
馮勇是武漢大學基礎醫學院的副教授,畢業於武漢大學生命科學學院生物化學專業 。

學科專業: 病原生物學
研究方向: 病毒感染與致病機制
2002.9 -2007.6 武漢大學生命科學學院微生物學專業 碩博連讀
1995.9 -1999.6 武漢大學生命科學學院生物化學專業 本科
2012.11 – 武漢大學基礎醫學院病原生物學系 副教授
2010.02 – 2012.01 Dep. of Pharmacology, University of Minnesota, U.S.A. Postdoctoral Academic Staff
2009.11 – 2012.11 武漢大學基礎醫學院病原生物學系 講師
2007.08 – 2009.11 武漢大學基礎醫學院病原生物學系 助教
① HIV感染及其致病機理:主要關注HIV-1潛伏感染狀態下的基因表達,特別是miRNA表達譜與基因表達譜的互動作用。細胞miRNA調控大量基因,參與病毒感染及宿主抗病毒過程,潛伏感染或持續性感染狀態下,細胞miRNA與細胞的基因、病毒自身基因存在大量互作,並保持一定的平衡。目前“HIV-1自身編碼的miRNA參與HIV-1感染及致病機制研究”獲得國家自然科學基金等資助。
② 利用小分子調控病毒複製:主要目標是嘗試利用多肽、小分子RNA等干擾病毒感染和複製。病毒吸附、基因組複製轉錄、包括轉錄本切割等多個步驟均涉及小分子參與,可利用關鍵分子進行病毒複製抑制干預和複製增強幹預。
Research Interests
Dr. Yong Feng and colleagues are engaged in research into the mechanism of viral infection and gene regulation. Many of the miRNAs together with plenty of genes are involved in viral infection and its pathogenesis. We focus on these miRNA profiles, gene regulation profiles, and the complexity between these two systems. Projects are supported by NSFC, Ministry of Education (P.R.C.) and Health Department of Hubei. Ongoing efforts are seeking to: 1) probe the influence of the HIV-1 encoded miRNAs during viral infection, particularly in latent infection; 2) apply small molecules such as small RNAs and peptides to regulate viral replication.
1.Feng Y, Zhang X, Graves P, Zeng Y. A comprehensive analysis of precursor microRNA cleavage by human Dicer. RNA. 2012 Nov;18(11):2083-92. (IF: 5.095)
2.Feng Y, Zhang XX, Song QF, Li TB, Zeng Y. Drosha processing controls the specificity and efficiency of global microRNA expression. 2011. Biochim Biophys Acta 1809, 700-707. (IF: 4.405)
3.Li W, Yang F, Liu Y, Gong R, Feng Y, Liu L, Hu P, Sun W, Kang L, Hao Q, Wu JG, Zhu Y. Negative feedback regulation of IL-32 production by iNOS activation in response to dsRNA or influenza virus infection. Eur J Immunol. 2009, 39(4): 1019-24. (IF:5.103)
4.Feng Y, Wang SQ, Luo FL, Ruan Y, Kang L, Xiang XH, Chao T, Peng GQ, Zhu CL, Mu YX, Zhang XL, and Wu JG. A novel recombinant bacterial vaccine strain expressing dual viral antigens induces multiple immune responses to the Gag and gp120 proteins of HIV-1 in immunized mice. Antiviral Res,2008, 80: 272-279. (IF: 4.301)
5.Peng GQ, Yan Y, Zhu CL, Wang SQ, Yan XH, Lu LL, Li W, Hu J, Wei W, Mu YX, Chen YN, Feng Y, Gong R, Wu KL, Zhang FM, Zhang XL, Zhu Y, and Wu JG. Borna disease virus P protein affects neural transmission through interacting with gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-associated protein. J. Virol., 2008, 82 (24): 12487-12497. (IF: 5.402)
6.Luo FL#, Feng Y#, Liu M, Li PF, Pan Q, Jeza VT, Xia B, Wu JG, and Zhang XL. Type IVB pilus operon promoter controlling expression of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus nucleocapsid gene in salmonella enterica serovar typhi elicits full immune response by intranasal vaccination. Clin. Vaccine Immunol, 2007, 14(8): 990-997. (IF: 2.546) (# co-first author)
7.Li PF, Wan Q, Feng Y, Liu M, Wu JG, Chen XW, Zhang XL. Engineering of N-glycosylation of hepatitis C virus envelope protein E2 enhances T cell responses for DNA immunization. Vaccine. 2007, 25: 1544-1551. (IF: 3.766).


