



  • 中文名:闞閱
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:遼寧撫順
  • 出生日期:1979年


Name:Kan Yue
Units:Department of Education, College of Education
Title:Associate Professor
Dr. KAN Yue, Associate Professor of Department of Education, College of Education, Zhejiang University; Research Fellow of Center of Comparative Education Research, Beijing Normal University (Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities, Ministry of Education).


Research work
Comparative Education; EU' Education Policy; Education in UK; Accountability in Higher Education


2010 -
2008 - 2010
2005 - 2008
2006 - 2007
2002 - 2005
1998 - 2002
2005.3-2008.6 Ph.D. in Comparative Education, Zhejiang University, China
2006.9-2007.5 Visiting Scholar at Institute of Education, University of London, UK
2002.9-2005.3 M.A. in Comparative Education, Zhejiang University, China
1998.9-2002.7 B.A. in School Education, Liaoning Normal University, China
2010.7- Lecturer at Department of Education, College of Education, Zhejiang University
2008.7-2010.7 Post-doctoral Fellow at Institute of International and Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University
2010.7 - Research Fellow, Center of Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University
2008.10-2009.10 Assistant Editor, Comparative Education Review
2002.9 - Assistant, Secretariat of Global University Network for Innovation-Asia and the Pacific (GUNI-AP)
2002.9 - Assistant, UNESCO-APEID Associated Centre, Zhejiang Univeristy



專 著
闞閱. 英國高等教育績效評估研究. 高等出版社. 2010.
Book Chapters
王承緒主編. 開發中國家高等教育模式國際移植比較研究. 浙江大學出版社. 2009.
周滿生等著. 教育巨觀決策比較研究. 人民教育出版社. 2009.
譯 著
Translation Works
汪利兵、闞閱譯. 2007年世界高等教育報告:高等教育的質量保證問題. 浙江大學出版社. 2009.
汪利兵等譯.2006年世界高等教育報告:大學的財政問題.浙江大學出版社. 2007.
Kan yue (2010). The Study on the Performance Evaluation System of Higher Education in UK. Beijing: Higher Education Press.
Book Chapters
Wang Chengxu(ed.) (2009), A Comparative Study on the Higher Education Transplantation in Developing Countries. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.
Zhou Mansheng, et al. (2009), A Comparative Study on the Macro Educational Decision-making. Beijing: People’s Education Press.
Du Yue, et al. (2004), The Baisc Education for the Children of Rural-urban Migrant Workers: Policy and Innovation, Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.
Translated Works
Wang Libing, Kanyue (2009), Higher Education in the World 2007: Accreditation for Quality Assurance, Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.
Wang Libing, et al. (2007), Higher Education in the World 2006: Financing of Universities, Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.


2009-2011 The Regionalization of Higher Education: A Case Study on Europe, Sponsored by Ministry of Education
2009-2011 The Reform and Development of GCSE A-Level Test in UK, Sponsored by Minsitry of Education
2009-2010 The Intergration of Higher Education in Europe, Sponsored by China Post-doctor Foundation
2008-2010 Accountability in Higher Education: International Comparison and Strategic Choice, Sponsored by China Post-doctor Foundation
2009-2010 Study on the Higher Education Performance Assessment in UK, Sponsored by Gu Mingyuan Education Foundation
2009-2010 The Impact of Financial Crisis on Education: Respondance and Implication, sponsored by Ministry of Education


Journal Articles
闞閱,李志永. 王承緒先生比較教育思想初探. 中國高教研究. 2010(10)
闞閱. 泛歐高等教育合作的新起點:歐盟“坦普斯計畫”述略. 高等工程教育研究. 2010(9)
闞閱. 金融危機中的英國大學:挑戰與對策. 外國教育研究. 2010(6)
闞閱. 中等教育普及化與新世紀印度高中教育改革. 比較教育研究. 2010(6)
闞閱. 推進基礎教育均衡發展的新嘗試:英國“連鎖學校”的政策與實踐. 比較教育研究. 2010(5)
汪利兵,闞閱. 全球化時代跨國流動和文憑互認的挑戰與對策. 比較教育研究. 2010(2)
杜越,闞閱. 第二屆世界高等教育綜述. 教育研究. 2009(12).
闞閱. 歐洲資格框架解析. 教育發展研究. 2009(19).
闞閱. 法律視野下的歐洲高等教育一體化進程. 比較教育研究. 2009(10).
闞閱. 提升技能、促進就業與教育投資:歐盟金融危機應對策略解析. 全球教育展望. 2009.(9)
闞閱. 英國高等教育科研評估:政策、實踐與反思. 高等教育研究. 2009(8).
闞閱. 金融危機衝擊下的美國高等教育財政. 教育發展研究. 2009(9).
闞閱. 國外大學排行例析. 大學·研究與評價. 2009(4).
闞閱. 透視教育變革中的市場力量. 教育科學. 2009(2)
闞閱. 教育全球化:和諧·差異·共生. 比較教育研究. 2009(2).
顧明遠,闞閱,喬鶴. 改革開放30年中國比較教育的重建和發展.比較教育研究.2008(12).
許邁進, 闞閱. 建立研究生教育質量的外部保證機制:英國的經驗與啟示. 浙江大學學報(人文社會科學版). 2008(3).
許長青, 闞閱. 高等教育國際化:歐洲案例研究. 外國教育研究. 2008 (1).
闞閱, 汪利兵. 英國巨觀教育決策研究. 比較教育研究. 2007(12).
闞閱.促進教育均衡發展的舉措:英國“追求卓越的城市教育計畫”述評.全球教育展望. 2004(9).
闞閱.歐盟國家的碩士學位改革:歐洲高等教育一體化的視角.學位與研究生教育. 2004(2).
汪利兵,闞閱. 增強歐盟各國文憑公開性和透明度的嘗試:歐洲文憑補充檔案.全球教育展望.2003(12).
譯 文
Translated Articles
闞閱,思想肖像——紀念王承緒教授百歲華誕. 比較教育研究. 2010(9)
汪利兵,闞閱. 作為政策工具的大學排行榜. 教育研究. 2010(1)
Kan Yue (2009), Updating Skills, Promoting Employment and Investing Education: An Analysis of EU’s Response to Financial Crisis. Global Education, No.19, 2009.
Kan Yue(2009),The Integration of Higher Education in Europe: A Perspective from Legislations. Comparative Education Review. No.10, 2009.
Kan Yue(2009), Research Assessment Exercise in British Higher Education Institutions: Policy, Practice and Review. Higher Education Research. No.8, 2009.
Kan Yue (2009), The Impact of Financial Crisis on the Financing of Higher Education in the US. Research in the Educational Development. No.9, 2009.
Kan Yue(2009), Examples and Analysis on University Ranking in Foreign Countries. University, N0.4, 2009.
Kan Yue (2009), Probing into Market Force in the Educational Reform. Education Science. No.2, 2009.
Kan Yue(2009), Globalization of Education: Harmony, Diversity & Symbiosis. Comparative Education Review. No.2, 2009.
Kan Yue, Wang Libing(2007), A Study on the Educational Decision-making in the United Kingdom. Comparative Education Review. No.12, 2007.
Kan Yue and Zhang Yan (2007), The Modernization of Higher Education in Thailand, Jiangsu Journal of Higher Education(Nanjing), No.3, 2007.
Kan Yue and Zhang Yan (2006), The Polices Transition of Higher Education Funding in UK since World War Two, Higher Education Research on Engineering (Wuhan), No.1, 2006.
Kan Yue (2005), Review of European Higher Education Quality Assurance, Higher Education Research on Agriculture (Shengyang). No.8, 2005.
Kan Yue (2004), Review of “European Education and Training Goals 2010”, Technical and Vocational Education (Beijing), No.10, 2004.
Kan Yue (2004), Strategy to Promote Education Balanced Development: Review of “Excellence in Cities” Programme in UK, Global Education Review (Shanghai), No.9, 2004.
Kan Yue (2004), Reform of Master Degree in European Countries: A Perspective of European Area of Higher Education, Degree and Graduate Education (Beijing), No.2, 2004.
Du Yue, Kan Yue (2009),The New Dynamics of Higher Education and Research for Social Change and Development. Educational Research, No.12, 2009.
Gu Mingyuan, Kan Yue, Qiao He (2008), Review of Chinese Comparative Education since 1978. Comparative Education Review. No.12, 2008.
Xu Maijin, Kan Yue(2008). Establishing External Quality Assurance Mechanisms of Postgraduate Education: Experiences and Implications from the United Kingdom. Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences). No.3, 2008.
Xu Changqing, Kan Yue (2008), Internationalization of Higher Education: Case Study of Europe. Studies in Foreign Education. No.1, 2008.
Wang Libing and Kan Yue (2004), Promoting International Mobility and Cooperation of University Students and Teachers: the Case of ERASMUS programme in Europe, Journal of Development studies in Education (Shanghai). No.10, 2004.
Wang Libing, Kan Yue (2003). The Diploma Supplement: A Device in Creating Transparency of Diploma Systems Among EU Countries, Global Education Review (Shanghai), No.12, 2003.


