陳紅,博士,中國礦業大學管理學院教授,博士生導師,美國密西根大學(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)複雜性研究中心(CSCS,Center for the Study of Complex System)及Ross 商學院(Michigan Ross School of Business)積極組織研究中訪問學者(2010.9-2011.9)。主要從事管理科學理論與方法、能源資源管理、安全管理、組織行為等領域的研究與教學工作。作為負責人主持國家社會科學基金重大項目1項、國家自然科學基金面上項目4項、教育部人文社會科學規劃基金、江蘇省社會科學基金(重點)、國家十一五科技支撐計畫項目(子課題)、江蘇省青藍工程人才項目等省部級科學研究項目多項及企業合作項目60餘項。在《Safety Science》(SCI/SSCI)、《Energy Policy》(SCI/SSCI)、《Applied Energy》(SCI/SSCI)、《Resources, Conservation and Recycling》(SCI)、《 Journal of Cleaner Production》(SCI)、《Science and Engineering Ethics》(SCI/SSCI)、《Psychological Reports》(SSCI)、《Journal of Safety Research》(SSCI)、《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》(SCI)、《Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing &Service Industries》(SCI/SSCI)、《Transportation Research Part A:Policy and Practice》(SCI)、《Environment and Engineering Management Journal》(SCI)、《Mathematical and Computer Modelling》(SCI)、《International Journal of Global Energy Issues》(EI)、《系統工程理論與實踐》、《管理工程學報》、《煤炭學報》、《經濟管理》、《心理科學進展》、《中國軟科學》、《管理科學》(人大複印資料)、《中國安全科學學報》等重要刊物上發表論文90餘篇,其中SCI/SSCI檢索論文50餘篇,是《Energy Policy》、《Applied Energy》、《Safety Science》、《Journal of Safety Research》、《Accident Analysis and Prevention》、《Journal of Happiness Studies》、《Chinese Management Studies》、《International Journal of Global Energy Issues》、《Journal ofLoss Prevention in the Process Industries》、《Social Indicators Research》、《Resources, Conservation and Recycling》、《 Journal of Cleaner Production》,etc.等十餘種國際專業領域重要期刊審稿人。已出版專著6部:《積極安全管理視域下的煤礦安全管理制度有效性研究》(安全管理領域首部以積極安全管理理念為核心的著作),科學出版社,2013.3;《文化錯位視域下安全管理制度遵從機制研究》(提出“名義-隱真”文化二元性的核心概念與研究架構),.科學出版社, 2015.12;《基於生產要素全周期價值貢獻的積極分配機制研究》(提出並闡釋積極社會分配),經濟科學出版社(中青年經濟學家文庫),2012.11;《煤炭企業重大事故防控的行為柵欄研究》(提出行為安全是煤礦安全的本質),經濟科學出版社(中青年經濟學家文庫),2008年4月;《中國煤礦重大事故中的不安全行為研究》(系統研究煤礦事故中不安全行為的專著,開闢了一個重要的研究領域),科學出版社,2006年9月;《中國菸草品牌運作》,企業管理出版社,2005年2月。主編《管理學》教材2部。研究工作及重要成果獲得14項省部級科技成果獎(其中12項排名第一)。相關學術成果經《中國經濟周刊》、《中國能源報》、《中國煤炭報》、《煤炭經濟研究》等媒體報導,被國內外重要入口網站及媒體廣泛轉載,產生重要影響。 研究成果在國內諸多大型企業集團、上市公司等套用,社會經濟效益顯著。
1 Shuai Han,*Hong Chen, *RuyinLong, Hui Qi, Xiaotong Cui. Evaluation of the derivative environment in coalmine safety production systems: Case study in China.Journal of Cleaner Production,2017, 143, 377-387.(SCI/SSCI/EI)
2 Wenbo Li, *Ruyin Long , *HongChen, Jichao Geng. Household factors and adopting intention of batteryelectric vehicles: a multi-group structural equation model analysis amongconsumers in Jiangsu Province, China. Natural Hazards, in press.(SCI)
3 JiChao Geng, *Ruyin Long, *HongChen, Wenbo Li, Qianwen Li. Exploring Multiple Motivations on UrbanResidents’ Travel Mode Choices: An Empirical Study from Jiangsu Province inChina. Sustainability,2017.(SSCI/SCI/EI)
4 Haimiao Yu, *Hong Chen,Ruyin Long. Mental fatigue, cognitive bias and safety paradox in Chinese coalmines. Resources Policy, 2017, 52:165-172. (SCI/SSCI/EI)
5 Hui Lu, Xia Liu, *Hong Chen,Ruyin Long, Ting Yue. Who contributed to “corporation green” in china? A viewof public- and private-sphere pro-environmental behavior among employees.Resources,Conservations & recycling. 2017, 120:166-175. (SCI)
6*Hong Chen, Qun Feng, Dandan Zhu, ShuaiHan, Ruyin Long. Impact of rent-seeking on productivity in Chinese coal minesafety supervision: A simulation study. EnergyPolicy, 2016, 93:315-329 (SSCI/SCI/EI)
7 Jia Wei, *Hong Chen,Xiaotong Cui, Ruyin Long, Carbon Capability of Urban Residents and its Structure:Evidence from a Survey of Jiangsu Province in China. Applied Energy, 2016, 173:635-649 (SCI/SSCI/EI)
8 *Hong Chen, Jia Wei, Ke Wang, Yi Peng,Does Employee Relationship Quality Influence Employee Well-being?: An EmpiricalAnalysis Based on Manufacturing and Service Industries. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries,2016. 2016, 26 (5) 559–576 (SCI/SSCI/EI)
9 Jichao Geng, *Ruyin Long,*Hong Chen. Impact of informationintervention on travel mode choice of urban residents with different goalframes: A controlled trial in Xuzhou, China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2016, 91:134-147(SCI)
10*Hong Chen, Hua Cheng, Dandan Zhu, RuyinLong. Structural dimensions of employee energy and its differences: Evidencefrom Chinese insurance companies. HumanFactors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2016, 26(6):740-753.(SCI/SSCI/EI).
11Shuai Han,*Hong Chen, RuyinLong, Xiaotong Cui, Peak coal in China: A literature review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling,2016.(SCI/EI, 錄用待刊)
12Tong Yang, *Ruyin Long, Xiaotong Cui, Dandan Zhu, Hong Chen. Application of the public–private partnership model tourban sewage treatment. Journal ofCleaner Production, 2016,142:1065-1074.(SSCI/SCI/EI)
13Jia Wei, *HongChen, *Ruyin Long, Is EcologicalPersonality Always Consistent with Low-Carbon Behavioral Intention of UrbanResidents? Energy Policy,2016, 98: 343-352 (SCI/SSCI)
14Hui Lu, *HongChen, Wei Du, Ruyin Long. Moral values congruence and miners' policy following behavior: The role of supervisor morality [J]. Science and Engineering Ethics, 2016, 9:1-23.(SCI/SSCI/EI)
15*Hong Chen, Feiyu Chen, Dandan Zhu, HuiQi, Ruyin Long. Burnout in Chinese coal mine safety supervision. Energy Policy, 2015, 85: 22-31.(SCI/SSCI/EI)
17Jia Wei, *Hong Chen, HuiQi, Who reports low safety commitment levels? An investigation based on Chinesecoal miners. Safety Science, 2015,80:178-188. (SCI/SSCI/EI)
18*Hong Chen, Qun Feng, Jing Cao. Rent-seeking mechanism for safety supervisionin the Chinese coal industry based on a tripartite game model. Energy Policy, 2014, 72:140-145.(SCI/SSCI/EI)
19 *Hong Chen, Ruyin Long, Wenjing Niu, Qun Feng, Ranran Yang. How doesindividual low-carbon consumption behavior occur?-an analysis based on attitudeprocess. Applied Energy,2014,116:376-386.(SCI/SSCI/EI)
20 *Hong Chen, Jia Wei, Dandan Zhu, Qun Fen, Wenjing Niu, How to achieve alow-carbon economy in china: from individual attitudes to actual consumptionbehaviors,Environmental Engineering andManagement Journal, 2014, 13(5):1165-1172. (SCI)
21 *Hong Chen, Hui Qi, Qun Feng. Characteristics of Direct Causes and HumanFactors in Major Gas Explosion Accidents in Chinese Coal Mines: Case StudySpanning the Years 1980-2010. Journal ofLoss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2013, 26(1):38-44. (SCI/EI)
22 *Hong Chen, Qun Feng, Hui Qi. Unsafe behaviors characteristics and preventionin Chinese coal mine sporadic accidents—the case study about an importantstate-owned coal mine enterprise. DisasterAdvances, 2013, 6(1): 175-182.(SCI)
23 Haimiao Yu,*Hong Chen.Production output pressure and coal mine fatality seasonal variations in China,2002-2011. Journal of Safety Research,2013, 47: 39-46. (SSCI/EI)
24 Hui Qi, *Hong Chen, RuyinLong. Research on Coal Mine Safety Supervision Efficiency in China based onmulti-agent modeling and simulation method.Disaster Advances, 2013, 6(1): 123-133. (SCI)
25 Qun Feng, *Hong Chen. Thesafety-level gap between China and the US in view of the interaction betweencoal production and safety management. SafetyScience, 2013, 54(1): 80-86. (SCI/SSCI/EI)
26 *Hong Chen, Hui Qi, Ruyin Long, Maolong Zhang. Research on 10-year tendency ofChina coal mine accidents and the characteristics of human factors.Safety Science, 2012, 50(4): 745-750.(SCI/EI)
27 *Hong Chen, Peng Wu, Wei Wei. New perspective on job burnout: Exploring theroot cause beyond general antecedents analysis.Psychological Reports, 2012, 110(3): 801-819.(SSCI)
28 Qun Feng, *Hong Chen.Influence factors of effects of Chinese coal mine safety regulations indifferent stages.International Journalof Global Energy Issues, 2013, 36(2):83-86. (EI)
29 *Hong Chen, Qun Feng. The Cryptic Regional Inequality in China's EconomicDevelopment: The Life Cost Sunk in Coal Mine Accidents. Disaster Advances,2012, 5(4): 943-949. (SCI)
30 Peng Wu, *Hong Chen. Relationship between Coal Output and Safety inChina.Disaster Advances, 2012,5(4): 554-559.(SCI)
31 *Hong Chen, Qun Feng, Ruyin Long, Hui Qi. Focusing on Coal Miners' OccupationalDisease Issues: a Comparative Analysis of China and the United States.Safety Science, 2012, 51(1): 217-222.(SCI/EI)
32 *Ruyin Long, Hong Chen,Huijuan Li, Fei Wang. Selecting alternative industries for Chinese resourcecities based on intra-and inter-regional comparative advantages. Energy Policy, 2013, 57(3): 82-88.(SCI/ SSCI/EI)
33 Ting Yue, *Ruyin Long, HongChen, Zhao, Xin, The optimal CO2 emissions reduction path in Jiangsuprovince: An expanded IPAT approach, AppliedEnergy, 2013, 112: 1510-1517. (SCI/EI)
34 Ting Yue, *Ruyin Long,HongChen, Factors influencing energy-saving behavior of urban households inJiangsu Province, Energy Policy,2013, 62: 665-675.(SCI/SSCI/EI)
35 Feng Dong, *Ruyin Long, HongChen, Xiaohui Li, Xiaoyan Liu, The convergence test of transformationperformance of resource cities in China considering undesirable output, Mathematical and Computer Modelling,2013,58(5-6): 948-955.( SCI/SSCI/EI)
36 *Ruyin Long, Haizhen Wang, HongChen, Regional differences and patternclassifications in the efficiency of coal consumption in china. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015,112: 3684–3691. (SCI)
37 *Ruyin Long, Tianxiang Shao, HongChen, Spatial econometric analysis of China’s province-level industrialcarbon productivity and its influencing factors, Applied Energy, 2016, 166:210-219 (SCI/EI).
38 Huijuan Li, *Ruyin Long, HongChen. Economic transition policies in Chinese resource-based cities: Anoverview of government efforts. EnergyPolicy, 2013, 55(249):251-260(SCI/SSCI/EI).
39 Feng Dong, *Ruyin Long, HongChen. Factors Affecting Regional Per-Capita Carbon Emissions in China Basedon an LMDI Factor Decomposition Model. PlosOne, 2013, 8(12):57-57(SCI).
40 Zhengxia He, *Shichun Xu, Wenxing Shen, Hui Zhang, Ruyin Long, HeYang, Hong Chen. Review of factorsaffecting China’s offshore wind power industry. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 56:1372-1386(SCI/EI).
41 Shichun Xu, *Zhengxia He, Ruyin Long, Hong Chen. Factors that influence carbon emissions due to energyconsumption based on different stages and sectors in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015,115:139-148(SCI/SSCI/EI).
42 Zhengxia He, Shichun Xu, WenxingShen, Ruyin Long, Hong Chen. Impactof urbanization on energy related CO2 emission at different development levels:Regional difference in China based on panel estimation.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017,140:1719-1730.(SSCI/SCI/EI)
43 Shichun Xu, Huimin Han, Wenwen Zhang, Qingqing Zhang, *Ruyin Long, Hong Chen, Zhengxia He. Analysis ofregional contributions to the national carbon intensity in China in differentFive-Year Plan periods. Journal ofCleaner Production, 2017, 145:209-220.(SSCI/SCI/EI)