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陳瑞,博士,中山大學物理學院副教授,新加坡國立大學研究員。長期從事成像光學在晶片檢測、材料以及生物科學等方面的套用研究,主要包括顯微成像理論、計算成像、矢量光束成像、以及超構表面等。提出基於全波分析和衍射理論的光學顯微鏡全鏈路模型,實現高系統解析度的共焦顯微鏡計算成像,研究矢量光束成像等,研究成果主要發表在如Optica,Physical Review X,Optics Express,Optics Letter等國際重要學術期刊。


  • 中文名:陳瑞
  • 畢業院校:新加坡國立大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:光學與電磁場
  • 任職院校:中山大學



2018.7- 至今,中山大學,物理學院,碩士生導師,副教授
2016.12- 2018.7,新加坡國立大學,Department of Biomedical Engineering, Research Fellow
2013.10- 2016.11,新加坡國立大學,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Research Fellow


2010.07 - 2013.10,新加坡國立大學,光學與電磁場,博士
2007.08 - 2010.04,南京電子技術研究所,電磁場與微波技術,碩士
2003.08 - 2007.07,西安電子科技大學,電子信息工程,本科




大學物理實驗(2018秋,2019春), 信號與系統(2019春), 套用光學 (2019秋)



1. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金,2020.1-2022.12,主持。
2. 高校基本業務費青年教師培育項目,2019.1-2021.12,主持
3. 中山大學百人計畫基本啟動經費,2018.7-2020.7,主持。


1. Z.-P. Zhuang*,R. Chen*, Z.-B. Fan, X.-N. Pang, and J.-W. Dong, "High focusing efficiency in subdiffraction focusing metalens," Nanophotonics 8, 1279-1289,(2019).
2. Z. Wei,R. Chenand X. Chen, “Nonlinear Reconstruction of multilayer media in scanning microwave microscopy,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 68,197-205 (2019)
3.R. Chen, S. Shen and N. Chen, “Numerical modeling of two-photon focal modulation microscopy with a sinusoidal phase filter, ” Journal of Biomedical optics 23,055002 (2018)
4. M. Wu,R. Chen, J. Ling, Z. Chen, X. Chen, R. Ji, and M. Hong, "Creation of a longitudinally polarized photonic nanojet via an engineered microsphere," Optics Letters 42, 1444-1447 (2017).
5.R. Chen, M. Wu, J. Lin, Z. Wei, Z. C. Chen, M. H. Hong and X. Chen, “Super-resolution microscopy imaging based on full-wave modelling and image reconstruction,” Optica 3, 1339-1347 (2016).
6. M. Wu,R. Chen, J. Soh, Y. Shen, L. Jiao, J. Wu, X. Chen, R. Ji, and M. Hong, "Super-focusing of center-covered engineered microsphere," Scientific Reports 6, 31637 (2016).
7. K. Agarwal,R. Chen, L. S. Koh, C. J. R. Sheppard, and X. Chen, “Crossing the resolution limit in near-infrared imaging of silicon chips: Targeting 10-nm node technology,” Physical Review X 5, 021014 (2015). (Feature in Physicshttps://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevX.5.021014)
8.R. Chen, K. Agarwal, C. J. R. Sheppard, and X. Chen, “Imaging using cylindrical vector beams in a high-numerical-aperture microscopy system,” Optics Letters 38, 3111–3114 (2013).
9.R. Chen, K. Agarwal, C. J. R. Sheppard, J. C. H. Phang, and X. Chen, “A complete and computationally efficient numerical model of aplanatic solid immersion lens scanning microscope,” Optics Express 21, 14316–14330 (2013).
10.R. Chen, K. Agarwal, C. J. R. Sheppard, J. C. H. Phang, and X. Chen, “Resolution of aplanatic solid immersion lens based microscopy,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29, 1059–1070 (2012).
11.R. Chen, K. Agarwal, Y. Zhong, C. J. R. Sheppard, J. C. H. Phang, and X. Chen, “Complete modeling of subsurface microscopy system based on aplanatic solid immersion lens,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29, 2350–2359 (2012).
12. L. Hu,R. Chen, K. Agarwal, C. J. R. Sheppard, J. C. H. Phang, and X. Chen, “Dyadic green’s function for aplanatic solid immersion lens based sub-surface microscopy,” Optics Express 19, 19280–19295 (2011)


