



  • 中文名:陳小丹
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:代數圖論、化學圖論、複雜網路
  • 任職院校:廣西大學數學與信息科學學院


2000.09--2004.06 成都理工大學數學系,本科,數學與套用數學專業
2004.09--2007.06 廈門大學數學科學學院,碩士,套用數學專業
2009.09--2012.06 廈門大學數學科學學院,博士,套用數學專業
2013.10--2016.11 湖南師範大學數學博士後科研流動站,博士後
2007.07--2009.08 廣西財經學院數學與統計系,助教
2012.08--2015.11 廣西大學數學與信息科學學院,講師
2015.12--至今 廣西大學數學與信息科學學院,副教授
學術兼職 1、美國《Mathematical Reviews》評論員








目前已經在《Linear Algebra Appl.》、《Discrete Appl. Math.》、《Discrete Math.》、《Appl. Math. Comput.》、《Linear Multilinear Algebra》、《Graph. Combin.》、《Czech. Math. J.》、《MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.》等國內外重要學術期刊上發表(含錄用)論文 36 篇,其中第一作者/通訊作者 SCI 論文 32 篇;主要合作者有:錢建國教授(廈門大學)、侯耀平教授(湖南師範大學)、I. Gutman 教授(塞爾維亞 Kragujevac 大學,國際著名數學化學家、國際數學化學科學院院士、俄羅斯非線性科學院院士和塞爾維亞科學院院士)、B. Furtula 教授(塞爾維亞 Kragujevac 大學)、Kinkar Ch. Das 教授(韓國 Sungkyunkwan 大學)、Lutz Volkmann 教授(德國 RWTH Aachen 大學)。
[36] Guoliang Hao, Xiaodan Chen*, Yunliang Zhang, A note on Roman {2}-domination in digraphs, Ars Combinatoria (Accepted). (SCI)
[35] Xiaoxia Lin, Xiaofeng Guo, Xiaodan Chen*, A General Formula for Computing the Hosoya Polynomial of Capped Armchair Nanotubes, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (2019),
[34] Xiaodan Chen, On Brouwer's conjecture for the sum of k largest Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 578 (2019) 402-410. (SCI: IN5HB)
[33] Guoliang Hao, Xiaodan Chen*, Lutz Volkmann, Double Roman Domination in Digraphs, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 42 (2019) 1907-1920. (SCI: IL1IF)
[32] Xiaodan Chen, Litao Guo*, On minimally 2-(edge)-connected graphs with extremal spectral radius, Discrete Math. 342 (2019) 2092-2099. (SCI: IC6NH)
[31] Xiaodan Chen*, On extremality of ABC spectral radius of a tree, Linear Algebra Appl. 564 (2019) 159-169. (SCI: HI9FY )
[30] Guoliang Hao, Zhihong Xie, Xiaodan Chen*, A note on Roman domination of digraphs, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 39 (2019) 13-21. (SCI: HF8VU)
[29] Guoliang Hao, Xiaodan Chen*, Lutz Volkmann, Bounds on the signed Roman k-domination number of a digraph, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 39 (2019) 67-79. (SCI: HF8VU)
[28] Xiaodan Chen, Kinkar Ch. Das*, Solution to a conjecture on the maximum ABC index of graphs with given chromatic number, Discrete Appl. Math. 251 (2018) 126-134. (SCI: HF6XY)
[27] Xiaodan Chen*, Improved results on Brouwer's conjecture for sum of the Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph, Linear Algebra Appl. 557 (2018) 327-338. (SCI: GU0GB)
[26] Xiaodan Chen, Guoliang Hao*, Dequan Jin, Jingjian Li, Note on a conjecture for the sum of signless Laplacian eigenvalues, Czech. Math. J. 68 (143) (2018) 601-610. (SCI: GT7ME)
[25] Xiaodan Chen*, Yaoping Hou, A sharp lower bound on the least signless Laplacian eigenvalue of a graph, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 41 (2018) 2011-2018. (SCI: GT5KS)
[24] Jingjian Li, Bo Ling*, Xiaodan Chen, Tetravalent normal primitive Cayley graphs, Ars Combinatoria 139 (2018) 69-83. (SCI: GN4QK)
[23] Xiaodan Chen, Guoliang Hao*, Extremal graphs with respect to generalized ABC index, Discrete Appl. Math. 243 (2018) 115-124. (SCI: GJ1RX)
[22] Xiaodan Chen*, On ABC eigenvalues and ABC energy, Linear Algebra Appl. 544 (2018) 141-157. (SCI: GA0KS)
[21] Xiaodan Chen, Yaoping Hou, Jianguo Qian*, Sufficient conditions for Hamiltonian graphs in terms of (signless Laplacian) spectral radius, Linear & Multilinear Algebra 66 (2018) 919-936. (SCI: FZ6UZ)
[20] Xiaodan Chen, Jingjian Li, Yingmei Fan*, Note on an upper bound for sum of the Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph, Linear Algebra Appl. 541 (2018) 258-265. (SCI: FV6WY)
[19] Xiaodan Chen*, Yaoping Hou, Fenggen Lin, Some new spectral bounds for graph irregularity, Appl. Math. Comput. 320 (2018) 331-340. (SCI: FP3LL)
[18] Guoliang Hao, Xiaodan Chen*, A note on lower bounds for the total domination number of digraphs, Quaest. Math. 40:2 (2017) 553-562. (SCI: EY8WM)
[17] Xiaodan Chen*, Yaoping Hou, Jingjian Li, On two energy-like invariants of line graphs and related graph operations, J. Inequal. Appl. 2016, 2016:51. (SCI: EH1PN)
[16] Xiaodan Chen*, Yaoping Hou*, Upper bounds for the signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs on surfaces, Filomat 30:13 (2016) 3473-3481. (SCI: EJ4XD)
[15] Xiaodan Chen, Kinkar Ch. Das*, Some results on the Laplacian spread of a graph, Linear Algebra Appl. 505 (2016) 245-260. (SCI: DP4KJ)
[14] Xiaodan Chen*, Fuliang Lu*, The maximal (signless Laplacian) spectral radius of connected graphs with given matching number, Ars Combinatoria 126 (2016) 237-247. (SCI: DL4VO)
[13] Xiaodan Chen*, Yaoping Hou*, On the bounds of Laplacian eigenvalues of k-connected graphs, Czech. Math. J. 65 (140) (2015) 701-712. (SCI: CT5WZ)
[12] Ivan Gutman, Boris Furtula*, Xiaodan Chen, Jianguo Qian, Resolvent Estrada Index - Computational and Mathematical Studies, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 74 (2015) 431-440. (SCI: CS1SD)
[11] Xiaodan Chen, Kinkar Ch. Das*, Characterization of extremal graphs from Laplacian eigenvalues and the sum of powers of the Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, Discrete Math. 338 (2015) 1252-1263. (SCI: CE9PB)
[10] Ivan Gutman, Boris Furtula*, Xiaodan Chen, Jianguo Qian, Graphs with Smallest Resolvent Estrada Indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 73 (2015) 267-270. (SCI: CC9QA)
[9] Xiaodan Chen*, Jianguo Qian*, On Resolvent Estrada Index, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 73 (2015) 163-174. (SCI: CC9QA)
[8] Xiaodan Chen*, Yaoping Hou*, Some Results on Laplacian Estrada Index of Graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 73 (2015) 149-162. (SCI: CC9QA)
[7] Xiaodan Chen*, Yaoping Hou, The extreme eigenvalues and maximum degree of k-connected irregular graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 463 (2014) 33-44. (SCI: AR1OV)
[6] Xiaodan Chen, Jianguo Qian*, Bounds on the number of closed walks in a graph and its applications, J. Inequal. Appl. 2014, 2014:199. (SCI: AK2ED)
[5] Xiaodan Chen, Jianguo Qian*, Laplacian spectral radius and maximum degree of trees with perfect matchings, Graph. Combinator. 29 (2013) 1249-1257. (SCI: 204NT)
[4] Xiaodan Chen*, Further ordering trees with perfect matchings by their spectral radius (in Chinese), J. Xiamen Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 52(3) (2013) 297-301. (CSCD: 4838339)
[3] Xiaodan Chen, Jianguo Qian*, Bounding the resolvent Estrada index of a graph, J. Math. Study 45(2) (2012) 159-166. (CSCD: 4577446)
[2] Xiaodan Chen, Jianguo Qian*, Bounding the sum of powers of the Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 26 (2011) 142-150. (SCI: 778HB)
[1] Xiaodan Chen, Jianguo Qian*, Conjugated trees with minimum general Randic index, Discrete Appl. Math. 157 (2009) 1379-1386. (SCI: 430LB)


