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  • 中文名:陳文智
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:計算機系統結構、嵌入式系統、網路空間安全
  • 職務:博士生導師













Jianhai Chen, Qinming He, Deshi Ye,Wenzhi Chen,Yang Xiang,Kevin Chiew, Liangwei Zhu,Joint affinity aware grouping and virtual machine placement,Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2017, SCI.
  • Guoxi Li,Wenzhi Chen,Kui Su,Zhongyong Lu,Hzmem: New Huge Page Allocator with Main Memory Compression,International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2017, EI.
  • Xuequan Lu,Shihao Wu, Honghua Chen, Sai-Kit Yeung,Wenzhi Chen,Matthias Zwicker,GPF: GMM-inspired Feature-preserving Point Set Filtering,IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2017(Accepted), SCI.
  • Yuan Yao,Wenzhi Chen,Tulika Mitra,Yang Xiang,TC-Release++: An Efficient Timestamp-Based Coherence Protocol for Many-Core Architectures,Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2017(Accepted), SCI.
  • Rui Chang,Wenzhi Chen,Yaobin Xie,Zhongyong Lu,A TrustEnclave-based Architecture for Run-time Security on Embedded Terminals,Tsinghua Science and Techonology, 2017(Accepted), SCI.
  • Rui Chang,Wenzhi Chen,Yang Xiang,Yuxia Cheng,MIPE: a practical memory integrity protection method in a trusted execution environment,Cluster Computing, 2017(Accepted), SCI.
  • Yuxia Cheng,Wenzhi Chen,A Practical Cross-Datacenter Fault-Tolerance Algorithm in the Cloud Storage System ,Cluster Computing, 2017(Accepted), SCI.
  • Xuequan Lu,Xiaohong Liu, Zhigang Deng,Wenzhi Chen,An Efficient Approach for Feature-preserving Mesh Denoising,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017:186-195, SCI.
  • Xuequan Lu,Wenzhi Chen,Scott Schaefer,Robust Mesh Denoising via Vertex Pre-filtering and L1-Median Normal Filtering,Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2017, SCI.
  • Xian Chen,Wenzhi Chen,Zhongyong Lu,Yu Zhang,Rui Chang,MBSA: A Lightweight and Flexible Storage Architecture for Virtual Machines,Concurrency and Computation Practice & Experience, 2017(Accepted), SCI.
  • Kui Su,Pengfei Jiang,Zonghui Wang,Wenzhi Chen,vMobiDesk: Desktop Virtualization for Mobile Operating System,High Performance Computing and Communications, 2016:945-950, EI.
  • Yuxia Cheng,Wenzhi Chen,Zonghui Wang,Yang Xiang,Precise Contention-aware Performance Prediction on Virtualized Multicore System,Journal of Systems Architecture, 2016:42-50, SCI.
  • Yuxia Cheng,Wenzhi Chen,Zonghui Wang,Zhongxian Tang,Yang Xiang,Smart VM Co-scheduling with the precise prediction of performance characteristics,Future Generation Computer Systems, 2016, SCI.
  • Yuan Yao, Guanhua Wang, Zhiguo Ge, Tulika Mitra,Wenzhi Chen,Naxin Zhang,Efficient Timestamp-based Cache Coherence Protocol for Many-Core Architectures,International Conference on Supercomputing, 2016, EI.
  • Xuequan Lu,Zhigang Deng,Wenzhi Chen,A Robust Scheme for Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising,IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2016,22(3),1181-1194, SCI.
  • Bei Wang,Yuxia Cheng,Wenzhi Chen,Qinming He,Yang Xiang,Efficient consolidation-aware VCPU scheduling on multicore virtualisation platform,Future Generation Computer Systems, 2016:229-237, SCI.
  • Kui Su,Wenzhi Chen,Guoxi Li,Zonghui Wang,RPFF: A Remote Page-fault Filter for Post-copy Live Migration,International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing, 2015:938-943, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Lei Xu,Guoxi Li,Yang Xiang,A Lightweight Virtualization Solution for Android Devices,IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2015:2741-2751, SCI.
  • Lei Xu,Wenzhi Chen,Zonghui Wang,Guoxi Li, Chuan Li,Weijie Sun,Condroid: A Container-Based Virtualization Solution Adapted for Android Devices,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering, 2015: 81-88, EI.
  • Lei Xu,Zonghui Wang,Wenzhi Chen,The Study and Evaluation of ARM-Based Mobile Virtualization,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, SCI.
  • Yuxia Cheng,Wenzhi Chen,Zonghui Wang,Xinjie Yu,Yang Xiang,AMC: An adaptive multi-level cache algorithm in hybrid storage systems,Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, 2015:4230-4246, SCI.
  • Yuxia Cheng,Wenzhi Chen,Zonghui Wang,Xinjie Yu,Performance monitoring based traffic-aware virtual machine deployment on NUMA systems,IEEE Systems Journal, 2015, SCI.
  • Xian Chen,Wenzhi Chen,Zhongyong Lu,Peng Long, Shuiqiao Yang,Zonghui Wang,A Duplication-aware SSD-based Cache Architecture for Primary Storage in Virtualization Environment ,IEEE Systems Journal, 2015, SCI.
  • Xian Chen,Wenzhi Chen,Zhongyong Lu,Fusion-Cache: A refactored Content-Aware Host-side SSD Cache ,ICA3PP, 2015:297-314, EI.
  • Kui Su,Lei Xu,Cong Chen,Zonghui Wang,Wenzhi Chen,Affinity and Conflict-Aware Placement of Virtual Machines in Heterogeneous Data Centers,Proceedings of IEEE Twelfth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, 2015:289-294, EI.
  • Yuan Yao, Guanhua Wang, Zhiguo Ge, Tulika Mitra,Wenzhi Chen,Naxin Zhang,SelectDirectory: A Selective Directory for Cache Coherence in Many-Core Architectures,Design Automation and Test in Europe, 2015.03.10-2015.03.12, EI.
  • Lei Xu,Zonghui Wang,Wenzhi Chen,Research about Virtualization of ARM-Based Mobile Smart Devices,Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 2014: 259-266, EI.
  • Lei Xu,Zonghui Wang,Wenzhi Chen,An Integrated Dynamic Resource Scheduling Framework in On-Demand Clouds,Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2014, 30(5): 1537-1552, SCI.
  • Xuequan Lu,Wenzhi Chen,Mingliang Xu,Zonghui Wang,Zhigang Deng, Yangdong Ye,AA-FVDM: An accident-avoidance full velocity difference model for animating realistic street-level traffic in rural scenes,Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 2014, 25(1): 83-97, SCI.
  • Xuequan Lu,Zonghui Wang,Mingliang Xu,Wenzhi Chen,Zhigang Deng,A personality model for animating heterogeneous traffic behaviors,Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 2014, 25(3-4): 363-373, SCI.
  • Xian Chen,Wenzhi Chen,Shuiqiao Yang,Zonghui Wang,Zhongyong Lu,DASH: A Duplication-aware Flash Cache Architecture in Virtualization Environment,ICPADS, 2014.11.15-2014.11.17, EI.
  • Kui Su,Zonghui Wang,Xuequan Lu,Wenzhi Chen,An original-stream based solution for smoothly replaying high-definition videos in desktop virtualization systems,Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2014, 25(6): 676-683, SCI.
  • Yuxia Cheng,Wenzhi Chen,Evaluation of virtual machine performance on NUMA multicore systems,International conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, 2013.10.28-2013.10.30, EI.
  • Yuxia Cheng,Wenzhi Chen,Xiao Chen, Bin Xu, Shaoyu Zhang,A user-level NUMA-aware scheduler for optimizing virtual machine performance,International symposium on parallel and distributed processing technologies, 2013.05.20-2013.05.24, EI.
  • Yuan Yao,Zhongyong Lu,Qingsong Shi,Wenzhi Chen,FPGA based hardware-software co-designed dynamic binary translation system,Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2013 23rd International Conference on, 2013, EI.
  • Xian Chen,Wenzhi Chen,Peng Long,Zhongyong Lu,SEMMA: Secure Efficient Memory Management Approach in Virtual Environment,Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD), 2013.12.13-2013.12.15, EI.
  • Xuequan Lu,Zonghui Wang,Mingliang Xu,Wenzhi Chen,Zhigang Deng,Adaptive-AR Model with Drivers' Prediction for Traffic Simulation,International Journal of Computer Games Technology, 2013: 904154:1-904154:8 (2013), SCI.
  • Jianhai Chen, Kevin Chiew, Deshi Ye, Liangwei Zhu,Wenzhi Chen,AAGA: Affinity-Aware Grouping Method for Allocation of Virtual Machines,In Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2013) Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013, EI.
  • Lei Xu,Wenzhi Chen,Zonghui Wang,Huafei Ni, Jiajie Wu,Smart Ring: A Model of Node Failure Detection in High Available Cloud Data Center,Proceedings of International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, 2012: 279-288, EI.
  • Lei Xu,Wenzhi Chen,Zonghui Wang,Shuangquan Yang,Smart DRS: A Strategy of Dynamic Resource Scheduling in Cloud Data Center,Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 2012: 120-127, EI.
  • Jianhai Chen, Dawei Huang, Bei Wang, Deshi Ye, Qinming He,Wenzhi Chen,A Fine-grained Performance-based Decision Model for Virtualization Application Solution,in Proceedings of the third TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking (TPCTC’11), collocated with VLDB2011, 2011, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Huijun Chen, Wei Huang, Xiaoqin Chen, Dapeng Huang,Improving host swapping using adaptive prefetching and paging notifier,In Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, 2010.6.21-2010.6.25, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Zhipeng Zhang, Jianhua Yang, Qinming He,vCerberus: A DRTM system based on virtualization technology,Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2010, 15(3): 185-189, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Zhipeng Zhang, Jianhua Yang, Qinming He,Cerberus: A Novel Hypervisor to Provide Trusted and Isolated Code Execution,International Conference of Information Science and Management Engineering, 2010.8.7-2010.8.8, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Wei Huang, Cheng Xie, Qinming He,基於虛擬化平台的可信任計算基,浙江大學學報, 2009, 48(2): 95-97, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Wei Huang,SmartMK:基於 TPM 的可信多核心作業系統架構,武漢大學學報(信息科學版), 2009, 33(10): 1034-1037, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Zhenyu Jiang, Fan Wu,基於 MIPS 體系的擴展指令融合技術,計算機學報, 2008, 31(11): 1888-1897, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,HongWei Zhu, Wei Huang,SeVMM:VMM-based security control model,CyberWorld, 2008, 5(12): 820-823, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Cheng Xie, Jiaoying Shi,一個構件化嵌入式作業系統的精確控制核心,計算機學報, 2006, 29(6): 867-874, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Cheng Xie, Jiaoying Shi,基於構件化框架及模型驅動的作業系統核心,浙江大學學報(工學版), 2005, 39(9): 1348-1352, EI.
  • Cheng Xie,Wenzhi Chen,Jiaoying Shi,Hierarchical Integration of Runtime Models,ICESS, 2005.12.16-2005.12.18, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Zhou Jiang, Zhaohui Wu, Z-CFP A Component Framework Optimization for Pervasive Computing ,ICESS2004, 2004, 3605(2005): 236-242, EI.
  • Wenzhi Chen,Cheng Xie, Jiaoying Shi,A Component-Based Model Integrated Framework for Embedded Software,ICESS, 2004, 3605(2005): 563-569, EI.
  • Cheng Xie,Wenzhi Chen,Jiaoying Shi, Pcanel-A Component-based Embedded Operating System ,IEEE SMC, 2004.10.10-2004.10.13, EI.


