

馬克·佩利格里諾(Mark Ross Pellegrino)是一名美國電影、電視劇演員,1965年4月9日生於加州洛杉磯,他以扮演Lost中的Jacob和《邪惡力量》的Lucifer知名。


  • 中文名:馬克·佩利格里諾
  • 外文名:Mark Pellegrino
  • 別名:Mark Ross Pellegrino
  • 國籍美國
  • 出生地:美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯
  • 出生日期:1965年4月9日
  • 星座牡羊座
  • 身高:185 cm
  • 職業:演員
  • 代表作品穆赫蘭道 、國家寶藏、侏羅紀公園2:失落的世界
  • 性別:男


Pellegrino starred as Rita's abusive ex-con former husband Paul on Showtime's Dexter; and later as Lucifer on Supernatural and as the mysterious near-immortal Jacob on ABC's Lost. He has appeared on the television series Northern Exposure, ER, Without a Trace, The X-Files, NYPD Blue, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and Knight Rider. He also is well known as the "Blond Thug" who stuffs The Dude's head down the toilet and drops his bowling ball, breaking the floor tile, in the cult film The Big Lebowski.
In March 2009, Pellegrino was cast on the ABC series Lost for an appearance in the final episode of the fifth season, to play the role of the mysterious Jacob. Although the press release for the episode refers to his character simply as "Man No. 1," the episode revealed that Pellegrino portrayed Jacob, a mysterious character pivotal to the show's plot. On June 26, 2009 it was also announced that Pellegrino was cast in a recurring role as Lucifer in the fifth season of the CW series Supernatural until he was returned to his prison, returning in the seventh season as a hallucination of protagonist Sam Winchester due to his mental damage after he spent a year being tortured by Lucifer, until Sam was cured of his insanity.
He portrayed the vampire "Bishop" in the SyFy horror series Being Human in the first season, and also reprises the role in season 2.


Pellegrino和妻子Tracy Aziz,繼女 Tess,繼子Misha住在洛杉磯。他在"Playhouse West"劇目戲劇公司擔任老師,"Playhouse West"是紐約Neighborhood Playhouse劇場的一個分部。他在25歲時曾受過嚴格的基督教重生洗禮,他自認為自己更"spiritual/philosophical".






