《電腦程式設計藝術(第3卷英文版·第2版)》是2010年人民郵電出版社出版的一本圖書,作者是Donald E.Knuth。
- 作者:Donald E.Knuth
- ISBN:9787115234995
- 頁數:796
- 定價:119.00元
- 出版社:人民郵電出版社
- 出版時間:201009
- 裝幀:精裝
- 副標題:排序與查找
*5.1. Combinatorial Properties of Permutations 11
*5.1.1. Inversions 11
*5.1.2. Permutations of a Multiset 22
*5.1.3. Runs 35
*5.1.4. Tableaux and Involutions 47
5.2. Internal sorting 73
5.2.1. Sorting by Insertion 80
5.2.2. Sorting by Exchanging 105
5.2.3. Sorting by Selection 138
5.2.4. Sorting by Merging 158
5.2.5. Sorting by Distribution 168
5.3. Optimum Sorting 180
5.3.1. Minimum-Comparison Sorting 180
*5.3.2. Minimum-Comparison Merging 197
*5.3.3. Minimum-Comparison Selection 207
*5.3.4. Networks for Sorting 219
5.4. External Sorting 248
5.4.1. Multiway Merging and Replacement Selection 252
*5.4.2. The Polyphase Merge 267
*5.4.3. The Cascade Merge 288
*5.4.4. Reading Tape Backwards 299
*5.4.5. The Oscillating Sort 311
*5.4.6. Practical Considerations for Tape Merging 317
*5.4.7. External Radix Sorting 343
*5.4.8. Two-Tape Sorting 348
*5.4.9. Disks and Drums356
5.5. Summary, History, and Bibliography 380
Chapter 6 Searching 392
6.1. Sequential Searching 396
6.2. Searching by Comparison of Keys 409
6.2.1. Searching an Ordered Table 409
6.2.2. Binary Tree Searching 426
6.2.3. Balanced Trees 458
6.2.4. Multiway Trees 481
6.3. Digital Searching 492
6.4. Hashing 513
6.5. Retrieval on Secondary Keys 559
Answers to Exercises 584
Appendix A Tables of Numerical Quantities 748
1. Fundamental Constants (decimal) 748
2. Fundamental Constants (octal) 749
3. Harmonic Numbers, Bernoulli Numbers, Fibonacci Numbers 750
Appendix B Index to Notations 752
Index and Glossary 757