- 中文名:非剛性三維形狀的內蘊相似匹配算法研究
- 外文名:Intrinsic non rigid 3D shape similarity matching algorithm
- 類型:三維模型
- 領域:現代計算機套用
本文研究了非剛...>> 詳
With the rapid advance of technologies, three-dimensional models have been playing an increasingly important role in many modern computer applications. To better organize and reuse these valuable resources, it desperately requires the development of an efficient shape matching and retrieval system. It is also significant to promote the researches of other 3D model processing algorithms.
However, many nature objects are non-rigid, which poses a great challenge in developing robust shape matching algorithms. Non-rigid 3D shapes are generated by isometrically deforming the original rigid ones. Therefore, their intra-class shape variations are often at the same magnitude or even larger than the inter-class variations. In order to evaluate the intrinsic similarity between non-rigid objects, the shape matching method is required to be insensitive to isometric deformations.
This dissertation concerns on the algorithms regarding intrinsic similarity matching of non-rigid 3D shapes. The main contributions of this thesis include,
First, an efficient local signature is proposed to represent the high-dimensional intrinsic shape. To preserve more embedding accuracy, a higher dimensional Euclidean space is preferred for calculating the canonical form of the non-rigid 3D model. Then, the subspace decomposition technique is employed to construct intrinsic spin images, which directly characterize the local geometric properties of high-dimensional shapes. The intrinsic spin image is not only invariant to isometric shape deformations, but also inherits the locality and non-parametric nature of the spin image descriptor.
Second, a method for optimizing the canonical form is proposed for each individual non-rigid 3D model. To obtain the best representation power, a strategy is first proposed to select the most compact yet expressive Euclidean space. It is based on the embedding error, which measures the amount of shape distortion caused by the canonical mapping. Then, the intrinsic spin image is employed to conduct the high-dimensional shape matching across different canonical spaces. Benefit from the optimization of canonical spaces, intrinsic shape properties are characterized with more accuracy.
Third, an efficient intrinsic embedding method is proposed to automatically map the non-rigid shape to its contour canonical form. Locally, each subpart is regularized with an unbent shape structure, by adaptively re-aligning the geodesic contours along a straight guidance axis. The isometry-invariance of its holistic structure is guaranteed by an global optimization under the geodesic constraints defined on the shape surface. The contour canonical form explicit eliminates the isometric deformations of the non-rigid object. It not only reduces the shape distortion, but also enhances the computational efficiency.
Finally, a new non-rigid retrieval framework is proposed based on automatic shape anti-articulating. With the 3D segmentation and mesh editing technique, the shape structure is adjusted, in order to eliminate existing shape articulations. Afterwards, the rigid shape matching technique is introduced to measure the intrinsic similarity between the original non-rigid objects. The anti-articulating algorithm preserves more geometric details and guarantees the smoothness of the generated shape, which definitely improves the intrinsic matching performance. Besides, the time complexity for shape retrieval is greatly reduced.
Keywords: non-rigid 3D shapes, intrinsic similarity matching, canonical form, intrinsic spin image, geodesic contours
However, many nature objects are non-rigid, which poses a great challenge in developing robust shape matching algorithms. Non-rigid 3D shapes are generated by isometrically deforming the original rigid ones. Therefore, their intra-class shape variations are often at the same magnitude or even larger than the inter-class variations. In order to evaluate the intrinsic similarity between non-rigid objects, the shape matching method is required to be insensitive to isometric deformations.
This dissertation concerns on the algorithms regarding intrinsic similarity matching of non-rigid 3D shapes. The main contributions of this thesis include,
First, an efficient local signature is proposed to represent the high-dimensional intrinsic shape. To preserve more embedding accuracy, a higher dimensional Euclidean space is preferred for calculating the canonical form of the non-rigid 3D model. Then, the subspace decomposition technique is employed to construct intrinsic spin images, which directly characterize the local geometric properties of high-dimensional shapes. The intrinsic spin image is not only invariant to isometric shape deformations, but also inherits the locality and non-parametric nature of the spin image descriptor.
Second, a method for optimizing the canonical form is proposed for each individual non-rigid 3D model. To obtain the best representation power, a strategy is first proposed to select the most compact yet expressive Euclidean space. It is based on the embedding error, which measures the amount of shape distortion caused by the canonical mapping. Then, the intrinsic spin image is employed to conduct the high-dimensional shape matching across different canonical spaces. Benefit from the optimization of canonical spaces, intrinsic shape properties are characterized with more accuracy.
Third, an efficient intrinsic embedding method is proposed to automatically map the non-rigid shape to its contour canonical form. Locally, each subpart is regularized with an unbent shape structure, by adaptively re-aligning the geodesic contours along a straight guidance axis. The isometry-invariance of its holistic structure is guaranteed by an global optimization under the geodesic constraints defined on the shape surface. The contour canonical form explicit eliminates the isometric deformations of the non-rigid object. It not only reduces the shape distortion, but also enhances the computational efficiency.
Finally, a new non-rigid retrieval framework is proposed based on automatic shape anti-articulating. With the 3D segmentation and mesh editing technique, the shape structure is adjusted, in order to eliminate existing shape articulations. Afterwards, the rigid shape matching technique is introduced to measure the intrinsic similarity between the original non-rigid objects. The anti-articulating algorithm preserves more geometric details and guarantees the smoothness of the generated shape, which definitely improves the intrinsic matching performance. Besides, the time complexity for shape retrieval is greatly reduced.
Keywords: non-rigid 3D shapes, intrinsic similarity matching, canonical form, intrinsic spin image, geodesic contours