

現任江蘇普萊醫藥生物技術有限公司董事長;長春普萊醫藥生物技術有限公司執行董事;吉林大學分子酶學工程教育部重點實驗室, 教授、博士生導師、學術帶頭人。


  • 中文名:陳育新
  • 國籍:加拿大
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1972年1月26日
  • 職業:教授、博士生導師、董事長
  • 畢業院校:加拿大阿爾伯塔大學




吉林大學分子酶學工程教育部重點實驗室, 教授、博士生導師、學術帶頭人


· 2014年,獲得安永復旦“中國最具潛力種子企業獎”
· 2014年,獲得吉林省自然科學學術成果二等獎
獲獎人:陳育新、黃宜兵、劉 煜、黃金豐、李桂榮、何麗艷、翟乃翠、趙連靜
· 2014年,獲得中華全國歸國華僑聯合會“第五屆中國僑界創新成果貢獻獎”
· 2014年,獲得江陰市國家高新區“科技領軍型團隊”
· 2013年,獲得吉林省“第四批拔尖創新人才第二層次人選”
· 2013年,獲得長春市政府“友誼獎”
· 2013年,獲得江陰市國家高新區“科技領軍型團隊”
· 2013年。獲得江陰市國家高新區“海歸創業先鋒”
· 2012年,獲得吉林省科技進步三等獎
· 2012年,獲得長春市 “第五批有突出貢獻專家”稱號
· 2012年,獲得長春市 “優秀外國專家”稱號
· 2012年,獲得長春市“五四”青年獎章
· 2012年,獲得江陰市國家高新區“科技領軍型團隊”
· 2011年,獲得國家人社部“留學人員科技創新創業項目擇優資助”
· 2011年,入選吉林省“百千萬”人才工程
· 2011年,獲得吉林省人民政府人才開發基金
· 2011年,獲得長春市“優秀外資企業家”稱號
· 2011年,入選江蘇省“333”人才工程第三層次計畫
· 2010年,獲得人社部“留學人員科技創新創業項目擇優資助”
· 2010年,入選人社部“留學人員回國創業啟動支持計畫”
· 2010年,入選江蘇省“企業博士聚集計畫”
· 2010年, 享受長春市“政府特殊津貼”
· 2010年,獲得江陰市經濟開發區“科技領軍型團隊”
· 2009年12月,獲得國務院僑辦第二屆“百名華人華僑專業人士傑出創業獎”
· 2009年12月,獲得國務院僑辦首批“重點華人華僑創業團隊”
· 2008年12月,項目獲得ChinaBio風投高峰論壇“最具投資潛力企業獎”
· 2008年,獲得無錫市“530”計畫項目
· 2007年,獲得吉林省“傑出青年基金”
· 2007年,獲得長春市高新區“科技創業先進個人”
· 2006年,獲得長春市高新區“科技創業優秀獎”
· 2004 年,獲得加拿大阿爾伯塔大學 “J. Gordin Kaplan Graduate Student Award”
· 1999 年,獲得加拿大阿爾伯塔大學 “University of Alberta Ph.D. Scholarship”


編號:20140203010YY 起止時間:2014.1-2016.12
編號:81373455 起止時間:2014.1-2017.12
專利號:ZL2010101851296 2013年第七批138號
編號:2012ZX09103101-065 起止時間:2012.1-2015.12
編號:20121807 起止時間:2012.1-2014.12
編號:11C26212214338 起止時間:2011.6-2013.6
編號:BC2011047 起止時間:2011.4-2014.3
編號:10ZDGG006 起止時間:2010.1-2012.12
編號:10GH03 起止時間:2010.6-2011.6
編號:201015103 起止時間:2010.1-2012.12
編號:20100126 起止時間:2010.9-2012.9
編號:30940016 起止時間:2010.1-2010.12
編號:200903095 起止時間:2010.1-2011.12
編號:200801831064 起止時間:2009.1-2010.12
編號:30840029 起止時間:2009.1-2009.12
2007年吉林省傑出青年基金 (項目負責人)
重點項目 10萬元
編號:20070111 起止年限:2008.1-2009.12
2007年吉林大學種子基金 (項目負責人)
2007年吉林大學985人才引進計畫 (項目負責人)


· 肽類與蛋白類藥物的從頭設計與機理研究
· Irisin對血糖控制及肥胖調控的機理研究
· 人工模擬酶研究
· 高效液相色譜在蛋白質工程與酶學研究上的套用


· 國家自然科學基金委同行評議專家
· 吉林省科技項目評審專家(醫藥領域)
· 2012年 丹麥自然科學基金委(The Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences)國際評審專家
· 2011年 南京理工大學 環境與生物學院 兼職教授
· 2009年 江南大學醫藥學院 客座教授
· 中國細胞生物學學會會員
· 中國生物物理學會會員
· 吉林省生物化學與分子生物學會會員
· Medicine, Academic Editor
· Pharmacologia, Editorial Board Member
· International Journal of Analytical Chemistry
· Chemical Biology and Drug Design
· Journal of Peptide Science
· Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
· European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
· Peptides
· Anti-Cancer Drugs
· 高等學校化學學報
· 生物化學與生物物理進展
· ScienceAsia
1. Yi, T. H., Sun, S. Y. Huang, Y. B. andChen, Y. X.* Prokaryotic expression and mechanism of action of a-helical antimicrobial peptide A20L using fusion tags, BMC Biotechnol. 2015, 15, 69
2. Mai, X. T., Huang, J. F., Tan, J. J., Huang, Y. B. and Chen, Y. X.* Effects and mechanisms of the secondary structure on the antimicrobial activity and specificity of antimicrobial peptides, J. Pept. Sci. 2015, 21, 561-568
3. Zhao, J., Huang, Y. B., Liu, D. and Chen, Y. X.* Two hits are better than one: synergistic anticancer activity of α-helical peptides and doxorubicin/epirubicin, Oncotarget, 2015, 6, 1769-1778
4. Huang, Y. B., Feng, Q., Yan, Q. Y., Hao, X. Y. and Chen, Y. X.* Alpha-helical cationic anticancer peptides: a promising candidate of novel anticancer drugs, Mini-Rev. Med. Chem., 2015, 15, 73-81
5. Yi, T. H., Huang, Y. B. andChen, Y. X.* Prokaryotic expression and antimicrobial mechanism of xpf-st7-derived α-helical peptides, J. Pept. Sci. 2015,21, 46-52
6. Yi, T. H., Huang, Y. B. andChen, Y. X.* Production of an antimicrobial peptide AN5-1 in Escherichia coli and its dual mechanisms against bacteria, Chem. Biol. Drug Des. 2015,85, 598-607
7. Feng, Q., Huang, Y. B., Chen, M. X., Li, G. R. and Chen, Y. X.* Functional synergy of a-helical antimicrobial peptides and traditional antibiotics against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria in vitro andin vivo, Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2015, 34, 197-204
8. Li, G. R., Huang, Y. B., Feng, Q. andChen, Y. X.* Tryptophan as a probe to study the anticancer mechanism of action and specificity of α-helical anticancer peptides, Molecules 2014, 19, 12224-12241
9. Tan, J. J., Huang, J. F., Huang, Y. B. and Chen, Y. X.* Effects of single amino acid substitution on the biophysical properties and biological activities of an amphipathic a-helical antibacterial peptide against gram-negative bacteria, Molecules 2014, 19, 10803-10817
10. Huang, Y. B., He, L. Y., Li, G. R., Zhai, N. C., Jiang, H. Y., and Chen, Y. X.* Role of helicity of α-helical antimicrobial peptides to improve specificity, Protein Cell 2014, 5, 631-642
11. Huang Y., Pan L., Zhao L., Mant C. T., Hodges R. S., Chen Y. X.*. Structure-guided RP-HPLC chromatography of diastereomeric α-helical peptide analogs substituted with single amino acid stereoisomers Biomed. Chromatogr. 2014, 28, 511-517
12. Zhao, L. J., Huang, Y. B., Gao, S., Cui, Y., He, D., Wang, L., Chen, Y. X.* Comparison on effect of hydrophobicity on the antibacterial and antifungal activities of a-helical antimicrobial peptides, Sci. China Chem. 2013, 56, 1307-1314
趙連靜,黃宜兵,高嵩,崔岩,賀丹,王麗,陳育新*,螺旋型抗菌肽的疏水性對抗細菌與抗真菌活性的影響比較 中國科學:化學, 2013,43,1041-1050
13. Liu, X. Y., Huang, Y. B., Cheng, M., Pan, L., Si, Y. H., Li, G. R., Niu, Y. Q., Zhao, L. J., Zhao, J., Li, X., Chen, Y. X.*, and Yang, W. Screening and rational design of hepatitis C virus entry inhibitory peptides derived from GB virus A NS5A,J. Virol. 2013, 87, 1649-1657
14. 黃宜兵,翟乃翠,高貴,陳育新,淨電荷對螺旋型抗癌肽生物活性的影響,高等學校化學學報,2012,33,1252-1258
15. Huang, Y. B., He, L. Y., Jiang, H. Y., and Chen, Y. X.* Role of helicity on the anticancer mechanism of action of cationic-helical peptides, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13, 6849-6862
16. Shan, Y. P., Huang, J. F., Tan, J. J., Gao, G., Liu, S. H., Wang, H. D., and Chen, Y. X.* The study of single anticancer peptides interacting with HeLa cell membranes by single molecule force spectroscopy, Nanoscale 2012, 4, 1283-1286.
17. Li G.R., He L.Y., Liu X.Y., Liu A.P., Huang Y.B., Qiu C., Zhang X.Y., Xu J.Q., Yang W., Chen Y.X.* Rational Design of Peptides with Anti-HCV/HIV Activities and Enhanced Specificity, Chem. Biol. Drug Des. 2011, 78, 835-843
18. Dong, A., Lan, S., Huang, J. F., Wang, T., Zhao, T. Y., Xiao, L. H., Wang, W. W., Zheng, X., Liu, F. G., Gao, G., Chen, Y. X.*, Modifying Fe3O4-functionalozed nanoparticles with N-halamine and their magnetic/antibacterial properties, Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2011, 3, 4228-4235
19. Dong, A., Lan, S., Huang, J. F., Wang, T., Zhao, T. Y., Wang, W. W., Xiao, L. H., Zheng, X., Liu, F. G., Gao, G., Chen, Y. X.*, Preparation of magnetically separableN-halamine nanocomposites for the improved antibacterial application, J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2011, 364, 333-340
20. Dong, A., Huang, J. F., Lan, S., Wang, T., Xiao, L. H., Wang, W. W., Zhao, T. Y., Zheng, L., Liu, F. Q., Gao, G., Chen, Y. X.*, Synthesis of N-halamine-functionalized silica–polymer core–shell nanoparticles and their enhanced antibacterial activity, Nanotechnology 2011, 22, 295602
21. Huang, J. F., Hao, D. M., Chen, Y., Xu, Y. M., Tan, J. J., Huang, Y. B., Li, F., Chen, Y. X.*, Inhibitory effects and mechanisms of physiological conditions on the activity of enantiomeric forms of an α-helical antibacterial peptide against bacteria, Peptides 2011, 32,1488-1495
22. Huang, Y. B., Wang, X. F., Wang, H. Y., Liu, Y., Chen, Y. X.*, Studies on mechanism of action of anticancer peptides by modulation of hydrophobicity within a defined structural framework, Mol. Cancer Ther. 2011, 10,416-426
23. Huang, J. F., Xu, Y. M., Hao, D. M., Huang, Y. B., Chen, Y. X.*, A feasible method for designing of alpha-helical antimicrobial peptide with enhanced specificity, J. Nanjing Univ. (Natural Sciences), 2010, 46, 133-137
24. Huang, Y. B., Huang, J. F., Chen, Y. X.*, Alpha-Helical Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides: Relationships of Structure and Function, Protein Cell 2010, 1,143-152
25. Huang, J. F., Xu, Y. M., Hao, D. M., Huang, Y. B., Liu, Y., Chen, Y. X.*, Structure Guided De novo Design of Alpha-Helical Antimicrobial Peptide with Enhanced Specificity, Pure Appl. Chem. 2010, 82, 243-257
26. Chen, Y.* De novo design of a-helical antimicrobial peptides with enhanced therapeutic index, J. Biotechnol. 2008, 136S, S77
27. Chen, Y., Guarnieri, M. T., Vasil, A. I., Vasil, M. L., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. The role of peptide hydrophobicity in the mechanism of action of a-helical antimicrobial peptides, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 2007, 51, 1398-1406
28. Lewis, R. N. A. H., Liu, F., Krivanek, R., Rybar, P., Hianik, T., Flach, C. R., Mendelsohm, R., Chen, Y., Mant, C. T., Hodges, R. S. and McElhaney, R. N. Studies of the minimum hydrophobicity of a-helical peptides required to maintain a stable transmembrane association with phospholipid bilayer membranes Biochemistry 2007, 46, 1042-1054
29. Chen, Y., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. Preparative reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography collection efficiency for an antimicrobial peptide on columns of varying diameters (1mm to 9.4mm I.D.) J. Chromatogr. 2007, 1140, 112-120
30. Chen, Y., Vasil, A. I., Rehaume, L., Mant, C. T., Burns, J. L., Vasil, M. L., Hancock, R. E. W. and Hodges, R. S. Comparison of biophysical and biological properties of a-helical enantiomeric antimicrobial peptides, Chem. Biol. Drug Des., 2006, 67, 162-173
31. Chen, Y., Mant, C. T., Farmer, S., Vasil, M., Hancock, R. E. W. and Hodges, R. S. Rational Design of a-Helical Antimicrobial Peptides with Enhanced Activities and Specificity/Therapeutic Index, J. Biol. Chem., 2005, 280, 12316-12329
32. Hodges R. S., Chen, Y., Ziemba B., and Guarnieri M. The de novodesign of antimicrobial peptides with broad spectrum activity and specificity between bacterial and human cell membranes, Biopolymers, 2005, 80,544-544
33. Chen, Y., Mehok, A. R., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. Optimum concentration of trifluoroactic acid (TFA) for reversed-phase chromatography of peptides revisited J. Chromatogr. 2004, 1043, 9-18
34. Chen, Y., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. Selectivity differences in the separation of amphipathic a-helical peptides during reversed-phase chromatography at pH 2.0 and pH 7.0: Effects of different packings, mobile phase conditions and temperatureJ. Chromatogr. 2004, 1043, 99-111
35. Hodges, R. S., Chen, Y., Kopecky, E. and Mant, C. T. Monitoring the Hydrophilicity/Hydrophobicity of Amino Acid Side-chains in the Non-polar and Polar Faces of Amphipathic a-Helices by Reversed-Phase and Hydrophilic Interaction/Cation-Exchange Chromatography J. Chromatogr. 2004, 1043, 161-172
36. Popa, T. V., Mant, C. T., Chen, Y. and Hodges, R. S. Capillary zone electrophoresis of a-helical diastereomeric peptide pairs with anionic ion-pairing reagents J. Chromatogr. 2004, 1043, 113-122
37. Chen, Y., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. Temperature selectivity effects in reversed-phase chromatography due to conformation differences between helical and non-helical peptides J. Chromatogr. 2003, 1010, 45-61
38. Mant, C. T. Chen, Y. and Hodges, R. S. Temperature profiling of polypeptides in reversed-phase chromatography: I. Monitoring of dimerization and unfolding of amphipathic a-helical peptides J. Chromatogr. 2003, 1009, 29-43
39. Hartmann E., Chen, Y., Mant, C. T., Jungbauer, A. and Hodges, R. S. Comparison of reversed-phase chromatography and hydrophilic interaction/cation-exchange chromatography for the separation of amphipathic a-helical peptides with L- and D-amino acid substitutions in the hydrophilic face J. Chromatogr. 2003, 1009, 61-71
40. Chen, Y. and Hodges, R. S. Effect of secondary structure on selectivity of reversed-phase chromatography for peptide separations at varying temperatures. Biopolymers 2003,71,334-334
41. Chen, Y., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. Determination of stereochemistry stability coefficients of amino acid side-chains in an amphipathic a-helix J. Peptide Res. 2002, 59, 18-33
42. Chen, Y., Zhang, X., Chen, S., You, D., Wu, X., Yang, X. and Guan W. Kinetically controlled syntheses catalyzed by proteases in reverse micelles and separation of precursor dipeptides of RGD Enzyme Microb. Technol. 1999, 25, 310-315
43. Chen, Y., Zhang, X., Zheng, K., Chen, S., Wang, Q. and Wu, X. Protease-catalyzed synthesis of precursor dipeptides of RGD with reverse micelles Enzyme Microb. Technol. 1998, 23, 243-248
1. Mant, C. T., Chen, Y., Yan, Z., Popa, T. V., Kovacs, J. M., Mills, J. B., Tripet, B. P. and Hodges, R. S. HPLC analysis and purification of peptides, In “Peptide Characterization and Application Protocols” Methods in Mol. Biol. Vol. 386 pp3-55 (Ed. G. B. Fields) Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ 2007
2. Chen, Y. and Hodges, R. S. Effect of secondary structure on selectivity of reversed-phase chromatography for peptide separations at varying temperatures. In “Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics and Therapeutics”, Proceedings of the Eighteenth American Peptide Symposium (M. Chorev and T. K. Sawyer, Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers pp. 151-152 (2004)
3. Chen, Y., Mant, C. T. and R. S. Hodges. The determination of helix stability coefficients using D-amino acid substitutions in the non-polar face of an amphipathic a-helical model peptide. In “Peptide: The Wave of the Future”, Proceedings of the Second International/Seventeenth American Peptide Symposium (R. A. Houghton and M. Lebl, Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers pp. 353-354 (2001)
4. Lee, D. L., Chen Y., Wagschal, K. C., McHenna, S. A., Harland, B., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. Effect of D-amino acid substitutions on amphipathic a-helical structure. In “Peptides for the New Millennium”, Proceedings of the Sixteenth American Peptide Symposium (Barany, G. and Fields, G, Eds) Kluwer Academic Publishers pp. 289-290 (1999)
中國發明專利: 止癢組合物及其在製備止癢劑中的套用
中國專利號: 201210568326.5
發明人: 陳育新,陳明俠,李楊,王勇,付強
國際發明專利: Antibiotic peptide and preparation method therefor and application therefor
國際專利號(PCT): PCT/CN2012/000079
發明人: Chen, Y.
中國發明專利: 一種抗菌肽及其製備方法和套用
中國專利號: 201110095737.2
發明人: 陳育新,陳明俠,黃宜兵,李楊,王勇,曲莉莉,王文仁
中國發明專利: 提高多肽固相合成效率的二甲苯溶劑配方及套用
中國專利號: 201010185129.6
發明人: 陳育新,毛世忠,黃宜兵,王笑非,潘玲
美國發明專利: Antimicrobial peptides and methods of use
專利號: 60/636,220
發明人: Chen, Y., Hodges, R. S., Vasil, M., Hancock, R. E. W. and Farmer, S.
國際發明專利: Antimicrobial peptides and methods of use
國際專利號(PCT): WO 2006/065977 A2
發明人: Chen, Y., Hodges, R. S., Vasil, M., Hancock, R. E. W. and Farmer, S.
中國發明專利: 抗菌肽及其使用方法
中國專利號: 200580047492.9
發明人: 羅伯特S. 霍金斯,陳育新,麥可 瓦茲,羅伯特 E. W. 漢考克,蘇珊 W. 法莫
1. Chen, Y. Synergistic anticancer mechanism of α-helical peptides and doxorubicin/epirubicin. Presented at the 13 Chinese International Peptide Symposium, Jul. 2-4, Datong,China2014
2. Chen, Y. Screening and rational design of hepatitis C virus entry inhibitory peptides derived from GB virus A NS5A. Presented at the “CAMPUS ASIA” Pilot Program, Winter Seminar on Life and Material Sciences in Okayama, Jan. 23-24, Okayama, Japan 2014
3. Chen, Y. Role of Hydrophobicity on Mechanism of Action of Anticancer Peptides. Presented at the 12 Chinese International Peptide Symposium, Jul. 26, Shenyang,China2012
4. Chen, Y. Mechanism of Action of a-helical anticancer peptides: apoptosis or necrosis. Presented at the 14th Korean-Chinese Regional Symposium of Biotechnology, Feb. 16-18, Incheon,Korea2012
  1. Yi-bing Huang, li-yan He, Xu Bai*, Yu-xin Chen*. Improving Therapeutic Index of Alpha-Helical Antimicrobial Peptides by Introducing D-Amino Acids. 17International Biophysics congress & 12 Chinese Biophisics Congress. Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2011, Beijing,ChinaSponsored by Protein & Cell. S27-O4
  2. Gui-rong Li, Li-yan He, Yi-bing Huang, Yu-xin Chen*. Modulation of Helicity and Hydrophobicity of Peptides to Improve Anti-HCV/HIV Activities and Specificity. 17 International Biophysics congress & 12 Chinese Biophisics Congress. Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2011, Beijing,ChinaSponsored by Protein & Cell. S27-O5
  3. Chen, Y. Role of Hydrophobicity on Mechanism of Action of Anticancer Peptides. Presented at the BIT Life Sciences' 4th Annual Protein & Peptide Conference (PepCon 2011), Mar. 23-25, Beijing, China 2011 (大會發言及分會主席)
  4. 陳育新,抗菌肽的從頭設計提高其抗菌特異性,抗菌肽開發與套用技術研討會,深圳,2009.12.15-16
  5. Chen, Y. De novo design of a-helical antimicrobial peptides with enhanced therapeutic index. Presented at the 13 International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, Oct 12-17, Dalian,China2008
  6. Chen, Y. Rational Design of a-Helical Antimicrobial Peptide with Enhanced Activities and Specificity. Presented at the 11 Chinese-Korean Regional Symposium on Biotechnology, Dalian,China2007
  7. Chen, Y. Role of Peptide Hydrophobicity in the Mechanism of Action of
    a-Helical Antimicrobial Peptides. The 6th Symposium on Frontiers in Protein Chemistry and Biotechnology, Changchun,China2007
  8. Chen, Y. Role of Peptide Hydrophobicity in the Mechanism of Action of
    a-Helical Antimicrobial Peptides. International Symposium on Channelopathy and New Strategies of Drug Discovery,October 29 – 30, 2007, Changchun, China
1. Huang, Y.B., Chen, Y. Synergistic anticancer activity and mechanism of a-helical peptides and doxorubicin/epirubicin. Presented at the 13 Chinese International Peptide Symposium, Jul. 2-4, Datong,China2014
  1. Yi-bing Huang, li-yan He, Xu Bai*, Yu-xin Chen*. Effect of Helicity of α-Helical Anticancer Peptides on Biological Activities, 17 International Biophysics congress & 12 Chinese Biophisics Congress. Beijing,China, 2011, Sponsored by Protein & Cell. P27-6
  2. Jin-feng Huang, Yu-ping Shan, Juan-juan Tan, Gui Gao, Hong-da Wang and Yu-xin Chen. Force Events of Single Molecular Anticancer Peptide Interacting with HeLa Cell Membrane Recorded by Atomic Force Microscope. 17 International Biophysics congress & 12 Chinese Biophisics Congress. Beijing,China, 2011, Sponsored by Protein & Cell. P25-21
  3. Xuan-thanh Mai, Juan-juan Tan, Nai-cui Zhai, Li-yan He, Yu-xin Chen*Effects of Secondary Structure on the Antimicrobial Activity and Specificity of Antimicrobial Peptides. 17 International Biophysics congress & 12 Chinese Biophisics Congress. Beijing,China, 2011, Sponsored by Protein & Cell. P 6-3
  4. Nai-cui Zhai, Yi-bing Huang, and Yu-xin Chen* .Role of Net Charge on the Biological Activities of Alpha-Helical Anticancer Peptides. 17 International Biophysics congress & 12 Chinese Biophisics Congress. Beijing,China, 2011, Sponsored by Protein & Cell. P 6-2
  5. Juan-juan Tan, Jin-feng Huang, Yi-bing Huang , Yu-xin Chen*. The Effects of Single Amino Acid Substitution on the Biophysical and Biological Properties of an Amphipathic α-Helical Antibacterial Peptide. 17 International Biophysics congress & 12 Chinese Biophisics Congress. Beijing,China, 2011, Sponsored by Protein & Cell. P27-7
  6. Chen, Y., Guarnieri, M. T., Vasil, A. I., Vasil, M. L., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. (2006) The role of peptide hydrophobicity in the mechanism of action of a-helical antimicrobial peptides. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference, Chemistry and Biology of Peptides, Ventura, CA
  7. Hodges R. S., Chen, Y., Ziemba B., and Guarnieri M. (2005) The rational design of a-helical antimicrobial peptides. Presented at the Nineteenth American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, CA
  8. Chen Y. and Hodges, R. S. (2004) Rational design of a-helical antimicrobial peptides with improved specificity. Presented at the Eighth Chinese International Peptide Symposium, Kunming,China
  9. Chen, Y., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. (2003) Effect of column packing, mobile phase conditions and temperature on reversed-phase chromatography of amphipathic alpha-helical peptides at pH 2.0 and pH 7.0. Presented at the twenty-third International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides, Delray Beach, Florida
  10. Chen, Y., Mehok, A. R., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. (2003) Trifluoroacetic acid revisited for reserved-phase chromatography of peptides. Presented at the twenty-third International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides, Delray Beach, Florida
  11. Chen, Y. and Hodges, R. S. (2003) Effect of secondary structure on selectivity of reversed-phase chromatography for peptide separations at varying temperatures. Presented at the Eighteenth American Peptide Symposium, Boston, MA
  12. Chen, Y., Hartmann, E. Mant C. T. and Hodges, R. S. (2002) Monitoring the hydrophilicity/ hydrophobicity of amino acid side-chains in the non-polar and polar faces of amphipathic a-helices by reversed-phase and mixed-mode hydrophilic interaction/ cation-exchange chromatography. Presented at the twenty-second International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides, Heidelberg,Germany
  13. Chen, Y., Mant C. T. and Hodges, R. S. (2001) The determination of helix stability coefficients using D-amino acid substitutions in the non-polar face of an amphipathic a-helical model peptide. Presented at the Second International/Seventeenth American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, CA
  14. Chen, Y., Lee, D. L., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. (2000) Monitoring the effect of D-amino acids on the structure of amphipathic a-helical peptides by reversed-phase chromatography. Presented at the nineteenth International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides, Delray Beach, Florida
  15. Lee, D. L., Chen Y., Wagschal, K. C., McHenna, S. A., Harland, B., Mant, C. T. and Hodges, R. S. (1999) Effect of D-amino acid substitutions on amphipathic a-helical structure. Presented at the Sixteenth American Peptide Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota


