- 中文名:陳梁
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:福建
- 職業:副教授
- 畢業院校:新加坡南洋理工大學
2. Ho, S. S.,Chen L.,& Ng, A. (2017) Comparing Cyberbullying Perpetration on Social Media between Primary and Secondary School Students [比較中小學生社交媒體網路欺凌]. Computers & Education (SSCI一區, JCR教育學排名:7/235) [計算機與教育].
3. Ho, S.S., Leong, A.D., Looi, J.,Chen, L., Pang, N., & Tandoc, E. Jr. (forthcoming). Science literacy or value predisposition? A meta-analysis of factors predicting public perceptions of benefits, risks, and acceptance of nuclear energy [科學素養與價值取向:關於大眾對核能認知的元分析]. Environmental Communication (SSCI二區 ) [環境傳播].
4. Wang, X., Shi, J.,Chen, L., & Peng, T. (2016). An Examination of Users’ Influence in Online HIV/AIDS Communities [探索虛擬健康社區中的用戶影力].Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (SSCI一區) [網路心理、行為與社會網].
5. Shi, J., Wang, X., Peng, &Chen, L.(2016). How do PLWHA interact in virtual communities? A network analysis of an HIV community on Weibo [愛滋病感染者在虛擬社區中的互動]. AIDS Care- Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV (SSCI一區) [愛滋關懷-心理與社會醫學中的愛滋].
6. Yang, X. &Chen, L., Feng, Q. (2015). Risk perception of food safety issue on social media [社交媒體中關於食品安全的信息與危機意識]. Chinese Journal of Communication (SSCI) [中華傳播學刊].
7.Chen, L.& Yang, X. (2015). Nature and effectiveness of online social support for intercultural adaptation of mainland Chinese international students [網路社會支持與中國留學生跨文化適應]. International Journal of Communication (SSCI二區) [國際傳播學刊].
8.Chen, L.& Shi, J. (2014). Social support exchanges in a social media community for people living with HIV/AIDS in China [在社交媒體中的愛滋關懷信息傳播]. AIDS Care- Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV (SSCI一區)[愛滋關懷-心理與社會醫學中的愛滋].
9. Shi, J. &Chen, L.(2014). Social support messages on Sina Weibo for people living with HIV/AIDS in China: A content analysis [在新浪微博中的愛滋相關的社會支持信息分析:量性內容分析]. Chinese Journal of Communication (SSCI) [中華傳播學刊].
10.Chen, L.(2013). China’s creative industries: copyright, social network markets and the business of culture in a digital age [在數字時代的中國創意產業:著作權, 社會網路市場與商業文化].New Media and Society (SSCI一區,JCR傳播學排名:1/79)[新媒體與社會].