- 中文名:陳福義
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:西北工業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士、研究生
- 專業方向:材料科學與工程
- 職務:教授、博士生導師
2008/5- 至今, 西北工業大學, 凝固技術國家重點實驗室, 教授, 博士生導師
2006/6-2008/7, 英國伯明罕大學, 天文與物理學院納米物理研究實驗室, 博士後
2003/5-2008/5, 西北工業大學, 凝固技術國家重點實驗室, 副教授
1995/1-2003/3, 西北工業大學, 凝固技術國家重點實驗室, 講師
1992/6-1995/1, 西北工業大學, 凝固技術國家重點實驗室, 助教
2000/3-2004/4, 西北工業大學, 凝固技術國家重點實驗室, 研究生/博士
1989/9-1992/4,武漢工業大學, 材料複合新技術國家重點實驗室, 研究生/碩士
1985/8-1989/7, 武漢工業大學, 材料科學與工程系, 本科/學士
· 主持的科研項目(按時間倒序排序)
1.國家自然科學基金面上項目, 貴金屬-過渡金屬異質對的表面電漿共振光學整流效應,
2. 教育部博士點基金,面向第三代太陽能電池的金屬量子團簇多激子激發與表面電漿的聲子耦合動力學
3. 西部材料科技創新基金, 新型銀飾品的雷射電漿合金化和抗變色性質研究
4. 國家自然科學基金, 基於雙金屬納米結構Fano干涉的負磁導率等離子晶體
5. 國家自然科學基金, 硫鋅鉻摻雜玻璃基體中銀等離子晶體的工具化製備
6. 航空科學基金, 異質對的表面電漿共振光學整流效應
7. 航空科學基金, Ag-CdSe 光子晶體的生長及其表面等離子光學性質
8. 凝固技術國家重點實驗室自主研究課題, 銀銅表面等離子晶體光學磁性的Fano干涉形成機制
9. 西北工業大學基礎研究基金, 雙金屬磁性表面等離子晶體的超透過率
10. 陝西省自然科學基礎研究計畫項目 納米枝晶結構表面等離子晶體的工具化製備
11. 工業和信息化部留學人員科技活動項目擇優資助,光學磁性等離子晶體的雙金屬納米結構,
12. 教育部, 留學回國人員啟動基金
· 論文:
[2015/1] Yachao Jin, Fuyi Chen, Facile preparation of Ag-Cu bifunctional electrocatalysts for zinc-air batteries, Electrochimica Acta 158 (2015) 437–445
[2015/2] Weiyin Li, Fuyi Chen, Alloying effect on performances of bimetallic Ag–Au cluster sensitized solar cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,632(2015)845–848
[2015/3] Yimin Lei, Fuyi Chen, Yachao Jin and Zongwen Liu,Ag-Cu nanoalloyed film as a high-performance cathode electrocatalytic material for zinc-air battery, Nanoscale Research Letters,10 (2015)197
[2015/4] Hongkai Wang, Fuyi Chen,Weiyin Li,TianTian,Gold nanocluster-sensitized TiO2 nanotubes to enhance the photocatalytic hydrogen generation under visible light, Journal of Power Sources 287(2015)150-157
[2015/5] Naveed Shahzad, Fuyi Chen, Lirong He, Weiyin Li, Hongkai Wang, Silver-Copper nanoalloys-an efficient sensitizer for metal-cluster-sensitized solar cells delivering stable current and high open circuit voltage, Journal of Power Sources 294(2015)609-619
[2015/6] N. Zhang, F. Y. Chen & X.Q. Wu, Global optimization and oxygen dissociation on polyicosahedral Ag32Cu6 core-shell cluster for alkaline fuel cells, Scientific Reports,5(2015)11984
[2015/7]Yachao Jin, Fuyi Chen, Yimin Lei and Xiaoqiang Wu, A Silver-Copper Alloy as an Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst for an Advanced Zinc-Air Battery, ChemCatChem, 7(2015)2377–2383,
[2015/8]Xiaoqiang Wu, Fuyi Chen*, Yachao Jin, Nan Zhang, and Roy L. Johnston*, Silver–Copper Nanoalloy Catalyst Layer for Bifunctional Air Electrodes in Alkaline Media, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7 (32), pp 17782–17791
[2014/1] Yimin Lei, Jie Sun, Hongwei Liu, Xuan Cheng, Fuyi Chen and Zongwen Liu,Atomic Mechanism of Predictable Phase Transition in Dual-Phase H2Ti3O7/TiO2 (B) Nanofiber: An In Situ Heating TEM Investigation,Chemistry-A European Journal, 2014,20(36), 11313–11317
[2014/2] Yimin Lei, Jie Sun, Hongwei Liu, Xuan Cheng, Fuyi Chen and Zongwen Liu,Predictable and controllable dual-phase interfaces in TiO2(B)/anatase nanofibers, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 14237-14243
[2014/3] Lirong He, Fuyi Chen, RectificationperformanceofZnO-ZnSchottkydiodegrowthbyanodization, ECSSolidStateLetters, 3(4)41-44,2014
[2014/4] Negash Alemu, Fuyi Chen, Plasmon-enhanced light absorption of thin-film solar cells using hemispherical nanoparticles, Physica status solidi (a), 211(1):213-218,2014
[2014/5] Effect of Cu-doped site and charge on the properties of 55-atom Ag cluster: a density functional theory study, Computational Materials Science, 81,587-594, 2014
[2014/6] Zuwei Yin, Fuyi Chen, Electrochemically fabricated hierarchical porous Ni(OH)2/NiCu electrodes for hydrogen evolution reaction, Electrochimica Acta 117 (2014) 84– 91
[2014/7] Weiyin Li, Fuyi Chen, Effect of Multiple Exciton Generation on Ultraviolet-visible Absorption of Ag–Cu Clusters: Ab Initio Study, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 607(2014)238-244
[2014/8] Zuwei Yin, Fuyi Chen. A facile electrochemical fabrication of hierarchically structured nickel-copper alloy electrodes on nickel foam for hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Power Sources, 265C (2014) 273-281
[2014/9] Yimin Lei, Fuyi Chen,Bin Huang and Zongwen Liu, Synthesis and characterization of L12 ordered silver-copper alloy nanodendrites, Materials Research Express, 1 (2014)015031
[2014/10] Weiyin Li, Fuyi Chen,Optical,Raman and vibrational properties of closed-shell Ag–Cu clusters from density functional theory:Theinfluence of the atomic structure,exchange-correlation approximations and pseudopotentials, Physica B 443(2014)6-23
[2014/11] Weiyin Li, Fuyi Chen, Structural, electronic and optical properties of 7-atom Ag-Cu nanoclusters from density functional theory, Eur. Phys. J. D (2014)68:91
[2014/12] Weiyin Li, Fuyi Chen, Multiple exciton generation in Ag and Ag-Cu quantum clusters by visible wavelength excitation, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2014, 16[8]:2498
[2014/13] Weiyin Li, Fuyi Chen, Ultraviolet-visible absorption, Raman, vibration spectra of pure silver and Ag-Cu clusters: A density functional theory study,Physica B 451 (2014) 96-105
[2014/14] Weiyin Li, Fuyi Chen, Effects of shape and dopant on structural, optical absorption, Raman, and vibrational properties of silver and copper quantum clusters: A density functional theory, Chin. Phys. B 2014, 23, 117103
[2014/15] Xiu-Na Xing, Guang-Hua Chen, Ying-Ying Du, Wen-Jie Li, Hai-Yang Li, Hong-Nian Li, Wei-Yin Li, Fu-Yi Chen. Side chain directly participates in the solar absorption of fullerenederivative PC61BM, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2014, 616–617, 11–15
[2014/16] Wenqing Ma, Fuyi Chen, Nan Zhang, Xiaoqiang Wu, Oxygen reduction reaction on Cu-doped Ag cluster for fuel-cell cathode, J Mol Model, 2014, 20, 1-8
[2014/17] Wenqiang Ma, Fuyi Chen,Experimental and theoretical Studies on the Interaction between INA Molecules, Spectroscopy Letters, 2014,47:754-760
[2014/18]樊莉紅,陳福義,劉婧,張金生,單晶矽基體上紫外光誘導生長銅微納米粒子薄膜,中國有色金屬學報,01期, pp 197-203, 2014.
[2013/1] Weiyin Li, Fuyi Chen, A density functional theory study of structural, electronic, optical and magnetic properties of small Ag–Cu nanoalloys, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15(7)1809,2013
[2013/2] Weiyin Li, Fuyi Chen, Effect of transition metal (Fe, Cu, Ni, Rh)-doped on optics of plasmon resonances of small silver chains, Applied Physics A,113(3)543-548, 2013
[2013/3] Denyao Li, Fuyi Chen, Jian Liu, Photoelectrochemical performance of Ag nanoparticles on TiO2 films prepared by aerosol pyrolysis, Journal of Materials Science-Materials In Electronics,24(8), 2761-2766,2013
[2013/4] Chunfeng Zheng, Fuyi Chen, Multiple Surface Plasmon Resonances in a Metal–Insulator–Metal Structure Assembled Via Silver–Copper Nanoparticle Arrays, Plasmonics, 8(7)651-656, 2013
[2013/5] Li Yuan, Fuyi Chen, Optical magnetic metamaterials based on thick metal film perforated with rectangular nanohole arrays, Phys. Status Solid B, 250, 1651-1654, 2013
[2013/6] Li Yuan, Fuyi Chen, Plasmonic sensors based on thick metal film perforated with rectangular nanohole,Phys. Status Solidi RRL,7: 562-565,2013
[2013/7] Li Yuan, Fuyi Chen, Coupling effects in bilayer thick metal films perforated with rectangular, AIP Advances,3: 092120-1-092120-8,2013
[2013/8] Wenqiang Ma, Fuyi Chen, CO Oxidation on the Ag-Doped Au Nanoparticles,Catalysis Letters,: 143(1): 84-92,2013
[2013/9] Wenqiang Ma, Fuyi Chen, Electronic, magnetic and optical properties of Cu, Ag, Au-doped Si clusters, Journal of Molelar Modeling,19(10): 4555–4560,2013
[2013/10] Wenqiang Ma, Fuyi Chen, CO oxidation on Cu-doped Ag clusters,Theoretical Chemistry Accouts, 132, 1322,2013
[2013/11] Zuwei Yin, Fuyi Chen. Effect of nickel immersion pretreatment on the corrosion performance of electroless Ni-P alloys on aluminum, Surface & Coatings Technology,2013,228, 34-40)
[2013/12] Yarong Kong, Fuyi Chen, Preparation of Ag-Cu bimetallic dendritic nanostructuresand their hydrogen peroxide electroreduction property, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 43(7):667-677, 2013
[2013/13] Yi Rao, Fuyi Chen, Optical and magnetic properties of Cu-doped 13-atom Ag nanoclusters, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,565,50–55,2013
[2013/14] 康雅榮,陳福義,雙金屬Ag-Cu枝晶的製備及套用,物理化學學報,(2013年第29卷8期,頁:1712-1718)
[2013/15] Negash Alemu, Fuyi Chen,AC Electrodeposition and Plasmonic Properties of Silver Nanowires in Porous Anodic Alumina Templates Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, The 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, August 5-8, 2013, Shangrila Hotel, Beijing, China.
[2013/16]田甜,陳福義,饒毅,不同形貌TiO_2納米管陣列的光電性能,功能材料與器件學報,05期, pp 213-216, 2013.
[2012/1] Fuyi Chen, Li Yuan, Roy L. Johnston, Low-loss optical magnetic metamaterials on Ag-Au bimetallic fishnets ,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324(17), pp 2625-2630, 2012/8
[2012/2] Liu, Jian、Chen, Fuyi, Plasmon Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Activity of Ag-Cu Nanoparticles on TiO2/Ti Substrates, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 7(10), pp 9560-9572, 2012
[2012/3] Li Yuan, Fuyi Chen, Chunfeng Zheng, Jian Liu, Alemu, Negash, Parasitic absorption effect of metal nanoparticles in the dye-sensitized solar cells, Physica Status Solidi. A: Applications and Materials Science, 209(7), pp 1376-1379, 2012
[2012/4] Wenqiang Ma, Fuyi1 Chen, Optical and electronic properties of Cu doped Ag clusters, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 541, pp 79-83, 2012
[2012/5] 鄭春鳳,陳福義,Ag-Cu納米合金MIM結構的製備及其光學性質,貴金屬, 04, pp 27-32, 2012
[2012/8] 樊莉紅,陳福義,劉婧,張金生,劉建, 銀金修飾TiO_2納米管陣列光陽極的製備及其光伏性質,貴金屬, 01期, pp33-40, 2012
[2012/6]劉婧,陳福義,張吉曄,樊莉紅,張金生.銀銅雙金屬納米合金的電沉積和電催化性質.材料研究學報.2012, (1)49-54.
[2012/7]劉婧,陳福義,樊莉紅,張金生.銀銅雙金屬薄膜的雷射誘導換膜和光伏性質.貴金屬, 2012,2,28-33
[2012/8]牛建平,陳福義,張金生,銀銅枝晶的生長及其表面增強拉曼散射 ,貴金屬, 02期, pp 22-29, 2012
[2012/9]趙秀華,陳福義,劉婧, 銅基銀枝晶的製備和氧還原電催化性能,貴金屬, 01期, pp 21-28, 2012
[2011/1]Fuyi Chen, Negash Alemu, and Roy L. Johnston, Collective plasmon modes in a compositionally asymmetric nanoparticle dimer, AIP advances; 2011,1,302134
[2011/2]Fuyi Chen, Z. Y. Li, and Roy L. Johnston, Surface reconstruction precursor to melting in Au309 Clusters, AIP advances, 2011,1,302105
[2011/3]張吉曄, 陳福義, 沉積電位對銀納米晶體生長形態的影響, 貴金屬, 2011, 32 (2) 27-31
[2011/4]張金生,陳福義,閆曉紅,劉婧,樊莉紅.銀銅納米枝晶的生長及光學吸收性質,貴金屬. 2011, 32(4)29-34.
[2009/7] Fuyi Chen, R. L. Johnston, Plasmonic properties of silver nanoparticles on two substrates, Plasmonics, 2009, 4, 147-152
[2008/1] 於子龍, 陳福義, 介萬奇, 閆曉紅, CdSe-SiO2光子晶體的垂直沉積及近紅外變頻特性, 功能材料, 2008, 39, 20-22. EI:081311170817
[2008/2] Fuyi Chen, Wanqi Jie, Xiaomei Cai, Effects of supersaturation on the film growth of chemically deposited CdS on glass substrate from dilute solution, Thin Solid Film, 2008, 516(10): 2823-2828, SCI: 283KH, EI: 080911123405
[2008/3] Fuyi Chen R. L. Johnston, Martensitic transformation in Ag-Au bimetallic core-shell nanoalloy, Applied Physics Letter, 2008, 92, 023112, SCI: 252UA, EI: 080511065767
[2008/4] Fuyi Chen, R. L. Johnston, Energetic, electronic and thermal effects on structural properties of Ag-Au nanoalloys, ACS Nano, 2008, 2, 165-175, SCI: 253KA, EI: 081811233417
[2008/5] 於子龍, 陳福義, 介萬奇,閆曉紅,沉積電位對CdSe納米晶薄膜的結構,形貌和光學性質的影響, 功能材料, 2008,39, 733-736. EI: 082711351373
[2008/6] Fuyi Chen, R. L. Johnston, Charge transfer driven surface segregation of 13-atom Au-Ag nanoalloy and its relevance to structural, optical and electronic properties, Acta Materialia, 2008, 56, 2374-2380 SCI: 316HI, EI: 082111265778
[2008/7] 閆曉紅, 陳福義, 於子龍, 介萬奇, 單分散SiO2微球的合成及膠體晶體的生長, 功能材料, 2008, 39, 1926-1928. EI: 085111792223
[2007/1] Yu Fengbin, Chen Fuyi, Jie Wanqi, Wang Tao, Synthesis of CdS/Ag particles in phosphate glass by UV beam irradiation, Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2007, Feb, 28(1): 93-98. EI: 9569906
[2007/2] Fuyi Chen, Benjamin C. Curley, Giulia Rossi and Roy J. Johnston, Structure, melting and thermal stability of 55-atom Ag-Au nanoalloys, Journal of Physical Chemistry, C. 2007, Jul, 111(26),9157-9165,EI: 073110741287, SCI: 183VC
[2007/3] 余鳳斌,陳福義,介萬奇,於子龍,摻雜Ag微粒的CdS-P2O5-Na2O系統玻璃的製備及其光吸收特性,功能材料與器件學報,2007, 13(3):217-220. EI: 072910703118
[2007/4] Chen Fuyi, Jie Wanqi,Constrained growth of the PMMA photonic crystals, Solid State Phenomena ,121-3(2007)433-436. EI: 9343983, ISTP: DFV01
[2007/5] Fuyi Chen, Wanqi Jie, Finite element design of MgO/Ni functionally gradient materials, Journal of Material processing and technology, 18[1-3] (2007)181-184. EI: 064510229877, SCI: 118CG
[2007/6] Yu Fengbin, Chen Fuyi, Jie Wanqi, Preparation and Characterization of CdS Quantum Dots doped Phosphate Nanocomposite Glass, Key engineering materials, 334-5(2007) 801-804. ISTP: BVF92
[2007/7] F. Y. Chen, R. J. Johnston, Structure and spectral characteristics of the nanoalloy Ag3Au10, Applied Physics Letter, 2007, 90, 153123. SCI: 157AJ
[2007/8] Chen Fuyi, Jie Wanqi, Growth and photoluminescence properties of CdS solid solution semiconductor, Crystal Research and Technology, 2007, 42(11): 1082-1086, SCI: 230CY, EI: 074710933762
· 書籍
[2] Fuyi Chen, Jian Liu, Negash Alemu, Plasmonic rectanna for efficient conversion of light into electricity [Chapter] in Plasmonics: Principles and Applications [Book], ISBN 978-953-308-91-2, Intech, Ed. Ki Young,2012
[2015-1] 陳福義,何麗榮, 全固態光電轉換器件及其製備方法, 中國發明申請公布號:CN104851930A, 中國發明申請號:2015101525552, 2015年8月
[2014-1]陳福義,靳亞超, 基於銀銅催化的金屬空氣電池及其製備方法,中國發明專利申請號: 201410810251.6, 2014年12月
[2014-2]陳福義,陳凱博, 一種銀銅納米合金電催化劑及雷射氣相沉積方法, 中國發明專利申請號: 201410339088.X, 2014年7月
[2014-3]陳福義,吳小強, 銀銅納米合金空氣電極催化劑層及其沉積方法, 中國發明專利申請號: 201410542528.1, 2014年10月
[2014-4]陳福義,靳亞超,基於無碳Ag-Cu催化劑層的空氣電極及其製備方法, 中國發明專利申請號: 201410542530.9, 2014年10月
[2013-1]陳福義,尹祖偉, 一種納米孔Ni(OH)2/NiCu析氫電極及其製備方法, 中國發明專利申請號: 201310414962.7, 2013年9月
[2012-1] 陳福義,劉健,一種表面等離子共振整流天線及其製備方法,中國發明專利,201210002179.5.
[2011-1] 陳福義,張吉曄,一種燃料電池用銀銅納米合金陰極及其製備方法,中國發明專利, ZL201110051634.6
[2011-2] 陳福義,劉婧,用於光陽極的銀銅雙金屬薄膜及雷射誘導換膜方法,中國發明專利, ZL20111024662.0
[2011-3] 陳福義,樊莉紅,一種TiO2納米管陣列光陽極及其製備方法,中國發明專利, ZL201110190017.4
[2011-4] 陳福義,樊莉紅,一種製備太陽能電池光陽極的方法,中國發明專利, ZL201110190192.3
[2011-5] 陳福義,鄭春風,一種銀銅納米合金及其電合成方法,中國發明專利申請號:201110310987.3, CN102321825A
[2009-1] 陳福義,閻曉紅,一種銀銅納米合金及其製備方法, 中國發明專利申請號:200910022693.3, CN101643865