



  • 中文名:陳振嬌
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:電子商務(電商直播、短視頻購物、社交電商等)、電子政務、信息系統行為學
  • 任職院校:對外經濟貿易大學






發表情況:近年來在信息系統(IS)領域國際主流刊源(如:Decision Support Systems,Information & Management, Journal of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,Asia Pacific Journal of Management)上發表學術論文40餘篇,其中10篇國際期刊論文由SSCI 檢索,20餘篇論文由 EI 檢索;獨立撰寫學術專著 1 部;入選“全國百篇優秀管理案例”1 篇。共主持 13 項縱向科研課題,包括:3 項國家自然科學基金, 1 項省部級“留學歸國優秀人員”資助;獲得“北京市優秀人才”和“北京市高校青年英才” 2項榮譽稱號及基金資助;連續3次獲得“北京理工大學優秀青年教師”基金資助;主持多項北理工基礎基金。曾多次參與香港特別行政區雇員信心指數(HKECI)調查套用研究課題。
目前擔任國家自然科學基金委(管理科學部)同行評議專家;同時擔任信息系統(IS)領域多個SSCI國際期刊Journal of Management Information System, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management,Electronic Commerce Research評審人。
1. T. Yang, Y. Liu, Z. Chen, J. Deng*(forthcoming) Change of Productivity Loss Due to Presenteeism Among the Ageing Workforce: Role of Work Support, Workplace Discrimination, and the Work–Nonwork Interface. Human Resource Management Journal. (SSCI刊源 JCR 1區)
2. B.Lu & Z.Chen*(2021) Live streaming commmerce and consumers' purchase intention: An uncertainty reduction perspective. Information & Management. (Online Publication). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2021.103509 (SSCI刊源 UIBE國際 A-類)
3. X.Hu, Z.Chen* & R. Davison (2021) Charting Consumers' Continued Social Commerce Intention. Internet Research. (Online Publication).DOI 10.1108/INTR-07-2020-0397.(SSCI刊源 JCR 1區)
4. X.Shen,Y.Li, Y.Sun, Z.Chen & F.Wang,(2019) Understanding the Role of Technology Attractiveness in Promoting Social Commerce Engagement: The Moderating Effect of Users' Interest, Information & Management (56:2), pp. 294-305. (SSCI刊源 UIBE國際 A-類)
5. Z.Chen*, R.Davison & J.Mao, (2018) When and How Authoritarian Leadership and Leader Renqing Orientation Influence Tacit Knowledge Sharing Intentions. Information & Management. 55(7): 840-849.(SSCI刊源 UIBE國際 A-類)
6. Z.Chen* & D. Vogel (2016) How to satisfy citizens? Using mobile government to reengineer fair government processes. Decision Support Systems.82. 47-57.(SSCI刊源 UIBE國際 A-類)
7. K.Leung, Z.Chen*, F. Zhou & K. Lim (2014) The Role of Relational Orientation as Measured by Face and Renqing in Innovative Behavior in China: An Indigenous Analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 31.105-126.(SSCI刊源).
8. Z.Chen*, X.Qin & D. Vogel. (2012) Is Cooperation a Panacea? The Effect of Cooperative Response to Task Conflict on Team Performance. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 29(2) 163-178.(SSCI刊源)
9. Z.Chen*, X.Zhang & D. Vogel (2011) Exploring the Underlying Processes between Conflict and Knowledge Sharing: A Work-Engagement, Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 41(5).1005-1033. (SSCI刊源)
10. Z.Chen*, X.Zhang, K. Leung & F. Zhou (2010). Exploring the interactive effect of time control and justice perception on job attitudes, Journal of Social Psychology. 150(2).181-197. (SSCI刊源)
11. X.Zhang, Z.Chen*, D. Vogel, M. Yuan & C. Guo (2010). Knowledge Sharing Reward Dynamics in Knowledge Management Systems: Game Theory-Based Empirical Validation, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing. 20(2),103-122 (SCI/EI刊源)
12. Z.Chen*, J.Li & B Ma (2010) When Task Conflict Triggers Relationship Conflict. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology 19. pp167 (EI刊源)
13. Z.Chen*, D Zhao (2010) The Effect of Conflict and Trust on Knowledge Sharing. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology 19. pp167 (EI刊源)
14. X.Zhang,M.Yuan,Z.Chen & D.Vogel (2009), Antecedents of coordination effectiveness of software developer dyads from interacting teams: an empirical investigation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56(3), 494-507. (SSCI/EI)
15. X.Zhang, Z.Chen*, D. Vogel & C. Guo (2009). Exchange ideology as a moderator of knowledge sharing in virtual teams: A social exchange theory perspective. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise management, 6(2), 143-163. (EI刊源)
16. Z.Chen*,X.Zhang & D.Zhao (2008). Leadership effectiveness in the Chinese enterprises: the roles of Chinese leadership and employee's individual orientation. International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 1(3), 343-358.
17. X.Zhang, M.Yuan, D.Vogel & Z.Chen (2008). National and Organizational Cultural Impact on Intergroup Coordination in Software Development in Mainland China: A Qualitative Analysis, International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 1(3).
18. 陳振嬌,徐芳俐, 顧媛, 宋夢夢. (2017). G2C電子政務服務質量促進用戶持續使用的機制——方法目的鏈視角. 情報科學, 35(9), 90-95.。
19. 陳振嬌, 時良瑞 (2015). 推進產學研協同創新的思路. 巨觀經濟管理(4), 32-34.
20. 陳振嬌, 趙定濤, 魏昕. (2012). 團隊關係衝突對知識共享影響機制的實證研究. 科技進步與對策, 29(7), 122-127.
21. 陳振嬌,趙定濤(2011),關係衝突影響團隊產出的中介機制研究,北京理工大學學報,13(3), 5-10。
22. 陳振嬌,李金林,馬寶龍(2011)博弈論在關係衝突管理中的運用,數學的實踐與認識, 5, 70-74。
23. 陳振嬌, 趙定濤, 扶元廣(2005). 租金博弈中的腐敗與民主監督--轉型期民主監督的腐敗預防機制. 當代經濟科學, 27(3), 26-30.
1. Z. Chen*, I. Benbasat & R. Cenfetelli(2019) The influence of e-commerce live streaming on lifestyle fit uncertainty and online purchase intention of experience products (HICSS,2019) .
2. Z. Chen*, I. Benbasat & R. Cenfetelli (2017), Grassroots Internet Celebrity Live Streaming” Activating IT Mediated Lifestyle Marketing Services at e-Commerce Websites, 38th International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, Korea (ICIS, 2017) (EI)(AIS國際信息系統協會A類會議).
3. Z. Chen*, M. Song, L. Jia & Z. Wang (2017), How Authoritarian Leadership and Renqing Orientation Improve Tacit Knowledge Sharing, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (HICSS, 2017) (EI). (AIS國際信息系統協會A類會議).
4. X. Shen, Y. Li, Y. Sun, Z. Chen, Z. Zhang & J. Zhao (2017), How to Increase Users’Social Commerce Engagement? A Technology Attractiveness Model, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (HICSS, 2017). (AIS國際信息系統協會A類會議).
5. T. Yang, J. Deng, Y. Liu, Z. Chen, & Y. M. Shen (2016). Chinese medical staffs in private hospitals are more productive than those in public hospitals, really?, International Conference on Sustainable Employability(INCOSE).
6. Z. Chen* & D. Vogel (2015) How Mentorship Improves Reverse Transfer of Tacit Knowledge inChinese Multinational Companies (MNCs). 24th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2015).
7. J. Chen, X. Shen & Z. Chen (2014), Understanding Social Commerce Intention: A Relational View, 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
8. Z. Chen* & D. Vogel (2014) Mobile Government: How to Improve Fairness in Public Administration Management. Proceedings of the Twenties Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014) (Best Paper Nomination).
9. Z. Chen* & K. Leung (2010). The effect of team conflict and task type on team knowledge sharing through transactive memory system, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (IEEE ICIME 2010)
10. D. Vogel, Z. Chen, Q. Bi, Z. Yan & J. Hong (2010) m-Government in China: Observations and Reflections, Proceedings of the Twelfth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010)
11. X.Zhang, Z. Chen & C. Guo (2009), Opening the‘Black Box’ between Conflict and Knowledge Sharing: A Psychological Engagement Theory Perspective, Proceedings of the 42th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS 2009).
12. K. Leung, Z. Chen*, F. Zhou & K. Lim (2009). Relationship between Traditional Culture and innovation in China: The effects of Face and Renqing. 6th Asia Academy of Management Conference (AAOM 2009)
1. 陳振嬌, 關於電商平台治理的建議,國家部委內參採用,獲中央領導同志批示,2022
2. 陳振嬌,“十四五”時期電商直播扶貧高質量發展的建議,國家部委內參採用,獲中央領導同志批示,2020
4. 陳振嬌等,關於跨境電商研究報告,中央媒體內參採用,2022。
6. 陳振嬌,網路直播亂象之治理機制與對策,中央媒體內參採用,2021。
8. 陳振嬌,數位化轉型促農民農村共同富裕,經濟日報(理論版),2021-12。
9.陳振嬌,充分認識和用好電商在戰 “疫”和應急管理中的戰略作用,人民網發表,2020。
[2]陳振嬌, 程波, 張丹青, 劉平青等.(2016).專業守界、網路跨界:螞蟻白領專業金融服務平台“築巢”. 第七屆“全國百篇優秀管理案例”
4.主持,國家自然科學基金(No. 72072013)“農村電商直播對下沉市場用戶粘性及重複購買的影響機制研究”(2021-2024)
5.主持,國家自然科學基金(No. 71471017),“中國跨國企業基於導師網路的隱性知識逆向轉移機制研究”(2015-2018)
6.主持,國家自然科學基金(No. 71002101),“任務衝突與團隊創新關係的分層研究——社會信息處理視角”(2011-2013)
7.主持,國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目(No. 71110107007)“探索團隊衝突影響團隊知識共享的心理機制”
8.主持,北京市高等學校青年英才計畫(No. YETP1164),“中國企業跨國併購中本土管理文化與員工創新關係的分層研究”(2014-2016)
11.項目骨幹,國家自然科學基金項目(No. 71172172/G0214),“航空收益管理中的柔性艙位控制研究”(2012-2015)
13.項目骨幹,國家自然科學基金項目 “我國企業跨文化吸收能力與國際併購績效研究” (No.71272060/G0204)


[1] 國家自然科學基金委管理學部 同行評議專家
[2] AIS Association of Information Systems 會員
[3] CNAIS Chinese Association of Information Systems 會員
[4] HICSS (Hawaii International Conference on System Science) 會員
[5] Decision Support Systems(SSCI) 期刊評審人
[6] Information & Management(SSCI) 期刊評審人
[7] Electronic Commerce Research(SSCI)期刊評審人
[8] Information & Management (SSCI) 期刊評審人
[9] Information & Technology People (SSCI) 期刊評審人


[1] 2022 對外經濟貿易大學優秀班主任
[2] 2021年對外經濟貿易大學首屆課程思政教師教學能力大賽三等獎
[3] 2014北京市優秀人才
[1] 2014北京市青年英才
[4] 2014 AMCIS最佳會議論文提名
[5] 2009 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards-Highly Commended Award
[6] 美國信息系統年會(AMCIS)最佳論文提名
[7] 管理與經濟學院第四屆青年學者學術交流研討會二等獎。
[8] 北京理工大學教學基本功大賽三等獎
[9] 北京理工大學考核評級(院長提名獎)
[10] 管理與經濟學院第三屆青年學者學術交流研討會一等獎。
[11] 北京理工大學校級A類人員
[12] 香港城市大學 “Peter Ho” 優秀博士生獎學金
[13] 中國科學技術大學“優秀博士生學術”獎學金
[14] 中國科學技術大學“優秀博士畢業生”
[15] Emerald/EFMD國際傑出博士論文高度讚揚獎


