



  • 中文名:閆茂成
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:副研究員
  • 畢業院校:石油大學(北京)機械工程系
  • 學歷: 博士研究生
  • 性別:男


性 別 男
最高學歷 博士研究生
職 稱 副研究員
專家類別 碩士生導師
部 門 材料環境腐蝕研究中心
通訊地址 遼寧省瀋陽市瀋河區文萃路62號,中國科學院金屬研究所材料環境腐蝕研究中心



1995年9月-1999年7月 山東工程學院機械工程系,學士學位
2000年9月-2005年6月 石油大學(北京)機械工程系,博士學位(直博)


2007年3月-2011年3月 美國北達科他州立大學(NDSU)塗料與聚合物材料系,博士後
2011年2月-2011年12月 美國俄亥俄大學腐蝕與多相流技術中心,博士後
2005年6月-2007年3月 中國科學院金屬研究所,博士後, 助研
2010年12月 中國科學院金屬研究所“引進優秀學者”
2011年12月至今 中國科學院金屬研究所,副研究員, 碩士生導師


· 陰極保護管線剝離塗層下局部環境及應力腐蝕萌生機制研究
· 金屬材料土壤腐蝕行為、機理及評價研究
· 活性導電聚合物複合塗層材料研發及腐蝕控制性能評價
· 長輸管線土壤腐蝕預測評價模型
· 埋地管線區域陰極保護設計、評價及參數最佳化
· 防腐層及管道腐蝕狀況評估


(1) 2007年,美國腐蝕工程師學會(NACE international)套用腐蝕技術創新一等獎
(2) 2007年,發表在Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology期刊被國際出版單位Maney Publishing評為年度優秀論文(Key article)
(3) 2008年,第六屆中國科協學術期刊優秀論文三等獎


1) Maocheng Yan, Cheng Sun, Jin Xu, Junhua Dong, Wei Ke, Role of Fe oxides in corrosion of pipeline steel in a red clay soil, Corrosion Science
2) Tangqing Wu, Jin Xu, Maocheng Yan, Cheng Sun, Changkun Yu, Wei Ke, Synergistic effect of sulfate-reducing bacteria and elastic stress on corrosion of X80 steel in soil solution, Corrosion Science
3) Maocheng Yan, C.A. Vetter, V.J. Gelling, Corrosion inhibition performance of polypyrrole Al flake composite coatings for Al alloys, Corrosion Science
4) Jadhav N., Yan Maocheng, Vetter C., Kasisomayajula S., Gelling V.: Infrared Spectroscopy (IR). In: Encyclopedia of Tribology: SpringerReference, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
5) Jin Xu, Cheng Sun, Maocheng Yan, Fuhui Wang, Effects of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria on Corrosion of Carbon Steel Q235 in Soil-Extract Solution, International Journal of Electrochemical Science
6) Jin Xu, Cheng Sun, Maocheng Yan, Fuhui Wang. Effects of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria on Corrosion of Carbon Steel Q235 in the Crevice by EIS. International Journal of Electrochemical Science.
7) J. Xu, C. Sun, M. Yan, F. Wang, Electrochemical behavior of steel A36 under disbonded coating in the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria, Materials Chemistry and Physics,
8) Cheng Sun, Ximing Li, Jin Xu, Maocheng Yan, Fuhui Wang, Zhenyao Wang. Effect of Urea on Microbiologically Induced Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Soil, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
9) K. Croes Vreugdenhil, Maocheng Yan, Thomas A. Singleton, Samuel Boraas, Victoria Gelling, An electrochemical study of corrosion protection by in situ oxidative polymerization in phenylenediamine crosslinked sol–gel hybrid coatings, Electrochimica Acta
10) Maocheng Yan, V. J. Gelling, Brian R. Hinderliter, et al. SVET method for characterizing anticorrosion performance of metal-rich coatings. Corrosion Science
11) Maocheng Yan, C. A. Vetter, V. J. Gelling. Electrochemical investigations of polypyrrole aluminum flake coupling. Electrochimica Acta
12) C.A. Vetter, S. Hoge, Maocheng Yan, V. J. Gelling, Coupling Interactions between Active Particulates and Aluminum Substrates, Electrochemical Society Transactions,
13) Maocheng Yan, D.E. Tallman, S.C. Rasmussen, G.P. Bierwagena, Corrosion control coatings for aluminum alloys based on neutral and n-doped conjugated polymers. Journal of the Electrochemical Society,
14) Maocheng Yan, Dennis E. Tallman, Gordon P. Bierwagen. Role of oxygen in the galvanic interaction between polypyrrole and aluminum alloy. Electrochimica Acta
15) Maocheng Yan, Dennis E. Tallman, Seth C. Rasmussen, Gordon P. Bierwagen. Neutral and n-doped conjugated polymers for corrosion control of aluminum alloys. ECS Transactions
16) Jun Nie, Maocheng Yan, Dante Battocchi, Dennis E. Tallman, Gordon P. Bierwagen. Cathodic Corrosion Protection Performance of Mg-Rich Primers: Effect of Pigment Shape and Pigment Volume Concentration. Electrochemical Society Transactions
17) Maocheng Yan, Wang Jianqiu, Han Enhou, Ke Wei, Electrochemical measurements using combination microelectrode in crevice simulating disbonded of pipeline coatings under cathodic protection. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology
18) Maocheng Yan, Wang Jianqiu, Han Enhou, Ke Wei, Local environment under simulated disbonded coating on steel pipelines in soil solution, Corrosion Scienc
19) Maocheng Yan, Yongji Weng. Study on hydrogen absorption of pipeline steel under cathodic charging. Corrosion Science


[1] Maocheng Yan, Jie He, Dennis E. Tallman, Seth C. Rasmussen, Gordon P. Bierwagen. Effect of redox state of conjugated polymer on corrosion protection of Al alloys. 17th International Corrosion Congress, Oct. 2008, Las Vagas, USA (口頭報告)
[2] Maocheng Yan, Jianqiu Wand, Enhou Han, Wei Ke. SCC environment under simulated disbonded coating on buried pipelines. 17th International Corrosion Congress, Oct. 2008, Las Vagas, USA (口頭報告)
[3] Maocheng Yan, Dennis E. Tallman, Gordon P. Bierwagen. Conducting Polymer for Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys: Electrochemical Interactions. Tri-Service Corrosion Conference, DecDenver, USA (口頭報告)
[4] Maocheng Yan, Jianqiu Wang, Enhou Han, Wei Ke. Near-neutral pH Stress Corrosion Cracking Environment under Disbonded Coating on Buried Pipelines in Soil Solution. Tri-Service corrosion conference, Dec Denver, USA (口頭報告)
[5] MaoCheng Yan, Jianqiu Wang, Wei Ke, Enhou Han. Cathodical Protection of Pipeline under Disbonded Coating. 14th Asian-Pacific corrosion control conference, 2006, Shanghai


[1] 閆茂成,孫成,許進,吳堂清,龍康. 一種縫隙內金屬應力腐蝕實驗裝置
[2] 閆茂成,孫成,許進,吳堂清,龍康,一種快速分析評價金屬材料在土壤中腐蝕行為的實驗裝置
[3] 孫成,閆茂成,吳堂清,許進,於長坤,龍康,自循環固液相衝刷腐蝕實驗裝置
[4] 孫成,許進,閆茂成,吳堂清,於長坤,龍康,一種剝離塗層下縫隙內金屬腐蝕試驗裝置
[5] 孫成,吳堂清,閆茂成,許進,於長坤,龍康,攜帶型變載荷數字應力腐蝕測量裝置
[6] 孫成,許進,閆茂成,吳堂清,於長坤,龍康,電化學腐蝕測量原位觀察實驗裝置
[7] 吳堂清, 孫成, 閆茂成等, 一種恆溫厭氧反應器
[8] 吳堂清,許進,閆茂成等. 一種雙環境池應力腐蝕測量裝置.


