《Key Technologies of Intelligence in Network Security Construction and System Development》
《大數據背景下高校校園信息化建設創新存在的問題及應對 》
《概述 5G 背景下人工智慧的商業套用發展》
《Evaluation on Network Security Management Based on Artificial Intelligence Application Platform》
《思考校園 BOT 項目的套用及最佳化》
《Curriculum Development of Future Kindergarten Science Education IntegrationBased on STEAM Concept》
《Exploration on the Matching Degree of Intelligent Digital Education in the Demandfor Skilled Talents and the Training of Talents in Vocational Colleges》
《Intelligent Water- saving Control System under Artificial Intelligence Technolo》
《Artificial Intelligence Algorithm and Device for Big Data Processing of the IoTSystem》
《Artificial Intelligence Algorithm and Device for Big Data Processing of the IoTSystem Intelligent Campus Informatization Management Model Based on BD and AI》。