

閆胤洲,2009年獲王大珩光學獎高校學生獎,2012年獲英國曼徹斯特大學機械工程博士學位,同年在英國曼徹斯特大學雷射加工研究中心從事博士後研究工作,2013年獲北京工業大學光學工程博士學位。主要研究領域包括:雷射加工硬脆性先進陶瓷材料,介觀介電結構微納光學,以及多物理場多尺度數值模擬技術等。在大功率雷射無裂紋精細加工工程陶瓷技術、微球超分辨成像以及光譜增強技術等方面取得多項突破性研究成果。在ACS Nano, Light: Science & Applications, Optics Express, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacturing等國際知名期刊發表論文20餘篇,擁有3項國家發明專利授權。
1.Y. Yan, L. Li, C. Feng, W. Guo, S. Lee, M. Hong. Microsphere-Coupled Scanning Laser Confocal Nanoscope for Sub-Diffraction-Limited Imaging at 25 nm Lateral Resolution in the Visible Spectrum.ACS Nano, 8(2) (2014) 1809-1816
2.L. Li, W. Guo,Y. Yan, S. Lee, T. Wang. Label-free super-resolution imaging of adenoviruses by submerged microsphere optical nanoscopy.Light: Science & Applications, 2 (2013) e104
3.Y. Yan, Y. Zeng, Y. Wu, Y. Zhao, L. Ji, Y. Jiang, L. Li. Ten-fold enhancement of ZnO thin film ultraviolet-luminescence by dielectric microsphere arrays.Optics Express, 22(19) (2014) 23552-23564.
4.Y. Yan, L. Li, T.L. See, L. Ji, Y. Jiang. CO2laser peeling of Al2O3ceramic and an application for the polishing of laser cut surfaces.Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 33 (2013) 1893-1905.
5.Y. Yan, L. Ji, Y. Bao, X. Chen, Y. Jiang. CO2laser high-speed crack-free cutting of thick-section alumina based on close-piercing lapping technique.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 64 (2013) 1611-1624.
6.Y. Yan, L. Ji, Y. Bao, Y. Jiang. An experimental and numerical study on laser percussion drilling of thick-section alumina.Journal of Materials Processing Technology,212 (2012) 1257-1270.
7.Y. Yan, L. Li, K. Sezer, D. Whitehead, L. Ji, Y. Bao, Y. Jiang. Nano-second pulsed DPSS Nd:YAG laser striation-free cutting of alumina sheets.International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 53 (2011) 15-26
8.Y. Yan, L. Li, K. Sezer, D. Whitehead, L. Ji, Y. Bao, Y. Jiang. Experimental and theoretical investigation of fibre laser crack-free cutting of thick-section alumina.International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 51 (2011) 859-870
9.Y. Yan, L. Li, K. Sezer, W. Wang, D. Whitehead, L. Ji, Y. Bao, Y. Jiang. CO2laser underwater machining of deep cavities in alumina.Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31 (2011) 2793-2807
10.L. Ji,Y. Yan, Y. Bao, Y. Jiang. Crack-free cutting of thick and dense ceramics with CO2laser by single-pass process.Optics & Lasers in Engineering, 46 (2008) 785-790


