2023.9- 內蒙古農業大學 水利與土木建築工程學院 專任教師
1. 農田生態環境保護與水資源高效利用
2. 土壤-作物-大氣連續系統水肥鹽循環模擬
3. 複雜下墊面農田作物耗水信息表征
1. 李仙岳,陳寧,史海濱,張作為,龔雪文,彭遵原.北方乾旱區間套作系統種間競爭機制及水肥高效利用.中國水利水電出版社,2023.(主編)
2. 李仙岳,史海濱,王志超,胡琦,陳寧,閆建文.沿黃鹽漬化灌區農膜殘留對土壤-作物系統的影響研究.科學出版社,2023.(副主編)
1. 李仙岳,陳寧,胡琦,史海濱,張月紅,閆建文.一種農田殘膜採集方法、裝置及設備.2022.7.29,中國,ZL202110554130.X(發明專利)
2. 李仙岳,陳寧,張月紅,史海濱,閆建文,胡琦.農田作物需水量的確定方法、裝置、灌水方法及灌水系統.2023.3.1,中國,ZL202113080035X(發明專利)
3. 李仙岳,陳寧,史海濱,閆建文,胡琦,張月紅.一種適用於玉米種植自動可調節液壓傳動增幅碎土機.2021.8.8,中國,ZL213991585U(實用新型)
4. 李仙岳,陳寧,張月紅,史海濱,胡琦,閆建文.一種雙極重力式番茄分離篩選機. 2022.1.11,中國,ZL202121286899.X(實用新型)
5. 李仙岳,陳寧,史海濱,閆建文,郭宇,丁宗江.一種地表滴灌條件下可降解地膜覆蓋的玉米種植方法.CN109169069A,2019.1.11,中國.(發明專利)
6. 李仙岳,陳寧,張月紅,史海濱,閆建文,胡琦,李玥,馬紅雨,梅振振.一種玉米晝夜生長差異和產量的自動估算方法. CN116195457A,2023.11.6,中國. (發明專利)
7. 李仙岳,張月紅,陳寧,史海濱,閆建文,胡琦,田彤.一種地下微鹹水和高含沙渠水聯合滴灌的自動化灌水方法.2021.12.31,中國,ZL202110050277.5(發明專利)
8. 李仙岳, 張月紅, 陳寧, 胡琦, 王軍, 佟長福, 閆建文, 史海濱, 甄致新, 郭淑豪, 楊威, 高曉瑜. 一種地下微鹹水鹹淡一體自動化滴灌灌水方法. CN116070462A,2023.5.5,中國. (發明專利)
9. 李仙岳,胡琦,陳寧,張月紅,史海濱,閆建文,王軍,李為萍,苗慶豐,李禎. 一種免耕結合地膜復用農田灌溉施肥種植方法. CN116195417A,2023.6.2,中國. (發明專利)
10. 李仙岳,史海濱,閆建文,孫亞楠,趙春燕,陳寧.一種排水明溝-暗管相結合的排水降鹽方法.CN109257990A,2019.1.25,中國.(發明專利)
1. 李仙岳,陳寧,張月紅.可降解地膜破損率智慧型分析APP 軟體V 1.0. 2020.
2. 李仙岳,陳寧,張月紅.可降解地膜覆蓋農田智慧型灌溉控制系統V 1.0. 2020.
3. 李仙岳,張月紅,陳寧.微鹹水和高含沙渠水聯合滴灌智慧型控制系統V 1.0. 2021.
1. 李仙岳, 陳寧, 史海濱, 閆建文, 冷旭. 西部地區生物降解膜覆蓋農田水氮高效利用技術規程,2023,地方標準.
2. 李仙岳, 胡琦, 陳寧, 史海濱, 閆建文, 張月紅. 內蒙古沿黃地區地膜復用免耕水肥高效利用技術規程,2023,地方標準.
3. 李仙岳, 張月紅, 陳寧, 史海濱, 閆建文, 屈忠義, 王軍, 王俊, 佟長福, 閆建文, 李為萍, 李禎, 胡琦, 李玥, 田彤, 馬紅雨, 甄致新, 郭淑豪, 李想. 引黃灌區微鹹水與淡水聯合灌溉節水控鹽技術規程,2023,地方標準.
4. 李仙岳, 史海濱, 李玥, 陳寧, 屈忠義, 張月紅, 趙春燕, 閆建文, 王俊, 楊樹青, 李瑞平, 李為萍, 苗慶豐, 李禎, 楊威, 高曉瑜, 辛懋鑫, 甄致新, 郭淑豪, 李想. 沿黃灌區重度鹽鹼地稻田光伏暗管排水技術規程,2023,地方標準.
1. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Shi Haibin, Zhang Yuehong, Hu Qi, Sun Ya’nan. Modeling effects of biodegradable film mulching on evapotranspiration and crop yields in Inner Mongolia. Agricultural Water Management, 2023, 275, 107996. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
2. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Shi Haibin, Zhang Yuehong, Hu Qi, Sun Ya’nan, Ma Hongyu, Wang Bo. Quantifying interspecies competition for water in tomato-corn intercropping system using an improved evapotranspiration model considering radiation interception by neighboring plants in two-dimensional profile. Scientia Horiculturae, 2023, 310, 111751. (SCI,中科院二區,Top)
3. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Shi Haibin, Zhang Yuehong, Hu Qi, Sun Ya’nan. Evaluating the effects of plastic film mulching duration on soil nitrogen dynamic and comprehensive benefit for corn (Zea mays L.) field. Agricultural Water Management. 2023, 286, 108404. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
4. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Shi Haibin, Hu Qi, Zhang Yuehong, Hou, Chenli, Liu Yahui. Modeling evapotranspiration and evaporation in corn/tomato intercropping ecosystem using a modified ERIN model considering plastic film mulching. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 260, 107286. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
5. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Shi Haibin, Hu Qi, Zhang Yuehong, Dong Qin’ge, Wang Guoshuai. Evaluating crop coefficient and associated processes in a drip irrigation with different color of biodegradable film mulching. Irrigation Science, 2022, 40, 321-335. (SCI,中科院二區)
6. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Šimůnek Jirí, Zhang Yuehong, Shi Haibin, Hu Qi, Xin Maoxin. Evaluating soil salt dynamics under biodegradable film mulching with different disintegration rates in an arid region with shallow and saline groundwater. Geoderma, 2022, 423, 115969. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
7. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Šimůnek Jirí, Shi Haibin, Zhang Yuehong, Hu Qi. Quantifying the inter-species competition relationship for nitrogen in tomato-corn intercropping system with different spatial arrangements. Agricultural System, 2022, 201, 103461. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
8. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Shi Haibin, Yan Jianwen, Hu Qi, Zhang Yuehong. Modeling maize evapotranspiration and associated processes under biodegradable film mulching in an arid dripped field. Agricultural Forest Meteorology, 2021, 297, 108247. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
9. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Shi Haibin, Yan Jianwen, Hu Qi, Zhang Yuehong, Leng, Xu. Effect of biodegradable film mulching on crop yield, soil microbial and enzymatic activities, and optimal levels of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer for the Zea mays crops in arid region. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 776, 145970. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
10. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Shi Haibin, Yan Jianwen, Hu Qi, Zhang Yuehong. Assessment and modeling of maize evapotranspiration and yield with plastic and biodegradable film mulch. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021, 307, 108474. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
11. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Shi Haibin, Hu Qi, Zhang Yuehong, Sun Ya’nan, Song Fanfan. Simulation of maize crop growth using an improved crop model considering the disintegrated area of biodegradable film. Field Crops Research, 2021, 272, 108270. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
12. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Šimůnek Jirí, Shi Haibin, Hu Qi, Zhang Yuehong. Evaluating the effects of biodegradable and plastic film mulching on soil temperature in a drip-irrigated field. Soil & Tillage Research, 2021, 213, 145970. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
13. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Šimůnek Jirí, Shi Haibin, Yan Jianwen, Ding Zongjiang, Zhang Yuehong. The effects of biodegradable and plastic film mulching on nitrogen uptake distribution, and leaching in a drip-irrigated sandy field. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2020, 292, 106817. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
14. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Šimůnek Jirí, Shi Haibin, Hu Qi, Zhang Yuehong. Evaluating soil nitrate dynamics in an intercropping dripped ecosystem using HYDRUS-2D. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 718, 137314. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
15. Chen Ning, Li Xianyue*, Šimůnek Jirí, Shi Haibin, Ding Zongjiang, Peng Zunyuan. Evaluating the effects of biodegradable film mulching on soil water dynamics in a drip-irrigated field. Agricultural Water Management, 2019, 226, 105788. (SCI,中科院一區,Top)
1. 2023年,獲內蒙古科技進步二等獎“引黃灌區水肥多維調控與分類分區高效利用關鍵技術套用”
2. 2022年,獲“全國向上向善好青年”候選人榮譽稱號
3. 2021年,獲“內蒙古向上向善好青年”候選人榮譽稱號
1. 中國農業工程學會會員
2. 中國水利學會會員
3. 中國土壤學會會員
4. 中國作物學會會員
5. 擔任《Nature Sustainability》《Agricultural Forest Meteorology》《Soil and Tillage Research》《Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment》《Journal of Hydrology》《Agricultural water management》等國際期刊審稿人