Journal of Chinese Overseas)學報和《亞洲人類學》(
Asian-Anthropology)學報,並負責學報的主編/聯合主編多年,並先後被台灣中央研究院民族學研究所《台灣人類學刊》編委會、 台灣大學人類學系《考古人類學刊》諮詢委員會聘為委員;亦被《
西北民族研究》、《亞洲人類學》 、《東南亞學刊》(台灣國立暨南國際大學) 、馬來西亞人文與社會科學學報、
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2012 《遷徙、家鄉與認同 – 文化比較視野下的海外華人研究》,段穎、巫達譯。北京:商務印書館出版。
2004Chinese Overseas: Comparative Cultural Issues. Hong Kong University Press.
2002Chinese Minority in a Malay State: The Case of Terengganu in Malaysia.Singapore: Eastern University Press.
1998The Baba of Melaka. Petaling Jaya:Pelanduk Publications.
1985The Development and Distribution of Dejiao Associations in Malaysia and Singapore: A Study on a Chinese Religious Organization. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. [中譯本:《馬來西亞與新加坡的德教會之發展與分布》,蘇慶華譯]
2015. After Migration and Religious Affiliation: Religions, Chinese Identities and
Transnational Networks. Singapore: World Scientific.
2013.Chinatowns around the World: Gilded Ghetto, Ethnopolis, and Cultural Diaspora. Leiden and Boston: Brill. (Co-edited with Bernard P. Wong)
2013. Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Overseas. London: Routledge.
2011Chinese Food and Foodways in Southeast Asia and Beyond. Singapore: NUS Press.
2008The World of Soy. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. (Edited by Christine Du Bois, Chee-Beng Tan and Sidney Mintz)
2007Chinese Transnational Networks. London: Routledge.
2007Food and Foodways in Asia: Resource, Tradition and Cooking. London: Routledge. (Co-edited with Sidney C.H. Cheung)
2007Chinese Overseas: Migration, Research and Documentation. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. Edited by Tan Chee-Beng, Colin Storey and Julia Zimmerman.
2006Southern Fujian: Reproduction of Traditions in Post-Mao China. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press
2006 《跨國網路與華南僑鄉:文化、認同和社會變遷》,陳志明、丁毓玲、王連茂主編。香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所出版。
2001Changing Chinese Foodways in Asia. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (Co-edited with David Y. H. Wu)2001Tourism, Anthropology and China. Bangkok: White Lotus. Co-edited with Sidney C.H. Cheung and Yang Hui.2000The Chinese in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. (Co-edited with Lee Kam Hing)
2000 《傳統與變遷:華南的認同和文化》,陳志明、張小軍、張展鴻 主編。 北京:文津出版社。
1999 《福建暨閩南研究文獻選集》,陳志明、張小軍編。香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所出版。 1997Sociocultural Change, Development and Indigenous Peoples. (Contributions to Southeast Asian Ethnography, No. 11.)
1995Dimensions of Tradition and Development in Malaysia. Petaling Jaya(Malaysia): Pelanduk Publications. Co-edited with Rokiah Talib.
1990Preservation and Adaptation of Tradition: Studies of Chinese Religious Expression in Southeast Asia(Contributions to Southeast Asian Ethnography, No. 9, 1990)
2015.“Introduction: After Migration and Religious Affiliation.” In After Migration
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2015.“Ancestral God, Locality God, and Chinese Transactional Pilgrimage.” In
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2015.“Commensality: and the Organization of Social Relations.” In Commensality: From Everyday Food to Feast, eds., Susanne Kerner, Cynthia Chou and Morten Warmind, pp. 1-29. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic
2015.“Chinese and Indian Diaspora: Some Common and Not-so-common Cultural Processes.” In Indian and Chinese Immigrant Communities: Comparative Perspectives, eds., Jayati Bhattacharya and Coonoor Kripalani. London and New York: Anthem Press. (Chapter 3)
2014"Chinese Overseas: Migration, Food and Identity." 華僑華人研究, 11 號, 2014,頁7-17. [日本海外華人研究學會期刊]
2014陳志明著、孟慶波譯 “善堂:中國、新加坡和馬來西亞的慈善寺堂”,華僑華人歷史研究,2014年第二期(總第106期),頁24-38. [中國華僑華人歷史研究所主辦]
2014.“Ethnicity, Religion and Identity: Chinese Muslims in Hong Kong.” Indian Journal of Anthropology2 (1): 1-28.
2013. Chinatowns around the World: Gilded Ghetto, Ethnopolis, and Cultural Diaspora. Leiden and Boston: Brill. Edited by Bernard P. Wong and Tan Chee-Beng.
2013. Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Overseas. Edited by Tan Chee-Beng. London: Routledge.
2013. “Chinatowns: A Reflection.” In Chinatowns around the World: Gilded Ghetto, Ethnopolis, and Cultural Diaspora. Edited by Bernard P. Wong and Tan Chee-Beng, pp. 263-283. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
2013. “人類學與華人研究視野下的公益慈善”,中山大學學報(社會科學版),第53卷第4期, 2013:110-117.
2013. “Tianhou and the Chinese in Diaspora.” In Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Diaspora, ed., Tan Chee-Beng, pp. 417-429. Oxon and New York: Routledge
2013“峇峇文化研究:啟發與反思”,馬來西亞華人研究學刊,第16期, 2013年,頁161-174.
2012. “Anthropology in China and Malaysia: Revitalization and Alternative Voices Needed.” In Alternative Voices of Anthropology: Golden Jubilee Symposium, eds., Ajit K. Danda and Rajat K. Das, pp. 51-71. Kolkata: Indian Anthropological Society.
2012. “Chinese of Different Nationalities, China, and the Anthropology of Chinese Culture.” In Sociology and Anthropology in Twentieth-Century China: Between Universalism and Indigenism, eds., Arif Dirlik, Guannan Li and Hsiao-pei Yen, pp. 191-208. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
2012. “Shantang: Charitable Temples in China, Singapore and Malaysia.” Asian Ethnology 71 (1): 75-107.
2011. “Capitalist Market Values in East Malaysia and China.”Current Sociology59(2): 135-145.
2011. “Indonesian Chinese in Hong Kong: Re-migration, Re-establishment of Livelihood and Belonging.”Asian Ethnicity12(1): 101-119.
2010. “The Promotion of Tea in South China: Re-Inventing tradition in an Old Industry.”Food and Foodways18(3): 121-144. [Co-write with Ding Yuling]
2010. “Reterritorialization of a Balinese Chinese Community in Quanzhou, Fujian.”Modern Asian Studies44(3), 2010.
2008 Rural Urbanization and Urban Transformation in Quanzhou, Fujian. InAnthropologica50 (2): 215-227. (By Chee-Beng Tan and Yuling Ding)
2001 Bean-curd Consumption in Hong Kong.Ethnology40(2): 113-128. (Co-writewith Sidney Mintz)
2000 Ethnic Identities and National Identities: Some Examples from Malaysia.Identities6(4): 441-480.
2010 “泉州城郊‘巴厘華人村’:華僑農場歸僑重建家園”, 刊載於《華人研究國際學報》2 (1): 3-19. [陳志明與丁毓玲合寫]
2010 “地方政府與少數民族學校教育:跨文化的視角 ” ,刊載於《湖南師範大學教育科學學報》第9卷3期:16-21. 【陳志明與袁同凱合寫】
2009 “對Cosmopolitanism的理解與漢語翻譯”, 刊載於《西北民族研究》 2009年第3期:106-109.
2009 “從費孝通的著作思考人類學的若干問題”,刊載於《費孝通與中國社會學人類學》。馬戎、劉世定、邱澤奇、潘乃谷主編。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。Pp. 677-686。
2008 “國家疆界、華人文化與認同”,刊載於《跨越疆界與文化調適》。李元瑾主編。新加坡: 南洋理工大學中國語言與文化研究中心。
2006 “導論:跨國網路與華南僑鄉:文化、認同和社會變遷”,刊載於《跨國網路與華南僑鄉:文化、認同和社會變遷》。陳志明、丁毓玲、王連茂主編。 香港: 香港中文大學香港亞太研究所出版. Pp. 249-269 (陳志明、丁毓玲合寫)
2006 “詩山跨境關係與經濟活動”,刊載於《跨國網路與華南僑鄉:文化、認同和社會變遷》。陳志明、丁毓玲、王連茂主編。香港: 香港中文大學香港亞太研究所出版。Pp. 249-269 (陳志明、吳翠蓉合寫)
2005 “關於被涵化的馬來西亞華人的若干問題“,刊載於《百年回眸:馬華文化與教育》。何國忠主編。吉隆坡: 華社研究中心。 Pp. 37-52.
2005 “從費孝通先生的觀點看中國人類學的族群研究”,刊載於《文化、族群與社會的反思》 。喬健、李沛良、李友梅、馬戎主編。高雄: 麗文化事業股份有限公司。亦由北京大學出版社出版。Pp. 225-245
2003 “國際視野與海外華人研究:在海外華人研究國際學術研討會上的總結髮言”。《廣西民族學院學報》 25(1): 13-16.
2002 “涵化,族群性與華裔”,刊載於《海外華人研究論集》。郝時遠主編。北京: 中國社會科學出版社。Pp. 231-262
2002 “族群的名稱與族群的研究”。 《西北民族研究》32(1): 48-54.
2001 “華人民族學文化圈:世界華人社群的人類學研究”,刊載於《 二十一世紀的中國社會學與人類學》。喬健,李沛良,馬戎 主編。高雄: 麗文化事業股份有限公司。Pp. 453-471。
2000 “華人的傳統與文化認同“,刊載於《傳 統 與 變 遷:華南的認同和文化》。陳志明、張小軍、張展鴻主編。北京:文津出版社。Pp. 1-18.
2000 “東南亞華人的土地神與聖跡崇拜:特論馬來西亞的大伯公”,刊載於《遺 跡崇拜與聖者崇拜》。傅飛嵐、林富士主編。台北:允晨文化。Pp. 57-84。
2000 “馬來西亞巴巴”,刊載於《華僑華人百科全書:社區民俗卷》。北京:華僑出版社。 Pp. 233-235.