


  • 中文名:馬志鳴
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:再生原料和再生混凝土、混凝土結構耐久性、3D列印智慧型建築技術。
  • 任職院校:揚州大學建築科學與工程學院


[1] 2014.9-2018.6 同濟大學,土木工程,博士,導師:肖建莊教授。
[2] 2010.9-2013.6 青島理工大學,結構工程,碩士,導師:趙鐵軍教授, Wittmann FH 教授。
[3] 2006.9-2010.6 山東農業大學,土木工程/工學學士,英語/文學學士。


[1] 再生原料和再生混凝土
[2] 混凝土結構耐久性。
[3] 3D列印智慧型建築技術。


[1] 中國-日本政府間合作項目“基於海綿城市建設的多路徑資源再生混凝土技術與套用”。
[2] 中國-巴基斯坦政府間合作項目“地震易發區再生混凝土結構設計理論與評價”。
[3] 國家自然科學青年基金項目“高應變反覆荷載下約束再生混凝土大尺度試件損傷力學行為研究”。
[4] 國家自然科學青年基金項目“再生混凝土流變性及其預測研究”。
[5] 上海市浦江人才計畫A類項目。
[1] Ma, Z.M.*, Liu, M., Duan, Z., Liang, C., Wu, H. Effects of active waste powder obtained from C&D waste on the microproperties and water permeability of concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production,
[2] Yue, G., Ma, Z.M.*, Liu, M., Liang, C., Ba, G. Damage behavior of the multiple ITZs in recycled aggregate concrete subjected to aggressive ion environment.Construction and Building Materials,
[3] Ma, Z.M., Liu, M., Tang, Q., Liang, C.*, Duan, Z. Chloride permeability of recycled aggregate concrete under the coupling effect of freezing-thawing, elevated temperature or mechanical damage.Construction and Building Materials,
[4] Liang, C.F., Pan, B.H., Ma, Z.M.*, He, Z.H., Duan, Z.H. Utilization of CO2curing to enhance the properties of recycled aggregate and prepared concrete: A review. Cement and Concrete Composites,
[5]Ma, Z.M.*, Li, W., Wu, H.X., Cao, C.W. Chloride permeability of concrete mixed with activity recycled powder obtained from C&D waste. Construction and Building Materials,
[6]Liang, C.F., Ma, H.W., Pan, Y.Q., Ma, Z.M.*, Duan, Z.H., He, Z.H., Chloride permeability and the caused steel corrosion in the concrete with carbonated recycled aggregate. Construction and Building Materials,
[7]Ma, Z.M.*, Zhu, F., Ba, G. Effects of freeze-thaw damage on the bond behavior of concrete and enhancing measures.Construction and Building Materials,
[8]Wang, W., Wu, H.X., Ma, Z.M.*, Wu, R.X. Using eco-friendly recycled powder from CDW to prepare strain hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) and properties determination. Materials,
[9] Ma, Z.M.*, Zhao, T., Yang, J. Fracture behavior of concrete exposed to the freeze-thaw environment.ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,
[10] Ma, Z.M., Zhao, T.J., Zhao, Y.D.Effects of hydrostatic pressure on chloride ion penetration into concrete.Magazine of Concrete Research,
肖建莊; 馬志鳴; 段珍華; 於穎; 丁陶; 一種用於3D列印的混凝土材料及製備方法, (授權發明專利)


[1] 2018年,上海市高等學校優秀畢業生。
[2] 2018年,中國建築材料聯合會科技進步一等獎。
[3] 2016年,教育部科技進步二等獎。


