



  • 書名:電子與通信專業英語(第2版)
  • 作者:王穎
  • ISBN:9787115259844
  • 頁數:246頁
  • 定價:31.8元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年5月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Chapter Ⅰ Basic Electronic Technology 1
Unit 1 Electronics Introduction 1
Reading Material 5
Electronic Measuring Instruments  5
Practical English 7
Skills of Translation 詞類轉譯(I) 7
Unit 2 Resistor,Capacitor and Inductor 9
Reading Material 12
Electronic Components 12
Practical English 14
Skills of Translation 詞類轉譯(Ⅱ) 14
Unit 3 Circuit Q and Bandwidth 16
Reading Material 19
Filters 19
Practical English 21
Skills of Translation 詞類轉譯(Ⅲ) 21
Unit 4 Operational Amplifiers 23
Reading Material 27
Digital Circuit 27
Practical English 30
Skills of Translation 特殊詞的處理Ⅰ(數詞) 30
Unit 5 Oscillator 31
Reading Material 33
Digital Frequency Counters 33
Practical English 35
Skills of Translation 特殊詞的處理Ⅱ(介詞)(1) 35
Unit 6 Receiver Circuits 37
Reading Material 41
Practical English 43
Skills of Translation 特殊詞的處理Ⅱ(介詞)(2) 43
Extended Application 44
English Resume(英文簡歷) 44
Chapter Ⅱ Communication Technology 48
Unit 7 Communications Systems 48
Reading Material 52
Wireless Communications 52
Practical English 55
Skills of Understanding 科技辭彙的構成(I) 55
Unit 8 Mobile Communications 57
Reading Material 62
Bluetooth 62
Practical English 64
Skills of Understanding 科技辭彙的構成(Ⅱ) 64
Unit 9 Introduction to Optical Fiber Communications 66
Reading Material 69
Faster-Than-Light Electric Pulses 69
Practical English 71
Skills of Understanding 科技英語中常用結構及表達形式 71
Unit 10 Satellite Communications 73
Reading Material 77
Short-wave Radio and the State of the Ionosphere 77
Practical English 80
Skills of Understanding 外來科技術語的翻譯方法 80
Unit 11 ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) 82
Reading Material 86
Wireless Application Protocol 86
Practical English 88
Skills of Understanding 省略結構 88
Extended Application 89
Business Letters(商務英語書信) 89
Chapter Ⅲ Advanced Electronic Technology 94
Unit 12 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 94
Reading Material 98
Phase Lock Techniques 98
Practical English 100
Skills of Translation 常見否定短語的翻譯 100
Unit 13 Digital Image Fundamental 101
Reading Material 105
Electronic Ink and Paper 105
Practical English 106
Skills of Translation 複雜句的翻譯 106
Unit 14 Transducers 108
Reading Material 111
Remote Sensing 111
Practical English 113
Skills of Translation And引導的句型(1) 113
Unit 15 FPGAs Technology 115
Reading Material 119
LabVIEW 119
Practical English 121
Skills of Translation And引導的句型(2) 121
Unit 16 Digital Video 123
Reading Material 127
Digital Wallets 127
Practical English 128
Skills of Understanding 長難句的理解 128
Extended Application 129
Oral Presentation 口頭報告 129
Chapter Ⅳ Computer Technology 133
Unit 17 Computer System 133
Reading Material 138
Memory 138
Practical English 139
Skills of Reading Instructions 說明書(Ⅰ) 139
Unit 18 Computer Networks 141
Reading Material 146
Network Protocols 146
Practical English 148
Skills of Reading Operating Instructions 使用說明書(Ⅱ) 148
Unit 19 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 150
Reading Material 154
Software Engineering 154
Practical English 157
Skills of Reading Trouble Shooting Guide 故障排除指南 157
Unit 20 Electronic Commerce 159
Reading Material 163
Shopping Online 163
Practical English 165
Skills of Writing 電子郵件的寫作方法 165
Extended Application 166
Document Retrieval Methods(文獻檢索方法) 166
附錄1 參考譯文 169
附錄2 辭彙表 209
附錄3 常用電子通信縮略語 238
參考文獻 246


