大學化學系(Department of Chemistry, Harvard University)。
2009-2011博士後,賓夕法尼亞大學材料系 (Department of Materials Science,University of Pennsylvania)。
2011-副教授,北京大學量子材料中心 (International Center for Quantum Materials, Peking University)。
馮濟小組採用計算手段來解決材料研究的前沿問題,該小組結合經典和量子模型研究凝聚態物質的力學、電學、光學、輸運、化學性質等一系列廣泛的課題。發表論文有Nature 1篇,Physical Review Letters 2篇,Nature Communications 1 篇,以及其它國際著名刊物。近期研究成果有單層二硫化鉬的谷選擇圓偏振光吸收性質的研究,發表在《自然-通訊》上,這項研究工作首次從理論上預言,並從實驗上證實了單層二硫化鉬的谷選擇圓偏振光吸收性質,這一結果對新一代電子學—谷電子學的發展意義重大。主要論文如下。
13. “Patterning of graphene”. Ji Feng, Xiaofeng Qian, Wenbin Li, Liang Qi, Jingshan Qi, & Ju Li*. Nanoscale(2012), to appear.
12. “Valley-selective circular dichroism in monolayer molybdenum disulphide”. Ting Cao, Gang Wang,Wenpeng Han, Huiqi Ye, Chuanrui Zhu, Junren Shi, Qian Niu, Pingheng Tan, Enge Wang*, Baoli Liu &Ji Feng*. Nature Communications, 3, 887 (2012).
11. “Influence of water on the electronic structure of metal-supported graphene: Insights from van der Waalsdensity functional theory”. Xiao Li, Ji Feng*, Enge Wang, S. Meng, Jiri Klimes & Angelos Michaelides,Physical Review B 85, 085425 (2012).
10. “Strain engineered artificial atom as a broad-spectrum solar energy funnel”. Ji Feng, Xiaofeng Qian, C.-W. Huang, & Ju Li*, Nature Photonics. (under review), (2012).
9. “Adsorption of hydrogen on the interface of a graphene/boron nitride hybrid atomic membrane”. TingCao, Ji Feng*, & Eenge Wang, Physical Review B 84, 205447 (2011).
8. "Double-diamond NaAl via pressure: Understanding structure through Jones zone activation". Ji Feng, Roald Hoffmann*, & Neil W. Ashcroft, Journal of Chemical Physics 132, 114106 (2010).
7. "Geometric and electronic structure of graphene bilayer edges". Ji Feng, Liang Qi, Jianyu Huang, & Ju Li*, Physical Review B 80, 165407 (2009).
6. "Emergent reduction of electronic state dimensionality in dense ordered Li-Be alloys". Ji Feng, Richard G.Hennig, Neil W. Ashcroft*, & Roald Hoffmann*, Nature 451, 445 (2008).
5. "The chemical imagination at work in very tight places". (Review article) W. Grochala*, R. Hoffmann*, Ji Feng*, & Neil W. Ashcroft*, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 46, 3620 (2007).
4. "Theoretical indications of singular structural and electronic features of laves-phase CaLi2 under pressure". Ji Feng, Neil W. Ashcroft*, Roald Hoffmann*, Physical Review Letters 98, 247002 (2007).
3. "Structures and potential superconductivity in SiH4 at high pressure": En route to "metallic hydrogen". JiFeng, Wojciech Grochala, Tomacz Jaron, Roald Hoffmann*, A. Bergara, & Neil W. Ashcroft*, PhysicalReview Letters 96, 017006 (2006).
2. "Reduction and reconstruction of CO3O4 nanocubes upon carbon deposition". Ji Feng & Hua ChunZeng*, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 17113 (2005).
1. "Size-controlled growth of Co3O4 nanocubes". Ji Feng & Hua Chun Zeng*, Chemistry of Materials 15, 2829(2003).
2007, Cornell University, Wentink Outstanding Graduate Student Award。
2006, Cornell Univeristy, Howard Neal Wachter Memorial Prize。