



  • 中文名:飲茶史話
  • 作者:《中華文明史話》編委會
  • 出版時間:2008年8月1日
  • 出版社:中國大百科全書出版社
  • 頁數:184 頁
  • ISBN:9787500079163
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 叢書名:《中華文明史話》中英文雙語叢書
  • 外文書名:history of tea drinking




一 飲茶小史
1. 茶的起源
2. 西周到秦:茶兼有食用和藥用雙重功能
3. 漢代:茶兼具中藥和飲品兩種身份
4. 魏晉南北朝:茶文化的萌芽期
5. 唐代:茶及飲茶習俗的推廣普及
6. 宋代:茶文化的繁榮與創新
7. 明代:茶藝術的轉變與創新
8. 清代:茶背離傳統的兩極化發展
二 茶藝
1. “茶聖”陸羽的茶藝模式
2. 識茶優劣
3. 宜茶之水
4. 烹煮茶法
5. 飲茶環境
6. 茶具
7. 制茶工藝的演變
三 茶道
1. 《茶經》之道
2. 茶,緣法自然
3. 茶,可雅志
4. 茶禪一味
5. “三道茶”待客之道
6. 以茶為媒習俗
7. 茶寓意長壽
8. 茶道四真諦
9. 中國茶德
10. 中國茶道演變及推廣
四 茶館
1. 茶肆的出現
2. 茶肆的興盛
3. 舊茶館的繁榮
4. 茶館功能的演變
五 茶事之趣
1. 智積禪師輟飲
2. 鬥茶之興
3. 佛門茶趣
4. 茶宴之歡
5. 茶茗傳說之趣
六 茶人事略
1. “茶聖”陸羽與《茶經》
2. 唐詩一奇葩:茶詩
3. 宋徽宗趙佶與《大觀茶論》
4. 孜孜追求的茶人張大復
5. 朱權與《茶譜》
七 茶——健康飲品
1. 茶成分研究
2. 飲茶的益處
3. 飲茶的忌處
4. 疾病患者應慎飲或忌飲
5. 中國十大香茗
1. Brief History of Tea Drinking
1. The Origin of Tea
2. From the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Qin Dynasty:Tea as Food and Herbal Medicine
3. Han Dynasty:Tea as Herbal Medicine and Dnnk
4. Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties:Eady Stage of Tea Culture
5. Tang Dynasty:Spread and Populanzation of Tea and Tea Dnnking Custom
6. Song Dynasty:Prosperity and Innovation of Tea Culture
7. Ming Dynasty:Change and Innovation of Tea Art
8. Qing Dynasty:Polarized Development of Tea
Ⅱ. Tea Art
1. “Tea Sage”Lu Yu's Mode of Tea Art
2. Quality of Tea
3. Water Suitable for Tea
4. Ways of Tea Brewing
5. Environment of Tea Drinking
6. Tea Utensils
7. Evolution of Tea Processing Skills
Ⅲ. Tea Ceremony
1. A Brief Introduction to Tea Classics
2. Tea,Originated from Nature
3. Tea,Refining Man's Will
4. Tea Resembles Buddhisl Meditation
5. Serving“Three Infusions of Tea”to Guests
6. Custom of Tea as Brideprice
7. Tea Connotes Longevity
8. Four True Meanings of Tea Ceremony
9. Chinese Tea Morals
10. Evolvement and Popularization of Chinese Tea Ceremony
Ⅳ. Teahouse
1. Appearance of Teahouses
2. Prosperity of Teahouses
3. Prosperity of Old Teahouses
4. Functional Change of Teahouses
Ⅴ. The Fun of Tea Affairs
1. Monk Zhiji Quitted Tea Drinking
2. Prevalence of Tea Contest
3. Fun of Tea in Buddhist Temples
4. Tea Feasts
5. Interesting Legends About Tea
Ⅵ. A Brief Introduction of the Tea Men
1. “Tea Sage”LuYu andthe Tea Classics
2. A Marvel in Tang Poems:Tea Poems
3. Emperor Huizong Zhao Ji and the Grand Sight on Tea
4. Zhang Dafu,the Persevering Tea Man
5. Zhu Quan and the Tea Manual
Ⅶ. Tea: A Health Drink
1. Ingredients of Tea
2. Benefits of Dnnking Tea
3. Undos in Drinking Tea
4. Certain Patients’Alerts in Tea Drinking
5. Ten Famous Varieties of Tea in China


