- PI: "The Interplay between Perspective Taking and Proactive Personality: Effects on Emotional Labor Strategies
, and Further on Job Performance and Career Satisfaction", Strategic Research Grant - City University of Hong Kong , Amount: HK$166,725 (2012-2014) , Chen, Z., & Huo, Y.
- co-PI: "When my company asks me to smile: The effects of emotional labor on employee performance and
well-being", GRF - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University , Amount: HK$492,200 (2009-2012) , Lam, W., Chen, Z., Sun, H., & Xie, J.
- PI: "Dynamic Processes of Interactions between Supervisors and Subordinates: The Effects of Attributions of the
Motives for Other's Effort on LMX and Performance", Competitive Earmarked Research Grand (CERG) - RGC , Amount: HK$1,014,964. (2008-2010) , Chen Z, Lam W & Zhong, J A
- PI: "Exploring the Relationships among HRM, Manufacturing Strategy, and Organizational Performance: A
Comparative Study of Hong Kong, US, Japanese, and Chinese State-owned Manufacturing Firms in Mainland China", Competitive Earmarked Research Grand (CERG) - RGC , Amount: HK$572,985 (2002-2005) , Chen Z, Takeuchi N, Wakabayashi M, Zhong J A & Sun H F
- PI: "Cross-cultural Managerial Skill Development for Global Business: Comparisons between Japanese and Asian Managers", JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Research - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science ,
Amount: JPY2,500,000 (1998-2000) , Chen Z