



  • 中文名:陳群
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:研究員
  • 畢業院校:復旦大學
  • 主要成就:任美國紐約大學醫學院放射系、生理和神經科學系副教授(終身)


陳群教授的主要研究方向為磁共振成像新技術的開發,尤其是磁共振對心肺重大疾病功能性評估的前沿性套用研發。代表性工作有:1. 使用組織標誌磁共振影像技術評估肺的局部機械性能。這項技術可以實現非侵入性肺部疾病的評估診斷,這項研究將使現有肺組織功能的臨床評估方法發生革命性的變化。2. 用於心肌灌注的動脈質子標籤的磁共振影像技術。這項技術可以以很高的空間解析度實現無創性定量評估局部心肌血流狀況,同時不需要使用注射顯影劑。這將極大地改善現有臨床診斷技術的安全性、準確性和診斷速度。


陳群教授1982年畢業於復旦大學,1987年赴美留學並於1993年獲博士學位,之後一直在醫學影像領域工作。在2011年1月歸國之前,陳群教授任美國紐約大學醫學院放射系、生理和神經科學系副教授(終身),從事磁共振影像技術的研究已經有十五年以上的經歷,並在多所頂級的美國大學(如哈佛大學、西北大學、紐約大學)醫學院任教。陳群教授擁有大量的研究成果(發表學術期刊論文70餘篇,會議論文近170篇,參與編寫7本專著),並於1997年獲得SCBT-MR學會(Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnetic Resonance)頒發的勞特伯獎(Lauterbur Award)。陳群教授現擔任多家國際學術期刊的評審,如磁共振成像期刊(Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging)、磁共振醫學套用(Magnetic Resonance in Medicine)、核磁共振生物醫學套用(NMR in Biomedicine)、放射學研究(Investigative Radiology)等。此外,作為國際華人磁共振協會的前任主席(2008-2010年),陳群教授積極組織和推動了海內外科學家們在國際磁共振學術界的交流與合作。同時,陳群教授積極參加國際磁共振協會(International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISMRM)的工作,多次擔任國際磁共振協會年會的組織者、主持人及該協會繼續教育課程的組織者和講師。


1.1997 Lauterbur Award, Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnetic Resonance
2.2000 - 2001 Member, Safety Committee, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
3.2001, 2002 Faculty, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Annual Meeting Morning Categorical Course
4.2003, 2004 Scientific Session Moderator, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Annual Meeting
5.2005 - 2007 Member, Scientific Program Committee (SPC), International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
6.2005, 2006 Co-organizer and Co-chair, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Morning Categorical Course: Cardiovascular Imaging
7.2006 Co-organizer and Co-chair, Plenary Session: Global Healthcare Challenges. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
8.2007 Co-organizer and Co-chair, Special Symposium: Industrial Perspectives on Technology Implementation. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
9.2008 Co-organizer, Weekend Educational Course: “Body MRI By The Experts”, International Society For MagneticResonance In Medicine (ISMRM).
10.2008 Organizer and chair, Clinical Categorical Course: “Areas to Watch: Clinical Developments in Lung Imaging”. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
11.2008 Co-organizer and Co-chair, Morning Categorical Course: “Body MRI By The Experts II: Lung fMRI And Multi-Parametric Prostate MR”. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
12.1998 - present Scientific Reviewer, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2001 - present Scientific Reviewer, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
2005 - present Scientific Reviewer, NMR in Biomedicine
2007 - present Scientific Reviewer, Investigative Radiology


起止時間 項目性質和來源 經費總額 參與人數 申報人的具體職位和任務
1998-2001 AHA 9730229N 美國心臟協會 US$258,989 7-11人 首席研究員,項目全面負責
2003-2008 R01 HL 69023 美國衛生總署(NIH) US$1,492,361 8-10人 首席研究員,項目全面負責
2003-2015 R01 DK063183 美國衛生總署(NIH) US$5,975,143 8-12人 合作研究員,開發、提供新磁共振成像技術
2008-2013 R01 HL092439 美國衛生總署(NIH) US$3,908,324 6-10人 合作研究員,開發、提供新磁共振成像技術
2000-2011 R01 NS039135 美國衛生總署(NIH) US$2,886,617 6-12人 合作研究員,開發、提供新磁共振成像技術
2008-2011 IIRG-08-91038 美國艾爾海默病協會 US$239,941 6-9人 合作研究員,開發、提供新磁共振成像技術
2004-2010 R01 DK067523 美國衛生總署(NIH) US$2,586,437 6-10人 合作研究員,開發、提供新磁共振成像技術
2005-2008 R21EB004380 美國衛生總署(NIH) US$434,312 5-10人 合作研究員,提供磁共振成像及分析技術
2000-2004 R01HL067712 美國衛生總署(NIH) US$925,914 5-9人 合作研究員,開發、提供新磁共振成像技術


發表時間 論著(論文)名稱 發表載體 論著(論文)作者
1996 Mapping drug-induced changes in cerebral R2* by Multiple Gradient Recalled Echo functional MRI. Magn Reson Imaging Chen Q, Andersen AH, Zhang Z, Ovadia A, Gash DM, Avison MJ
1997 STAR-HASTE: perfusion imaging without magnetic susceptibility artifact. Magn Reson Med Chen Q, Siewert B, Bly BM, Warach S, Edelman RR
1998 Oxygen enhanced MR ventilation imaging of the lung. MAGMA Chen Q, Jakob PM, Griswold MA, Levin DL, Hatabu H, Edelman RR
1998 EPISTAR MRI: multislice mapping of cerebral blood flow. Magn Reson Med Edelman RR, Chen Q.
1999 Functional MRI of basal ganglia responsiveness to levodopa in parkinsonian rhesus monkeys. Exp Neurol Chen Q, Andersen AH, Zhang Z, Ovadia A, Cass WA, Gash DM, Avison MJ
1999 Pulmonary disorders: ventilation-perfusion MR imaging with animal models. Radiology Chen Q, Levin DL, Kim D, David V, McNicholas M, Chen V, Jakob PM, Griswold MA, Goldfarb JW, Hatabu H, Edelman RR.
2000 Imaging pulmonary blood flow and perfusion using phase-sensitive selective inversion recovery. Magn Reson Med Mai VM, Chen Q, Bankier AA, Zhang M, Hagspiel KD, Berr SS, Edelman RR
2000 Effect of respiratory phases on MR lung signal intensity and lung conspicuity using segmented multiple inversion recovery turbo spin echo (MIR-TSE). Magn Reson Med Mai VM, Chen Q, Li W, Hatabu H, Edelman RR
2001 Ultrafast MR grid-tagging sequence for assessment of local mechanical properties of the lungs. Magn Reson Med Chen Q, Mai VM, Bankier AA, Napadow VJ, Gilbert RJ, Edelman RR.
2001 MR ventilation-perfusion imaging of human lung using oxygen-enhanced and arterial spin labeling techniques. J Magn Reson Imaging Mai VM, Bankier AA, Prasad PV, Li W, Storey P, Edelman RR, Chen Q
2001 Determination of regional pulmonary parenchymal strain during normal respiration using spin inversion tagged magnetization MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging Napadow VJ, Mai V, Bankier A, Gilbert RJ, Edelman R, Chen Q
2002 Band artifacts due to bulk motion. Magn Reson Med Storey P, Chen Q, Li W, Edelman RR, Prasad PV
2003 Simultaneous magnetic resonance gadolinium-enhanced 2D perfusion and 3D angiographic imaging. Magn Reson Imaging Goldfarb JW, Prasad PV, Chen Q, Edelman RR
2004 On improving temporal and spatial resolution of 3D contrast-enhanced body MR angiography with parallel imaging. Radiology Chen Q, Quijano CV, Mai VM, Krishnamoorthy SK, Li W, Storey P, Edelman RR
2005 Magnetic resonance imaging-based spirometry for regional assessment of pulmonary function. Magn Reson Imaging Voorhees A, An J, Berger KI, Goldring RM, Chen Q.
2006 Gravity-dependent signal gradients on MR images of the lung in supine and prone positions: a comparison with isogravitational signal variability. J Magn Reson Imaging Bankier AA, Storey P, Mai VM, Edelman RR, Chen Q.
2007 Time-resolved MR angiography: optimal parallel imaging method Am J Neuroradiol Gauvrit JY, Law M, Xu J, Carson R, Sunenshine P, Chen Q.
2008 Functional assessment of the kidney from magnetic resonance and computed tomography renography: impulse retention approach to a multicompartment model. Magn Reson Med Zhang JL, Rusinek H, Bokacheva L, Lerman LO, Chen Q, Prince C, Oesingmann N, Song T, Lee VS
2009 Measurement of deep gray matter perfusion using a segmented true-fast imaging with steady-state precession (True-FISP) arterial spin-labeling (ASL) method at 3T. J Magn Reson Imaging Grossman EJ, Zhang K, An J, Voorhees A, Inglese M, Ge Y, Oesingmann N, Xu J, McGorty KA, Chen Q.
2011 Hippocampal blood flow in normal aging measured with arterial spin labeling at 3T. Magn Reson Med Rusinek H, Brys M, Glodzik L, Switalski R, Tsui WH, Haas F, McGorty K, Chen Q, de Leon MJ.


