



  • 書名:閱讀與欣賞1
  • 出版社:西安交通大學出版社
  • 頁數:242頁
  • ISBN:7560518745
  • 作者:杜瑞清 李秦
  • 出版日期:2004年8月1日
  • 開本:16開
  • 品牌:西安交通大學出版社





Unit 1
Text A How Fast Should a Person Read?
Text B The Art of Listening
Unit 2
Text A Warming up to Words
Text B The Culture Did lt
Unit 3
Text A Light Shows of the Mind
Text B Who Owns Intelligence
Unit 4
Text A Curse of the Mummy
Text B The Moral Development of Children
Unit 5
Text A Confucius and the Scholars
Text B Chinese Numerals
Unit 6
Text A Injustice First
Text B Hoist by His Polemic
Unit 7
Text A Mothers with Another’S Eggs
Text B Pregnancy and Pi l ls
Umt 8
Text A The Way of Tea in Japan
Text B Caffeine and Women’S Health
Unit 9
Text A Superiority Complex
Text B When Our Students Don’t Respect Us
Umt 10
Text A Ethics in the Infosphere
Text B The Existence of Different Morals
Umt 11
Text A The Hunt for Another Way
Text B Letting Species Die
Umt 12
Text A Rethinking Animals
Text B Degrees of Animal Concern
Umt 13
Text A Can Work Kill?
Text B Was There Something I Was Supposed to Do with My Life
Umt 14
Text A Medical Software Marvels(I)
Text B MedicaI Software Marvels(Ⅱ)
Umt 15
Text A Why We Are Addicted to Addiction
Text B Dying to Be Thin


