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  • 中文名:馬洪雨
  • 外文名:Hongyu Ma
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:南京農業大學
  • 主要成就:江蘇省高校大型儀器共享服務工作先進個人




1、國家自然科學基金青年項目,31801778、灰葡萄孢菌(Botrytis cinerea)對氟啶胺抗藥性分子機制、2019/01-2021/12、主持
1. Hongyu Ma, Cong Sheng, Lulu Qiao, Hongwei Zhao, Dongdong Niu. A comparative proteomic approach to identify defence-related proteins between resistant and susceptible rice cultivars challenged with the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Plant Growth Regulation, 2020, 90:73-88.
2. Siyuan Lin, Pingping Nie, Shaochen Ding, Liyu Zheng, Chen chen, Rui ying Feng, Lin Wang, Jianan Wang, Ziwei Fang, Shaoxia Zhou, Hongyu Ma and Hongwei Zhao. Quantitative proteomic analysis provides insights into rice defense mechanisms against Magnaporthe oryzae. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018,19(7):1950-1965. (Co-Correspondence Author)
3. Hongyu Ma, Liru Song, Yingjie Shu, Shuang Wang, Juan Niu, Zhankui Wang, Tian Yu, Weihong Gu, Hao Ma. Comparative proteomic analysis of seedling leaves of different salt tolerant soybean genotypes. Journal of Proteomics, 2012,75(5):1529-1546.
4. Hongyu Ma, Ruifang Yang, Zhankui Wang, Tian Yu, Yuying Jia, Hanyan Gu, Xiansheng Wang, Hao Ma. Screening of salinity tolerant jute (Corchorus Capsularis& C. Olitorius) genotypes via phenotypic and phsiology-assisted procedures. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2011,43(6):2655-2660.
5. Hongyu Ma, Liru Song, Zhigang Huang, Yan Yang, Shuang Wang, Zhankui Wang, Jianhua Tong, Weihong Gu, Hao Ma, Langtao Xiao. Comparative proteomic analysis reveals molecular mechanism of seedling roots of different salt tolerant soybean genotypes in responses to salinity stress. Eupa Open Proteomics, 2014,4:40-57.
6. Hongyu Ma, Ruifang Yang, Liru Song, Yan Yang, Zhankui Wang, Tian Yu, Cai Ren, Hao Ma. Differential proteomic ananlysis of salt stress response in jute (Corchorus capsularis& olitorius L.) seedling roots. Pak.J.Bot., 2015,47(2):385-396.
7. Maofeng Jing, Hongyu Ma, Haiyang Li, Baodian Guo, Xin Zhang, Wenwu Ye, Haonan Wang, Qiuxia Wang, Yuanchao Wang. Differential regulation of defense-related proteins in soybean during compatible and incompatible interactions between Phytophthora sojae and soybean by comparative proteomic analysis. Plant Cell Rep., 2015,34:1263-1280. (Co-First Author)
8. Ai-Liang Jiang, Yong-Nan Liu, Rui Liu, Ang Ren, Hong-Yu Ma, Lie-Bo Shu, Liang Shi, Jing Zhu, and Ming-Wen Zhao. Integrated proteomics and metabolomics analysis provides insights into ganoderic acid biosynthesis in response to methyl jasmonate in Ganoderma Lucidum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019,20, 6116-6187.
9. Zhijun Wu, Hongyu Ma, Jing Zhuang. iTRAQ-based proteomics monitors the withering dynamics in postharvest leaves of tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Mol Genet Genomics, 2018,293:45-59.
10. Ying Huang, Hongyu Ma, Wei Huang, Feng Wang, Zhi sheng Xu, Aisheng Xiong. Comparative proteomic analysis provides novel insight into the interaction between resistant vs susceptible tomato cultivars and TYLCV infection. BMC Plant Biology, 2016,16:1-21.
11. Haifeng Zhang, Hongyu Ma, Xin Xie, Jun Ji, Yanhan Dong, YanDu, Wei Tang, Xiaobo Zheng, Ping Wang, and Zhengguang Zhang. Comparative proteomic analyses reveal that the regulators of G-protein signaling proteins regulate amino acid metabolism of the rice blast fungusMagnaporthe oryzae. Proteomics, 2014,14:2508-2522.
12. Huang W, Ma H Y, Huang Y, Li Y, Wang G L, Jiang Q, Wang F, Xiong A S. Comparative proteomic analysis provides novel insights into chlorophyII biosynthesis in celery under temperature stress. Physiologia Plantarum, 2017, 8:1-15.
13. Ruimin Teng, Zhijun Wu, Hongyu Ma, Yongxin Wang and Jing Zhuang. Differentially expressed protein are involved in dynamic changes of catechins contents in postharvest tea leaves under different temperatures. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019,67:7547-7560.
14. Anna Kulinich, Si Liu, Hongyu Ma, Yongmei Lv, Li Liu, Josef Voglmeir. Identification and characterization of two novel Alpha-D-Galactosidases from Pedobacter heparinus. Protein & Peptide Letters, 2015, 22, 1052-1059.
15. Han Chen, Haidong Shu, Liyuan Wang, Fan Zhang, Xi Li, Sylvans ochieng Ochola, Fei Mao, Hongyu Ma, Wenwu Ye, Tingting Gu, Lubin Jiang, Yufeng Wu, Yuanchao Wang, Sophien Kamoun and Suomeng Dong. Phytophthora methylomes are modulated by 6mA methyltransferases and associated with adaptive genome regions. Genome Biology, 2018,19:181-197.
16. Wei Ma, Xueying Guan, Jie Li, Ronghui Pan, Luyao Wang, Fengjun Liu, Hongyu Ma, Shuijin Zhu, Jin Hu, Yongling Ruan, Xiaoya Chen and Tianzhen Zhang. Mitochondrial small heat shock protein mediates seed germination via thermal sensing. PNAS, 2019,116(10):4716-4721.
17. Xin Qian, Qing Xiang, Tongqing Yang, Hongyu Ma, Xinshun Ding and Xiaorong Tao. Molecular co-chaperone SGT1 is critical for cell-to-cell movement and systemic infection of Tomato spotted wilt virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Viruses, 2018,10 (11):647-662.
18. Qianqian Wang, Shuai Liu, Chong Lu, Yumei La, Jie Dai, Hongyu Ma, Shaoxia Zhou, Feng Tan, Xiangyu Wang, Yufeng Wu, Weiwen Kong and Honggui La. Roles of CRWN-family proteins in protecting genomic DNA against oxidative damage. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2019,233:20-30.
19. Shu Xu, Jianying Luo, Xiayan Pan, Xiaoyu Liang, Jian Wu, Wenjun Zheng, Changjun Chen, Yiping Hou, Hongyu Ma, Mingguo Zhou. Proteome analysis of the plant-pathogenic bacteriumXanthomonas oryzaepv.oryzae. BBA-Proteins and Proteomics, 2013, 1834:1660-1670.
20.Ting Wang, Zhi P. Cai, Xiao Q. Gu, Hong Y. Ma, Ya M. Du, Kun Huang, Josef V, and Li Liu. Discovery and characterization of a novel extremely acidic bacterial N-glycanase with combined advantages of PNGase F and A. Bioscience Reports, 2014,34(6):672-684.
21.Yan Du, Li Hong, Wei Tang, Lianwei Li, Xiaoli Wang, Hongyu Ma, Zhengyi Wang, Haifeng Zhang, Xiaobo Zheng, Zhengguang Zhang. Threonine deaminase MoIlv1 is important for conidiogenesis and pathogenesis in the rice blast fungusMagnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2014,73:53-60.
22. Xu C Duan, Ai M Lu, Bin Gu, Zhi P Cai, Hong Y Ma, Shuang Wei, Pedro Laborda, Li Liu, Josef Voglmeir. Functional characterization of the UDP-xylose biosynthesis pathway in Rhodothermus marinus. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 2015,99:9463-9472.
23. Xiansheng Wang, Ying Liu, Yuying Jia, Hanyan Gu, Hongyu Ma, Tian Yu, Hua Zhang, Quanjia Chen, Lin Ma, Aixing Gu, Jusong Zhang, Shubing Shi, Hao Ma. Transcriptional responses to drought stress in root and leaf of chickpea seedling. Mol Biol Rep., 2012,39(8):8147-8158.
24. Hanpeng Liao, Haiping Zheng, Shuixian Li, Zhong Wei, Xinlan Mei, Hongyu Ma, Qirong Shen, Yangchun Xu. Functional diversity and properties of multiple xylanases from Penicillium oxalicum GZ-2. Scientific Reports, 2015,5:12631.
25. Ya M Du, Tian Xia, Xiao Q GU, Ting Wang, Hong Y Ma, Josef Voglmeir, Li Liu. Rapid sample preparation methodology for plant N-Glycan analysis using acid-stable PNGase H. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015,63:10550-10555.
26. Kun Huang, Mao M Wang, Anna Kulinich, Hong L Yao, Hong Y Ma, Juana E R Martinez, Xu C Duan, Huan Chen, Zhi P Cai, Sabine L Flitsch, Li Liu, Josef Voglmeir. Biochemical characterization of the neuraminidase pool of the human gut symbiont Akkermansia muciniphila. Carbohydrate Research, 2015,415:60-65.
27. Zhenyou Zou, Mengjie Ni, Jing Zhang, Yongfeng Chen, Hongyu Ma, Shihan Qian, Longhua Tang, Jiamei Tang, Hailun Yao, Chengbin Zhao, Xiongwen Lu, Hongyang Sun, Jue Qian, Xiaoting Mao, Xulin Lu, Qun Liu, Juping Zen, Hanbing Wu, Zhaosheng Bao, Shudan Lin, Hongyu Sheng, Yunlong Li, Yong Liang, Zhiqiang Chen, Dan Zong. miR-30a can inhibit DNA replication by targeting RPA1 thus slowing cancer cell proliferation. Biochemical Journal, 2016,473(14):2131-9.
28. Zhisheng Xu, Jing Ma, Feng Wang, Hongyu Ma, Qiuxia Wang, Aisheng Xiong. Identification and characterization of DcUCGalT1, a galactosyltransferase responsible for anthocyanin galactosylation in purple carrot (Daucus carota L.). taproots. Scientific Reports, 2016,6:27356.
29. Chun Liu, Fenfen Cheng, Yingen Sun, Hongyu Ma, Xiaoquan Yang. Structure-function relationship of a Novel PR-5 Protein with antimicrobial activity from soy hulls. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016,64:948-959.
30. Shengkun Li, Dangdang Li, Taifeng Xiao, Shasha Zhang, Zehua Song, Hongyu Ma. Design, synthesis, fungicidal activity, and unexpected docking model of the first chiral boscalid analogues containing oxazolines. Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64, 8927-8934.
31. Y.Zhang, W. Chen, W. Shao, J. Wang, C. Lv, H. Ma and C. Chen. Molecular, biological and physiological characterizations of resistance to phenamacril in Fusarium graminearum. Plant Pathology, 2017, 4: 1-9.
32. Yuan-Qin Min, Xu-Chu Duan, Yi-Dan Zhou, Anna Kulinich, Wang Meng, Zhi-Peng Cai, Hong-Yu Ma, Li Liu, Xiao-Lian Zhang and Josef Voglmeir. Effects of microvirin monomers and oligomers on hepatitis C virus. Bioscience Reports, 2017, 37: 1-9.
33. Su-Yan Wang, Pedro Laborda, Ai-Min Lu, Xu-Chu Duan,Hong-Yu Ma, Li Liu and Josef Voglmeir. N-acetylglucosamine 2-Epimerase from Pedobacter heparinus: first experimental evidence of a deprotonation/reprotonation mechanism. Catalysts, 2016, 212 (6): 1-16.
34. S Liu, A Kulinich, Z P Cai, H Y Ma, Y M Du, Y M Lv, L Liu and Josef Voglmeir. The fucosidase-pool of Emticicia oligotrophica: biochemical characterisation and transfucosylation potential. Glycobiology, 2016, 28(8): 871-879.
35. Chun Liu, Fenfen Cheng, Xiao Liu, Hongyu Ma, Xiaoquan Yang. Improved extraction of disulphide-rich bioactive proteins from soya hulls: characterization of a novel aspartic proteinase. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016,51(6):1509-1515.
36.馬洪雨, 王占奎, 俞闐, 楊立明, 王顯生, 麻浩. 適用於黃麻根部蛋白質組學分析的雙向電泳技術, 西北植物學報, 2010,30(1): 0195-0202.
37.馬洪雨, 王瑞君, 王顯生, 麻浩. 黃麻種質芽期和苗期耐鹽性的鑑定與評價, 植物遺傳資源學報, 植物遺傳資源學報, 2009,10(2):236-243.
3.麻浩,王占奎,顧愛星,葛傑,馬洪雨,苑煒.鷹嘴豆種子種蛋白類型α-澱粉酶抑制劑的提取分離方法.(專利號 201210500059.8)




1. Hongyu Ma, Cong Sheng, Lulu Qiao, Hongwei Zhao, Dongdong Niu. A comparative proteomic approach to identify defence-related proteins between resistant and susceptible rice cultivars challenged with the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Plant Growth Regulation, 2020, 90:73-88.
2. Siyuan Lin, Pingping Nie, Shaochen Ding, Liyu Zheng, Chen chen, Rui ying Feng, Lin Wang, Jianan Wang, Ziwei Fang, Shaoxia Zhou, Hongyu Ma and Hongwei Zhao. Quantitative proteomic analysis provides insights into rice defense mechanisms against Magnaporthe oryzae. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018,19(7):1950-1965. (Co-Correspondence Author)
3. Hongyu Ma, Liru Song, Yingjie Shu, Shuang Wang, Juan Niu, Zhankui Wang, Tian Yu, Weihong Gu, Hao Ma. Comparative proteomic analysis of seedling leaves of different salt tolerant soybean genotypes. Journal of Proteomics, 2012,75(5):1529-1546.
4. Hongyu Ma, Ruifang Yang, Zhankui Wang, Tian Yu, Yuying Jia, Hanyan Gu, Xiansheng Wang, Hao Ma. Screening of salinity tolerant jute (Corchorus Capsularis& C. Olitorius) genotypes via phenotypic and phsiology-assisted procedures. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2011,43(6):2655-2660.
5. Hongyu Ma, Liru Song, Zhigang Huang, Yan Yang, Shuang Wang, Zhankui Wang, Jianhua Tong, Weihong Gu, Hao Ma, Langtao Xiao. Comparative proteomic analysis reveals molecular mechanism of seedling roots of different salt tolerant soybean genotypes in responses to salinity stress. Eupa Open Proteomics, 2014,4:40-57.
6. Hongyu Ma, Ruifang Yang, Liru Song, Yan Yang, Zhankui Wang, Tian Yu, Cai Ren, Hao Ma. Differential proteomic ananlysis of salt stress response in jute (Corchorus capsularis& olitorius L.) seedling roots. Pak.J.Bot., 2015,47(2):385-396.
7. Maofeng Jing, Hongyu Ma, Haiyang Li, Baodian Guo, Xin Zhang, Wenwu Ye, Haonan Wang, Qiuxia Wang, Yuanchao Wang. Differential regulation of defense-related proteins in soybean during compatible and incompatible interactions between Phytophthora sojae and soybean by comparative proteomic analysis. Plant Cell Rep., 2015,34:1263-1280. (Co-First Author)
8. Ai-Liang Jiang, Yong-Nan Liu, Rui Liu, Ang Ren, Hong-Yu Ma, Lie-Bo Shu, Liang Shi, Jing Zhu, and Ming-Wen Zhao. Integrated proteomics and metabolomics analysis provides insights into ganoderic acid biosynthesis in response to methyl jasmonate in Ganoderma Lucidum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019,20, 6116-6187.
9. Zhijun Wu, Hongyu Ma, Jing Zhuang. iTRAQ-based proteomics monitors the withering dynamics in postharvest leaves of tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Mol Genet Genomics, 2018,293:45-59.
10. Ying Huang, Hongyu Ma, Wei Huang, Feng Wang, Zhi sheng Xu, Aisheng Xiong. Comparative proteomic analysis provides novel insight into the interaction between resistant vs susceptible tomato cultivars and TYLCV infection. BMC Plant Biology, 2016,16:1-21.
11. Haifeng Zhang, Hongyu Ma, Xin Xie, Jun Ji, Yanhan Dong, YanDu, Wei Tang, Xiaobo Zheng, Ping Wang, and Zhengguang Zhang. Comparative proteomic analyses reveal that the regulators of G-protein signaling proteins regulate amino acid metabolism of the rice blast fungusMagnaporthe oryzae. Proteomics, 2014,14:2508-2522.
12. Huang W, Ma H Y, Huang Y, Li Y, Wang G L, Jiang Q, Wang F, Xiong A S. Comparative proteomic analysis provides novel insights into chlorophyII biosynthesis in celery under temperature stress. Physiologia Plantarum, 2017, 8:1-15.
13. Ruimin Teng, Zhijun Wu, Hongyu Ma, Yongxin Wang and Jing Zhuang. Differentially expressed protein are involved in dynamic changes of catechins contents in postharvest tea leaves under different temperatures. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019,67:7547-7560.
14. Anna Kulinich, Si Liu, Hongyu Ma, Yongmei Lv, Li Liu, Josef Voglmeir. Identification and characterization of two novel Alpha-D-Galactosidases from Pedobacter heparinus. Protein & Peptide Letters, 2015, 22, 1052-1059.
15. Han Chen, Haidong Shu, Liyuan Wang, Fan Zhang, Xi Li, Sylvans ochieng Ochola, Fei Mao, Hongyu Ma, Wenwu Ye, Tingting Gu, Lubin Jiang, Yufeng Wu, Yuanchao Wang, Sophien Kamoun and Suomeng Dong. Phytophthora methylomes are modulated by 6mA methyltransferases and associated with adaptive genome regions. Genome Biology, 2018,19:181-197.
16. Wei Ma, Xueying Guan, Jie Li, Ronghui Pan, Luyao Wang, Fengjun Liu, Hongyu Ma, Shuijin Zhu, Jin Hu, Yongling Ruan, Xiaoya Chen and Tianzhen Zhang. Mitochondrial small heat shock protein mediates seed germination via thermal sensing. PNAS, 2019,116(10):4716-4721.
17. Xin Qian, Qing Xiang, Tongqing Yang, Hongyu Ma, Xinshun Ding and Xiaorong Tao. Molecular co-chaperone SGT1 is critical for cell-to-cell movement and systemic infection of Tomato spotted wilt virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Viruses, 2018,10 (11):647-662.
18. Qianqian Wang, Shuai Liu, Chong Lu, Yumei La, Jie Dai, Hongyu Ma, Shaoxia Zhou, Feng Tan, Xiangyu Wang, Yufeng Wu, Weiwen Kong and Honggui La. Roles of CRWN-family proteins in protecting genomic DNA against oxidative damage. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2019,233:20-30.
19. Shu Xu, Jianying Luo, Xiayan Pan, Xiaoyu Liang, Jian Wu, Wenjun Zheng, Changjun Chen, Yiping Hou, Hongyu Ma, Mingguo Zhou. Proteome analysis of the plant-pathogenic bacteriumXanthomonas oryzaepv.oryzae. BBA-Proteins and Proteomics, 2013, 1834:1660-1670.
20.Ting Wang, Zhi P. Cai, Xiao Q. Gu, Hong Y. Ma, Ya M. Du, Kun Huang, Josef V, and Li Liu. Discovery and characterization of a novel extremely acidic bacterial N-glycanase with combined advantages of PNGase F and A. Bioscience Reports, 2014,34(6):672-684.
21.Yan Du, Li Hong, Wei Tang, Lianwei Li, Xiaoli Wang, Hongyu Ma, Zhengyi Wang, Haifeng Zhang, Xiaobo Zheng, Zhengguang Zhang. Threonine deaminase MoIlv1 is important for conidiogenesis and pathogenesis in the rice blast fungusMagnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2014,73:53-60.
22. Xu C Duan, Ai M Lu, Bin Gu, Zhi P Cai, Hong Y Ma, Shuang Wei, Pedro Laborda, Li Liu, Josef Voglmeir. Functional characterization of the UDP-xylose biosynthesis pathway in Rhodothermus marinus. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 2015,99:9463-9472.
23. Xiansheng Wang, Ying Liu, Yuying Jia, Hanyan Gu, Hongyu Ma, Tian Yu, Hua Zhang, Quanjia Chen, Lin Ma, Aixing Gu, Jusong Zhang, Shubing Shi, Hao Ma. Transcriptional responses to drought stress in root and leaf of chickpea seedling. Mol Biol Rep., 2012,39(8):8147-8158.
24. Hanpeng Liao, Haiping Zheng, Shuixian Li, Zhong Wei, Xinlan Mei, Hongyu Ma, Qirong Shen, Yangchun Xu. Functional diversity and properties of multiple xylanases from Penicillium oxalicum GZ-2. Scientific Reports, 2015,5:12631.
25. Ya M Du, Tian Xia, Xiao Q GU, Ting Wang, Hong Y Ma, Josef Voglmeir, Li Liu. Rapid sample preparation methodology for plant N-Glycan analysis using acid-stable PNGase H. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015,63:10550-10555.
26. Kun Huang, Mao M Wang, Anna Kulinich, Hong L Yao, Hong Y Ma, Juana E R Martinez, Xu C Duan, Huan Chen, Zhi P Cai, Sabine L Flitsch, Li Liu, Josef Voglmeir. Biochemical characterization of the neuraminidase pool of the human gut symbiont Akkermansia muciniphila. Carbohydrate Research, 2015,415:60-65.
27. Zhenyou Zou, Mengjie Ni, Jing Zhang, Yongfeng Chen, Hongyu Ma, Shihan Qian, Longhua Tang, Jiamei Tang, Hailun Yao, Chengbin Zhao, Xiongwen Lu, Hongyang Sun, Jue Qian, Xiaoting Mao, Xulin Lu, Qun Liu, Juping Zen, Hanbing Wu, Zhaosheng Bao, Shudan Lin, Hongyu Sheng, Yunlong Li, Yong Liang, Zhiqiang Chen, Dan Zong. miR-30a can inhibit DNA replication by targeting RPA1 thus slowing cancer cell proliferation. Biochemical Journal, 2016,473(14):2131-9.
28. Zhisheng Xu, Jing Ma, Feng Wang, Hongyu Ma, Qiuxia Wang, Aisheng Xiong. Identification and characterization of DcUCGalT1, a galactosyltransferase responsible for anthocyanin galactosylation in purple carrot (Daucus carota L.). taproots. Scientific Reports, 2016,6:27356.
29. Chun Liu, Fenfen Cheng, Yingen Sun, Hongyu Ma, Xiaoquan Yang. Structure-function relationship of a Novel PR-5 Protein with antimicrobial activity from soy hulls. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016,64:948-959.
30. Shengkun Li, Dangdang Li, Taifeng Xiao, Shasha Zhang, Zehua Song, Hongyu Ma. Design, synthesis, fungicidal activity, and unexpected docking model of the first chiral boscalid analogues containing oxazolines. Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64, 8927-8934.
31. Y.Zhang, W. Chen, W. Shao, J. Wang, C. Lv, H. Ma and C. Chen. Molecular, biological and physiological characterizations of resistance to phenamacril in Fusarium graminearum. Plant Pathology, 2017, 4: 1-9.
32. Yuan-Qin Min, Xu-Chu Duan, Yi-Dan Zhou, Anna Kulinich, Wang Meng, Zhi-Peng Cai, Hong-Yu Ma, Li Liu, Xiao-Lian Zhang and Josef Voglmeir. Effects of microvirin monomers and oligomers on hepatitis C virus. Bioscience Reports, 2017, 37: 1-9.
33. Su-Yan Wang, Pedro Laborda, Ai-Min Lu, Xu-Chu Duan,Hong-Yu Ma, Li Liu and Josef Voglmeir. N-acetylglucosamine 2-Epimerase from Pedobacter heparinus: first experimental evidence of a deprotonation/reprotonation mechanism. Catalysts, 2016, 212 (6): 1-16.
34. S Liu, A Kulinich, Z P Cai, H Y Ma, Y M Du, Y M Lv, L Liu and Josef Voglmeir. The fucosidase-pool of Emticicia oligotrophica: biochemical characterisation and transfucosylation potential. Glycobiology, 2016, 28(8): 871-879.
35. Chun Liu, Fenfen Cheng, Xiao Liu, Hongyu Ma, Xiaoquan Yang. Improved extraction of disulphide-rich bioactive proteins from soya hulls: characterization of a novel aspartic proteinase. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016,51(6):1509-1515.
36.馬洪雨, 王占奎, 俞闐, 楊立明, 王顯生, 麻浩. 適用於黃麻根部蛋白質組學分析的雙向電泳技術, 西北植物學報, 2010,30(1): 0195-0202.
37.馬洪雨, 王瑞君, 王顯生, 麻浩. 黃麻種質芽期和苗期耐鹽性的鑑定與評價, 植物遺傳資源學報, 植物遺傳資源學報, 2009,10(2):236-243.
3.麻浩,王占奎,顧愛星,葛傑,馬洪雨,苑煒.鷹嘴豆種子種蛋白類型α-澱粉酶抑制劑的提取分離方法.(專利號 201210500059.8)






