



  • 中文名:鞏志忠
  • 出生日期:1965年2月27日
  • 畢業院校日本千葉大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:植物科學
  • 職務:河北大學學術副校長
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學、河北大學








鞏教授篩選得到了幾類鹽敏感突變體。通過對這些突變體的解析,希望在植物抗鹽主要途徑SOS基礎上,進一步增加對植物抗鹽分子機理的理解。在水稻等作物以及擬南芥中同步高表達擬南芥抗鹽基因SOS1, SOS2, SOS3, NHX1,在相同的實驗條件下,研究這些基因單獨表達或共同表達對植物抗鹽性的影響。同時,還對耐鹽的鹽生植物小鹽芥進行了初步的研究,期望通過解析小鹽芥的抗鹽分子機理,為改良作物的抗鹽性提供保障。本項目獲得科技部863項目、國際合作項目及自然科學基金項目的資助。
在Cell上發表文章(Cell 111: 803-814, 2002.),闡明DNA甲基化抑制因子ROS1基因在抑制轉錄基因沉默中的作用;ROS1是一個可能的DNA修復蛋白,通過對靶標基因啟動子的脫甲基化來抑制轉錄基因沉默。鞏教授篩選得到了一些ros1突變體的抑制因子,並克隆了其中的多個基因。將繼續解析這些抑制因子的作用機理,了解基因轉錄的分子機制。本項目獲得國家傑出青年基金及基金委重點項目資助。




He J,Duan Y, Hua D, Fan G, Wang L, Liu Y, Chen Z, Qu L-J, Gong Z*. DEXH-box RNA helicase-mediated mitochondrial ROS production in Arabidopsis mediates cross-talk between Abscisic acid and auxin signalling. Plant Cell, 2012, 24:1815-1833.
Zhang X, Zhang Q, Xin Q, Yu L, Wang Z, Wu W, Jiang L, Wang G, Tian W, Deng Z, Wang Y, Liu Z, Long J, Gong Z, Chen Z*. Complex structures of the abscisic acid receptor PYL3/RCAR13 reveal a unique regulatory mechanism. Structure. 2012, 20:780-90.
Gong Z*, Zhu J-K. Active DNA demethylation by oxidation and repair. Cell Research, 2011, 21:1649-1651.
Wang L, Hua D, He J, Duan Y, Chen Z, Hong X, Gong Z*. Auxin Response Factor2 (ARF2) and its regulated homeodomain gene HB33 mediate abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis. PLOS Genetics, 2011 7:e1002172.
Liu Q, Gong Z*. The coupling of epigenome replication with DNA replication. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2011, 14: 187-194
Liu Q, Wang J, Miki D, Xia R, Yu W, He J, Zheng Z, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. DNA replication factor C1 mediates genomic stability and transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2010, 22:2336-2352.
Liu Y, He, J, Chen Z, Ren X, Hong X, Gong, Z*. ABA Overly-Sensitive5 (ABO5), encoding a pentatricopeptide repeat protein required for cis-splicing of mitochondrial nad2 intron 3, is involved in abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2010, 63, 749-765.
Ren X, Chen Z, Liu Y, Zhang H, Zhang M, Liu Q, Hong X, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. ABO3, a WRKY transcription factor, mediates plant responses to abscisic acid and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2010, 63, 417-429。
Liu J, Ren X, Yin H, Wang Y, Xia R, Wang Y, Gong Z*. Mutation in the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase alpha influences transcriptional gene silencing and homologous recombination in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2010, 61, 36-45.
Zhang M, Henquet M , Chen Z, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Ren X, van der Krol S, Gonneau M, Bosch D and Gong Z* . LEW3 encoding a putative alpha-1, 2-mannosyltransferase (ALG11) in N-linked glycoprotein plays vital roles in cell wall biosynthesis and abiotic stress response in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2009 60, 983-999
Shen J, Ren X, Cao R, Liu J, Gong, Z*. Transcriptional gene silencing mediated by a plastid inner envelope phosphoenolpyruvate/phosphate translocator CUE1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 2009 150: 1990-1996.
Zhou X, Hua D, Chen Z, Zhou Z, Gong, Z*. Elongator mediates ABA responses, oxidative stress resistance, and anthocyanin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2009 60:79-90.
Yin H, Zhang X, Liu J, Wang Y, He J, Yang T, Hong X, Yang Q, Gong Z*. Epigenetic regulation, somatic homologous recombination and abscisic acid signaling are influenced by DNA polymerase ε mutation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2009 21:386-402.
Yang Q, Chen Z, Zhou X, Yin H, Li X, Xin X, Hong X, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. Overexpression of SOS (Salt Overly Sensitive) genes increases the salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Mol Plant, 2009; 2: 22 – 31
Chinnusamy V, Gong Z, Zhu JK. 2008. Nuclear RNA export and its importance in abiotic stress responses of plants. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 326:235-255.
Chinnusamy V, Gong Z*, Zhu JK. 2008. Abscisic Acid-mediated Epigenetic Processes in Plant Development and Stress Responses. JIPB. 50, 1187–1195
Zhang H, Ohyama K, Boudet J, Chen Z, Yang J, Zhang M,Muranaka T, Maurel C, Zhu J-K, and Gong Z*. Dolichol Biosynthesis and Its Effects on the Unfolded Protein Response and Abiotic Stress Resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2008 20: 1879-1898.
Zhao J, Zhang W, Zhao Y, Gong X, Guo L, Zhu G, Wang X, Gong Z, Schumaker KS, Guo Y. SAD2, an importin -like protein, is required for UV-B response in Arabidopsis by mediating MYB4 nuclear trafficking. Plant Cell. 2007 19: 3805-18.
Wang Y, Liu J, Xia R, Wang J, Shen J, Cao R, Hong X, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. The protein kinase TOUSLED is required for maintenance of transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. EMBO R. 8, 1, 77–83 (2007).
Chen Z, Zhang H, Jablonowski D, Zhou X, Ren X, Hong X, Schaffrath R, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. Mutations in ABO1/ELO2, a subunit of holo-elongator, increase ABA sensitivity and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Mol. Cell. Biol. 2006, 26: 6902–6912.
Xia R, Wang J, Liu C, Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhai J, Liu J, Hong X, Cao X, Zhu JK, Gong Z*. ROR1/RPA2A, a putative replication protein A2, functions in epigenetic gene silencing and in regulation of meristem development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2006 18:85-103.
Kapoor A, Agarwal M, Andreucci A, Zheng X, Gong Z, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA, Zhu JK. Mutations in a conserved replication protein suppress transcriptional gene silencing in a DNA-methylation-independent manner in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol. 2005 15:1912-8.
Chen Z, Hong X, Zhang H, Wang Y, Li X, Zhu JK, Gong Z*. Disruption of the cellulose synthase gene, AtCesA8/IRX1, enhances drought and osmotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2005 43:273-83.
Gong Z, Dong CH, Lee H, Zhu J, Xiong L, Gong D, Stevenson B, Zhu JK. A DEAD box RNA helicase is essential for mRNA export and important for development and stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2005 17:256-67.
Wang, Z-L, Li, P-H, Fredricksen, M, Gong Z, Kim, CS, Zhang, C, Bohnert, HJ, Zhu, J-K, Bressan, RA, Hasegawa, PM, Zhao, Y-X, Zhang, H 2004. Expressed seqeunce tags from Thellungiella halophila, a new model to study plant salt-tolerance. Plant Sci. 166:609-616.
Gong Z, Morales-Ruiz T, Ariza R. R. , Roldán-Arjona T, David L, Zhu JK. ROS1, a repressor of transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis, encodes a DNA glycosylase/lyase. Cell 2002 111:803-14.
Zhu J, Gong Z, Zhang C, Song CP, Damsz B, Inan G, Koiwa H, Zhu JK, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA. OSM1/SYP61: a syntaxin protein in Arabidopsis controls abscisic acid-mediated and non-abscisic acid-mediated responses to abiotic stress. Plant Cell. 2002 14:3009-28.
Gong, D., Zhang, C., Chen, X., Gong, Z., and Zhu, J.-K. 2002. Constitutive activation and transgenic evaluation of the function of an Arabidopsis PKS protein kinase. J. Biol. Chem. 2002 277:42088-96.
Gong, Z., Lee, H., Xiong, L., Jagendorf, A., Stevenson, B., and Zhu, J.-K. 2002. RNA helicase-like protein as an early regulator of transcription factors for plant chilling and freezing tolerance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 99:11507-11512.
Koiwa, H., Barb, A.W., Xiong, L., Li, F., McCully, M.G., Lee, B.-H., Sokolchik, I., Zhu, J., Gong, Z., Reddy, M., Sharkhuu, A., Manabe, Y., Yokoi, S., Zhu, J.-K., Bressan, R.A., and Hasegawa, P.M. 2002. C-terminal domain phosphatase-like family members (AtCPLs) differentially regulate Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress signaling, growth, and development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 99:10893-10898.
Yamazaki M, Yamagishi E, Gong Z, Fukuchi-Mizutani M, Fukui Y, Tanaka Y, Kusumi T, Yamaguchi M, Saito K. Two flavonoid glucosyltransferases from Petunia hybrida: molecular cloning, biochemical properties and developmentally regulated expression. Plant Mol Biol. 2002, 48:401-11.
Gong, D., Gong, Z., Guo, Y., Chen, X., Zhu, J.-K. 2002. Biochemical and functional characterization of PKS11, a novel Arabidopsis protein kinase. J. Biol. Chem. 277:28340-28350.
Gong, D., Gong, Z. and Zhu, J.-K. 2002. Expression, activation and biochemical properties of a novel Arabidopsis protein kinase. Plant Physiol. 129:225-234.
Li X, Gong Z, Koiwa H, Niu X, Espartero J, Zhu X, Veronese P, Ruggiero B, Bressan R,. Weller SC,.Hasegawa PM. Bar Expressing Peppermint (Mentha X Piperita L. var. Black Mitcham) Plants Are Highly Resistant to the Glufosinate Herbicide Liberty. Molecular Breeding. 2001, 8: 109-118.
Xiong L, Gong Z, Rock CD, Subramanian S, Guo Y, Xu W, Galbraith D, Zhu JK. Modulation of abscisic acid signal transduction and biosynthesis by an Sm-like protein in Arabidopsis.Dev Cell. 2001 (6):771-81.
Gong Z, Koiwa H, Cushman MA, Ray A,Bufford D, Kore-eda S, Matsumoto T, Zhu J, Cushman J, Bressan R, Hasegawa M Genes that are uniquely stress-regulated in salt overly sensitive(sos) mutants. Plant Physiol. 2001, 126: 363-375.
Kitada C, Gong Z, Tanaka Y, Yamazaki M, Saito K.Differential expression of two cytochrome P450s involved in the biosynthesis of flavones and anthocyanins in chemo-varietal forms of Perilla frutescens. Plant Cell Physiol. 2001 42:1338-44.
Lee H, Xiong L, Gong Z, Ishitani M, Stevenson B, Zhu JK. The Arabidopsis HOS1 gene negatively regulates cold signal transduction and encodes a RING finger protein that displays cold-regulated nucleo-cytoplasmic partitioning . Genes & Deve 15 : 912-924(2001).
Gong Z, Yamazaki M, Saito K(2000) Critical role of alanine-161 in Delila protein involved in regulation of anthocyanin pigmentation for transcriptional activation in yeast. Plant Biotech, 17, 309-314.
Yamazaki M1, Gong Z1, Fukuchi-Mizutani M, Fukui Y, Tanaka Y, Kusumi T, Saito K. Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of a novel anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase by mRNA differential display for plant forms regarding anthocyanin. J Biol Chem 1999, 274:7405-11. (1: Equal contribution)
Gong Z, Yamagishi E, Yamazaki M, Saito K A constitutively expressed Myc-like gene involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis from Perilla frutescens: molecular characterization, heterologous expression in transgenic plants and transactivation in yeast cells. Plant Mol Biol 1999, 41:33-44.
Gong Z, Yamazaki M, Saito K. A light-inducible Myb-like gene that is specifically expressed in red Perilla frutescens and presumably acts as a determining factor of the anthocyanin forma. Mol Gen Genet 1999, 262: 65-72.
Saito K, Kobayashi M, Gong Z, Tanaka Y, Yamazaki M Direct evidence for anthocyanidin synthase as a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenase: molecular cloning and functional expression of cDNA from a red forma of Perilla frutescens. Plant J 1999, 17:181-9.
Yamagishi E, Gong Z, Yamazaki M, Saito K. Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding a novel UDP-glucose glucosyltransferase homologue from Arabidopsis thaliana (Accession No. AB016819). Plant Physiol., 1998, 118, 1102.
Gong Z, Yamazaki M, Sugiyama M, Tanaka Y, Saito K. Cloning and molecular analysis of structural genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis and expressed in a forma-specific manner in Perilla frutescens. Plant Mol Biol 1997, 35: 915-27


2002年被聘為中國農業大學教授,同年獲“國家傑出青年基金”資助 (2003-2006)


鞏教授篩選得到了幾類鹽敏感突變體。通過對這些突變體的解析,希望在植物抗鹽主要途徑SOS基礎上,進一步增加對植物抗鹽分子機理的理解。在水稻等作物以及擬南芥中同步高表達擬南芥抗鹽基因SOS1, SOS2, SOS3, NHX1,在相同的實驗條件下,研究這些基因單獨表達或共同表達對植物抗鹽性的影響。同時,還對耐鹽的鹽生植物小鹽芥進行了初步的研究,期望通過解析小鹽芥的抗鹽分子機理,為改良作物的抗鹽性提供保障。本項目獲得科技部863項目、國際合作項目及自然科學基金項目的資助。
在Cell上發表文章(Cell 111: 803-814, 2002.),闡明DNA甲基化抑制因子ROS1基因在抑制轉錄基因沉默中的作用;ROS1是一個可能的DNA修復蛋白,通過對靶標基因啟動子的脫甲基化來抑制轉錄基因沉默。鞏教授篩選得到了一些ros1突變體的抑制因子,並克隆了其中的多個基因。將繼續解析這些抑制因子的作用機理,了解基因轉錄的分子機制。本項目獲得國家傑出青年基金及基金委重點項目資助。




He J,Duan Y, Hua D, Fan G, Wang L, Liu Y, Chen Z, Qu L-J, Gong Z*. DEXH-box RNA helicase-mediated mitochondrial ROS production in Arabidopsis mediates cross-talk between Abscisic acid and auxin signalling. Plant Cell, 2012, 24:1815-1833.
Zhang X, Zhang Q, Xin Q, Yu L, Wang Z, Wu W, Jiang L, Wang G, Tian W, Deng Z, Wang Y, Liu Z, Long J, Gong Z, Chen Z*. Complex structures of the abscisic acid receptor PYL3/RCAR13 reveal a unique regulatory mechanism. Structure. 2012, 20:780-90.
Gong Z*, Zhu J-K. Active DNA demethylation by oxidation and repair. Cell Research, 2011, 21:1649-1651.
Wang L, Hua D, He J, Duan Y, Chen Z, Hong X, Gong Z*. Auxin Response Factor2 (ARF2) and its regulated homeodomain gene HB33 mediate abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis. PLOS Genetics, 2011 7:e1002172.
Liu Q, Gong Z*. The coupling of epigenome replication with DNA replication. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2011, 14: 187-194
Liu Q, Wang J, Miki D, Xia R, Yu W, He J, Zheng Z, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. DNA replication factor C1 mediates genomic stability and transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2010, 22:2336-2352.
Liu Y, He, J, Chen Z, Ren X, Hong X, Gong, Z*. ABA Overly-Sensitive5 (ABO5), encoding a pentatricopeptide repeat protein required for cis-splicing of mitochondrial nad2 intron 3, is involved in abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2010, 63, 749-765.
Ren X, Chen Z, Liu Y, Zhang H, Zhang M, Liu Q, Hong X, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. ABO3, a WRKY transcription factor, mediates plant responses to abscisic acid and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2010, 63, 417-429。
Liu J, Ren X, Yin H, Wang Y, Xia R, Wang Y, Gong Z*. Mutation in the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase alpha influences transcriptional gene silencing and homologous recombination in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2010, 61, 36-45.
Zhang M, Henquet M , Chen Z, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Ren X, van der Krol S, Gonneau M, Bosch D and Gong Z* . LEW3 encoding a putative alpha-1, 2-mannosyltransferase (ALG11) in N-linked glycoprotein plays vital roles in cell wall biosynthesis and abiotic stress response in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2009 60, 983-999
Shen J, Ren X, Cao R, Liu J, Gong, Z*. Transcriptional gene silencing mediated by a plastid inner envelope phosphoenolpyruvate/phosphate translocator CUE1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 2009 150: 1990-1996.
Zhou X, Hua D, Chen Z, Zhou Z, Gong, Z*. Elongator mediates ABA responses, oxidative stress resistance, and anthocyanin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant J 2009 60:79-90.
Yin H, Zhang X, Liu J, Wang Y, He J, Yang T, Hong X, Yang Q, Gong Z*. Epigenetic regulation, somatic homologous recombination and abscisic acid signaling are influenced by DNA polymerase ε mutation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2009 21:386-402.
Yang Q, Chen Z, Zhou X, Yin H, Li X, Xin X, Hong X, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. Overexpression of SOS (Salt Overly Sensitive) genes increases the salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Mol Plant, 2009; 2: 22 – 31
Chinnusamy V, Gong Z, Zhu JK. 2008. Nuclear RNA export and its importance in abiotic stress responses of plants. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 326:235-255.
Chinnusamy V, Gong Z*, Zhu JK. 2008. Abscisic Acid-mediated Epigenetic Processes in Plant Development and Stress Responses. JIPB. 50, 1187–1195
Zhang H, Ohyama K, Boudet J, Chen Z, Yang J, Zhang M,Muranaka T, Maurel C, Zhu J-K, and Gong Z*. Dolichol Biosynthesis and Its Effects on the Unfolded Protein Response and Abiotic Stress Resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2008 20: 1879-1898.
Zhao J, Zhang W, Zhao Y, Gong X, Guo L, Zhu G, Wang X, Gong Z, Schumaker KS, Guo Y. SAD2, an importin -like protein, is required for UV-B response in Arabidopsis by mediating MYB4 nuclear trafficking. Plant Cell. 2007 19: 3805-18.
Wang Y, Liu J, Xia R, Wang J, Shen J, Cao R, Hong X, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. The protein kinase TOUSLED is required for maintenance of transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. EMBO R. 8, 1, 77–83 (2007).
Chen Z, Zhang H, Jablonowski D, Zhou X, Ren X, Hong X, Schaffrath R, Zhu J-K, Gong Z*. Mutations in ABO1/ELO2, a subunit of holo-elongator, increase ABA sensitivity and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Mol. Cell. Biol. 2006, 26: 6902–6912.
Xia R, Wang J, Liu C, Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhai J, Liu J, Hong X, Cao X, Zhu JK, Gong Z*. ROR1/RPA2A, a putative replication protein A2, functions in epigenetic gene silencing and in regulation of meristem development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2006 18:85-103.
Kapoor A, Agarwal M, Andreucci A, Zheng X, Gong Z, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA, Zhu JK. Mutations in a conserved replication protein suppress transcriptional gene silencing in a DNA-methylation-independent manner in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol. 2005 15:1912-8.
Chen Z, Hong X, Zhang H, Wang Y, Li X, Zhu JK, Gong Z*. Disruption of the cellulose synthase gene, AtCesA8/IRX1, enhances drought and osmotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2005 43:273-83.
Gong Z, Dong CH, Lee H, Zhu J, Xiong L, Gong D, Stevenson B, Zhu JK. A DEAD box RNA helicase is essential for mRNA export and important for development and stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2005 17:256-67.
Wang, Z-L, Li, P-H, Fredricksen, M, Gong Z, Kim, CS, Zhang, C, Bohnert, HJ, Zhu, J-K, Bressan, RA, Hasegawa, PM, Zhao, Y-X, Zhang, H 2004. Expressed seqeunce tags from Thellungiella halophila, a new model to study plant salt-tolerance. Plant Sci. 166:609-616.
Gong Z, Morales-Ruiz T, Ariza R. R. , Roldán-Arjona T, David L, Zhu JK. ROS1, a repressor of transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis, encodes a DNA glycosylase/lyase. Cell 2002 111:803-14.
Zhu J, Gong Z, Zhang C, Song CP, Damsz B, Inan G, Koiwa H, Zhu JK, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA. OSM1/SYP61: a syntaxin protein in Arabidopsis controls abscisic acid-mediated and non-abscisic acid-mediated responses to abiotic stress. Plant Cell. 2002 14:3009-28.
Gong, D., Zhang, C., Chen, X., Gong, Z., and Zhu, J.-K. 2002. Constitutive activation and transgenic evaluation of the function of an Arabidopsis PKS protein kinase. J. Biol. Chem. 2002 277:42088-96.
Gong, Z., Lee, H., Xiong, L., Jagendorf, A., Stevenson, B., and Zhu, J.-K. 2002. RNA helicase-like protein as an early regulator of transcription factors for plant chilling and freezing tolerance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 99:11507-11512.
Koiwa, H., Barb, A.W., Xiong, L., Li, F., McCully, M.G., Lee, B.-H., Sokolchik, I., Zhu, J., Gong, Z., Reddy, M., Sharkhuu, A., Manabe, Y., Yokoi, S., Zhu, J.-K., Bressan, R.A., and Hasegawa, P.M. 2002. C-terminal domain phosphatase-like family members (AtCPLs) differentially regulate Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress signaling, growth, and development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 99:10893-10898.
Yamazaki M, Yamagishi E, Gong Z, Fukuchi-Mizutani M, Fukui Y, Tanaka Y, Kusumi T, Yamaguchi M, Saito K. Two flavonoid glucosyltransferases from Petunia hybrida: molecular cloning, biochemical properties and developmentally regulated expression. Plant Mol Biol. 2002, 48:401-11.
Gong, D., Gong, Z., Guo, Y., Chen, X., Zhu, J.-K. 2002. Biochemical and functional characterization of PKS11, a novel Arabidopsis protein kinase. J. Biol. Chem. 277:28340-28350.
Gong, D., Gong, Z. and Zhu, J.-K. 2002. Expression, activation and biochemical properties of a novel Arabidopsis protein kinase. Plant Physiol. 129:225-234.
Li X, Gong Z, Koiwa H, Niu X, Espartero J, Zhu X, Veronese P, Ruggiero B, Bressan R,. Weller SC,.Hasegawa PM. Bar Expressing Peppermint (Mentha X Piperita L. var. Black Mitcham) Plants Are Highly Resistant to the Glufosinate Herbicide Liberty. Molecular Breeding. 2001, 8: 109-118.
Xiong L, Gong Z, Rock CD, Subramanian S, Guo Y, Xu W, Galbraith D, Zhu JK. Modulation of abscisic acid signal transduction and biosynthesis by an Sm-like protein in Arabidopsis.Dev Cell. 2001 (6):771-81.
Gong Z, Koiwa H, Cushman MA, Ray A,Bufford D, Kore-eda S, Matsumoto T, Zhu J, Cushman J, Bressan R, Hasegawa M Genes that are uniquely stress-regulated in salt overly sensitive(sos) mutants. Plant Physiol. 2001, 126: 363-375.
Kitada C, Gong Z, Tanaka Y, Yamazaki M, Saito K.Differential expression of two cytochrome P450s involved in the biosynthesis of flavones and anthocyanins in chemo-varietal forms of Perilla frutescens. Plant Cell Physiol. 2001 42:1338-44.
Lee H, Xiong L, Gong Z, Ishitani M, Stevenson B, Zhu JK. The Arabidopsis HOS1 gene negatively regulates cold signal transduction and encodes a RING finger protein that displays cold-regulated nucleo-cytoplasmic partitioning . Genes & Deve 15 : 912-924(2001).
Gong Z, Yamazaki M, Saito K(2000) Critical role of alanine-161 in Delila protein involved in regulation of anthocyanin pigmentation for transcriptional activation in yeast. Plant Biotech, 17, 309-314.
Yamazaki M1, Gong Z1, Fukuchi-Mizutani M, Fukui Y, Tanaka Y, Kusumi T, Saito K. Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of a novel anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase by mRNA differential display for plant forms regarding anthocyanin. J Biol Chem 1999, 274:7405-11. (1: Equal contribution)
Gong Z, Yamagishi E, Yamazaki M, Saito K A constitutively expressed Myc-like gene involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis from Perilla frutescens: molecular characterization, heterologous expression in transgenic plants and transactivation in yeast cells. Plant Mol Biol 1999, 41:33-44.
Gong Z, Yamazaki M, Saito K. A light-inducible Myb-like gene that is specifically expressed in red Perilla frutescens and presumably acts as a determining factor of the anthocyanin forma. Mol Gen Genet 1999, 262: 65-72.
Saito K, Kobayashi M, Gong Z, Tanaka Y, Yamazaki M Direct evidence for anthocyanidin synthase as a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenase: molecular cloning and functional expression of cDNA from a red forma of Perilla frutescens. Plant J 1999, 17:181-9.
Yamagishi E, Gong Z, Yamazaki M, Saito K. Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding a novel UDP-glucose glucosyltransferase homologue from Arabidopsis thaliana (Accession No. AB016819). Plant Physiol., 1998, 118, 1102.
Gong Z, Yamazaki M, Sugiyama M, Tanaka Y, Saito K. Cloning and molecular analysis of structural genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis and expressed in a forma-specific manner in Perilla frutescens. Plant Mol Biol 1997, 35: 915-27


2002年被聘為中國農業大學教授,同年獲“國家傑出青年基金”資助 (2003-2006)


