- 中文名:陳占壽
- 國籍:中國
- 代表作品:《Statistics》
- 性別:男
- 學位:博士
2018.9-2019.8 中科院數學與系統科學研究院,西部之光訪問學者
2018.12 青海省第九批省級骨幹教師
2017.12 青海省自然科學與工程領域學科帶頭人(統計學)
2015.9-2016.9 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學,訪問學者
2015.1- 青海師範大學,教授
2008.3-2011.6 西北工業大學,博士
2003.9-2006.6 青海師範大學,碩士
1999.9-2003.6 青海師範大學,本科
1. 國家自然科學基金地區項目:長記憶時間序列多變點問題統計推斷及套用, 2017.1-2020.12, 編號:11661067, 40萬元. 主持
2. 國家自然科學青年基金:基於Sieve Bootstrap方法的長記憶過程變點分析與套用,2014.1—2016.12,22萬元. 主持
3. 中科院西部之光青年人才項目:基於密度比模型的小區域估計,2017-2020, 21萬元,編號:3-9. 主持
4. 青海省自然科學基金面上項目:重尾序列變點推斷及套用,2019-2021,40萬元,編號:2019-ZJ-920. 主持
5. 國家天元數學西北中心地區發展活動項目:西部地區青年機率統計學者論壇,2019,6.21-23,2萬元,編號:DQ201903. 主持
6. 青海省自然科學基金套用基礎研究項目:分整自回歸滑動平均模型變點分析及其套用,2015.7-2017.12,15萬元,編號:2015-ZJ-717. 主持
7. 青海省自然科學基金青年項目:長相依序列持久性變點分析與套用研究,2012.7—2014.12,5萬元,編號:2012-929Q. 主持
8. 國家自然科學基金西部項目:區間參數型不確定最佳化問題的進化算法研究,2015.1—2018.12,42萬元. 排名第2
9. 國家自然科學基金西部項目:複雜雙層規劃問題的高性能可信進化算法研究, 2011.1—2013. 12,28萬元. 排名第2
10.教育部人文社會科學基金項目:水環境質量動態評價與預測的統計建模研究與套用—以湟水流域為例,2012.1—2015.12,9萬元. 排名第4
11.青海省自然科學基金青年項目:區間係數最佳化問題的進化算法及套用研究,2013.7-2015.12,7萬元. 排名第3
1. Chen, Zhanshou, Chen, J., & Zhang, Q. (2019). Small area quantile estimation via spline regression and empirical likelihood. SURVEY METHODOLOGY, 45(1), 81-99. SSCI、SCI
2. Chen, Zhanshou, Xu, Q., & Li, H. (2019). Inference for multiple change points in heavy-tailed time series via rank likelihood ratio scan statistics. Economics Letters, 179, 53-56. SSCI
3. WEI, Q. Y., CHEN, Z. S., & PENG, M. C. (2019). A New Ratio Statistic to Test Mean Change Point in Long Memory Time Series. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, (aemce). EI
4. 吉毛加,陳占壽 & 栗慧妮. (2019). 長記憶時間序列趨勢項變點的CUSUM檢驗. 青海師範大學學報: 自然科學版, 35(2), 14-20.
5. Xiao, Y., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2018). Estimation and inference for varying coefficient partially nonlinear errors-in-variables models. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 47(7), 2023-2039. SCI
6. Xiao, Y. T., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2018). Bias-corrected estimations in varying-coefficient partially nonlinear models with measurement error in the nonparametric part. Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(4), 586-603. SCI
7. 王芳芳, 許長軍, 陳占壽, 侯小青, & 王青波. (2018). 基於地理因子的現代降水空間模擬方法探討. 水文, (4), 11.
8. Li, F., Tian, Z., Chen, Zhanshou, & Qi, P. (2017). Monitoring distributional changes of squared residuals in GARCH models. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(1), 354-372. SCI
9. Lv, N., Chen, Z. S., & Ma, J. Q. (2017). On-line Monitoring Long Memory Parameter Change Point in FARIMA Processes.
10.馬健琦, 陳占壽, & 呂娜. (2017). 基於 Sieve Bootstrap 方法的長記憶過程均值變點的檢驗. 青海師範大學學報: 自然科學版, 33(2), 34-38.
11.Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Xing, Y. (2016). Sieve bootstrap monitoring persistence change in long memory process. Statistics and Its Interface, 9(1), 37-45. SCI
12.Chen, Zhanshou, Xing, Y., & Li, F. (2016). Sieve bootstrap monitoring for change from short to long memory. Economics Letters, 140, 53-56. SSCI
13.陳占壽. (2016). 基於模擬實驗的假設檢驗教學. 數學教育學報, (2016 年 01), 31-33. EI
14.Chen, Zhanshou.. (2015). Monitoring Change in Persistence Against the Null of Difference-Stationarity in Infinite Variance Observations. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 44(1), 71-87. SCI
15.Li, F., Tian, Z., Xiao, Y., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2015). Variance change-point detection in panel data models. Economics Letters, 126, 140-143. SSCI
16.Li, F., Tian, Z., Qi, P., & Chen, Zhanshou.. (2015). Monitoring parameter changes in RCA (p) models. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 44(1), 111-122. SCI
17.LI, F., TIAN, Z., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2015). Monitoring Distributional Changes in Autoregressive Models Based on Weighted Empirical Process of Residuals. Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 35(3), 330-342.
18.李拂曉, 田錚, & 陳占壽. (2015). ARCH 模型分布變點監測與套用. 數學的實踐與認識, (2), 211-218.
19.Chen, Zhanshou, & Tian, Z. (2014). Ratio tests for variance change in nonparametric regression. Statistics, 48(1), 1-16. SCI
20.Chen, Zhanshou. (2014). On-line monitoring the stationarity for time seires. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 444, pp. 687-691). Trans Tech Publications. EI
21.陳占壽, & 田錚. (2014). 含趨勢項時間序列持久性變點監測. 系統工程理論與實踐, 34(4), 936-943. EI
22.陳占壽, & 喬愛芳. (2014). 幾種水文序列變異點診斷方法的性能比較. 青海師範大學學報: 自然科學版, (3), 1-5.
23.Qi, P., Jin, Z., Tian, Z., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2013). Monitoring persistent change in a heavy-tailed sequence with polynomial trends. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 42(4), 497-506. SCI
24.秦瑞兵, 田錚, & 陳占壽. (2013). 獨立隨機序列均值多變點的非參數檢測. 套用機率統計, 29(5), 449-457.
25.Chen, Zhanshou, Jin, Z., Tian, Z., & Qi, P. (2012). Bootstrap testing multiple changes in persistence for a heavy-tailed sequence. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 56(7), 2303-2316. SCI
26.Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Zhao, C. (2012). Monitoring persistence change in infinite variance observations. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 41(1), 61-73. SCI
27.Chen, Zhanshou, & Tian, Z. (2012). Moving ratio test for multiple changes in persistence. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 25(3), 582-593. SCI
28.李拂曉, 田錚, & 陳占壽. (2012). 隨機係數自回歸模型變均值點線上監測與套用. 控制理論與套用, 29(4), 497-502. EI
29.Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Qin, R. (2011). Monitoring variance change in infinite order moving average processes and nonstationary autoregressive processes. Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 40(7), 1254-1270. SCI
30.田錚, 趙春輝, & 陳占壽. (2011). 非參數回歸模型均值函式結構變點的檢測與套用. 控制理論與套用, 28(3), 351-357. EI
31.魏岳嵩, 田錚, & 陳占壽. (2011). 向量自回歸模型 Granger 因果圖的條件互信息辨識與套用. 控制理論與套用, 28(7), 979-986. EI
32.劉向增, 田錚, 史振廣, & 陳占壽. (2011). 基於 FKICA-SIFT 特徵的合成孔徑圖像多尺度配準. 光學 精密工程, 19(9), 2186-2196.
33.Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Wei, Y. (2010). Monitoring change in persistence in linear time series. Statistics & probability letters, 80(19-20), 1520-1527. SCI
34.Chen, Zhanshou, & Tian, Z. (2010). Modified procedures for change point monitoring in linear models. Mathematics and computers in simulation, 81(1), 62-75. SCI
35.Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Qin, R. (2010). Sequential monitoring variance change in linear regression model. J. Math. Res. Exposition, 30(4), 610-618.
36.Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Liu, X. Wavelet test for change in nonparametric function with variance shift random walk noise. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science (ICAMS 2010). EI
37.陳占壽, 田錚, & 丁明濤. (2010). 線性回歸模型參數變點的線上監測. 系統工程理論與實踐, 30(6), 1047-1054. EI
38.陳占壽, & 田錚. (2010). 一類厚尾隨機信號平穩性的線上 bootstrap 監測. 控制理論與套用, 27(7), 933-938. EI
39.袁芳, 田錚, 蘇曉麗, & 陳占壽. (2010). 獨立序列均值與方差變點的累積和估計及套用. 控制理論與套用, 27(3), 395-399. EI