


  • 中文名:閆昇
  • 畢業院校:澳大利亞臥龍崗大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:深圳大學高等研究院



2017.7 澳大利亞臥龍崗大學,機械工程,博士;導師:Prof. Weihua Li
2012.6 中國礦業大學,機械工程及其自動化專業,本科


2020.1-, 深圳大學高等研究院,研究員
2018.8-2019.12, 日本東京大學,JSPS博士後
2018.2-2018.7, 香港科技大學,博士後
2017.1-2017.12, 澳大利亞臥龍崗大學,博士後


Anal. Chem., Lab Chip, Nat. Commun., Sens. Actuators B 等審稿人




1.Sheng Yan, Fangjia Chu, Haiyan Zhang, Yingzhou Huang, Shuxia Wang, Weihua Li, Shunbo Li, and Weijia Wen, Rapid, one-step preparation of SERS substrate in microfluidic channel via electroless galvanic replacement reaction, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 220, 117113, 2019. (IF: 2.88)
2.Tingting Ge†,Sheng Yan†, Lingjun Zhang, Hong He, Li Wang, Shunbo Li, Guo Chen, Yuan Yuan, and Yingzhou Huang, Nanowire Assisted Repeatable DEP-SERS Detection in Microfluidics, Nanotechnology, 30, 475202, 2019. (†contribute equally). (IF: 3.63)
3.Sheng Yan, Yuxing Li, Yuanqing Zhu, Minsu Liu, Qianbin Zhao, Dan Yuan, Guolin Yun, Shiwu Zhang, Weijia Wen, Shi-Yang Tang, and Weihua Li, Simple, low-cost fabrication of semi-circular channel using the surface tension of solder paste and its application to microfluidic valves, Electrophoresis, 39, 1460-1465, 2018. (IF: 2.57)
4.Fangjia Chu†,Sheng Yan†, Jiangen Zheng, Lingjun Zhang, Haiyan Zhang, Keke Yu, Xiaonan Sun, Anping Liu and Yingzhou Huang, A Simple Laser Ablation-Assisted Method for Fabrication of Superhydrophobic SERS Substrate on Teflon Film, Nanoscale Research Letters, 13, 244, 2018. (†contribute equally). (IF: 3.13)
5.Sheng Yan, Yuxing Li, Qianbin Zhao, Dan Yuan, Guolin Yun, Shi-Yang Tang, and Weihua Li, Enhanced particle self-ordering in a double-layer channel, Biomedical Microdevices, 20, 23, 2018. (IF: 2.08)
6.Sheng Yan, Yuxing Li, Qianbin Zhao, Dan Yuan, Guolin Yun, Jun Zhang, Weijia Wen, Shi-Yang Tang, and Weihua Li, A Liquid metal based amalgamation-assisted lithography for fabrication of complex channels with diverse structures and configurations, Lab on a Chip, 18, 785-792, 2018. (IF: 6.91)
7.Sheng Yan, Yuanqing Zhu, Shi-Yang Tang, Yuxing Li, Qianbin Zhao, Dan Yuan, Guolin Yun, Jun Zhang, Shiwu Zhang, and Weihua Li, A rapid, maskless 3D prototyping for fabricating capillary circuits: towards urinary protein detection, Electrophoresis, 39, 957-964, 2018. (IF: 2.57)
8.Sheng Yan, Say Hwa Tan, Yuxing Li, Shiyang Tang, Adrian J.T. Teo, Jun Zhang, Qianbin Zhao, Dan Yuan, Ronald Sluyter, N. T. Nguyen, and Weihua Li, A portable, hand-powered microfluidic device for sorting of biological particles, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2018, 22, 8. (IF: 2.38)
9.Sheng Yan, Dan Yuan, Qianbin Zhao, Jun Zhang, and Weihua Li, The Continuous Concentration of Particles and Cancer Cell Line Using Cell Margination in a Groove-Based Channel, Micromachines, 8, 315, 2017. (IF: 2.22)
10.Sheng Yan, Jun Zhang, Weihua Li, Hybrid microfluidics combined with active and passive approaches for continuous cell separation, Electrophoresis, 38, 238-249, 2017. (IF: 2.57)
11.Sheng Yan, Jun Zhang, Dan Yuan, Qianbin Zhao, Junqi Ma, Weihua Li, High-throughput, sheathless, magnetophoretic separation of magnetic and non-magnetic particles with a groove-based channel, Applied Physics Letters, 109, 214101, 2016. (IF: 3.50)
12.Sheng Yan, Jun Zhang, Huaying Chen, Dan Yuan, Gursel Alici, Haiping Du, Yonggang Zhu, Weihua Li, Development of a novel magnetophoresis-assisted hydrophoresis microdevice for rapid particle ordering. Biomedical Microdevices, 18, 1-9, 2016. (IF: 2.08)
13.Tiantian Jin†,Sheng Yan†, Jun Zhang†, Dan Yuan, Xu-Feng Huang, Weihua Li, A label-free and high-throughput separation of neuron and glial cells using an inertial microfluidic platform. Biomicrofluidics, 10, 034104, 2016 (†contribute equally). (IF: 2.57)
14.Sheng Yan, Jun Zhang, Chao Pan, Dan Yuan, Gursel Alici, Haiping Du, Yonggang Zhu, Weihua Li, An integrated dielectrophoresis-active hydrophoretic microchip for continuous particle filtration and separation. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25, 084010, 2015. (IF: 1.88)
15.Sheng Yan, Jun Zhang, Yuan Yuan, George Lovrecz, Gursel Alici, Haiping Du, Yonggang Zhu, Weihua Li, A hybrid dielectrophoretic and hydrophoretic microchip for particle sorting using integrated prefocusing and sorting steps. Electrophoresis, 36, 284-291, 2015. (IF: 2.57)
16.Sheng Yan, Jun Zhang, Huaying Chen, Gursel Alici, Haiping Du, Yonggang Zhu, Weihua Li, Making a hydrophoretic focuser tunable using a diaphragm. Biomicrofluidics, 8, 064115, 2014. (IF: 2.57)
17.Sheng Yan, Jun Zhang, Gursel Alici, Haiping Du, Yonggang Zhu, Weihua Li, Isolating plasma from blood using a dielectrophoresis-active hydrophoretic device. Lab on a Chip, 14, 2993-3003, 2014. (IF: 6.91)
18.Sheng Yan, Jun Zhang, Ming Li, Gursel Alici, Haiping Du, Ronald Sluyter, Weihua Li, On-chip high-throughput manipulation of particles in a dielectrophoresis-active hydrophoretic focuser. Scientific Reports, 4, 5060, 2014. (IF: 4.12)
19.Haiyan Zhang, Yuan Yuan,Sheng Yan*, Kai Lou, Yibo Gao, Shuxia Wang, Yingzhou Huang, On-chip 3D SERS Materials Produced by Self-assemble of Copper Microparticle and Galvanic Replacement Reaction, Applied optics, 2019, in press. (*Corresponding author). (IF: 1.79)


2018 日本振興工業會 Fellowships
2018 澳大利亞奮進 Fellowship
2017 臥龍崗大學最佳博士論文獎
2013 臥龍崗大學Tuition Scholarship
2013 澳大利亞聯邦科學院 Postgraduate Scholarship
2012 中國礦業大學優秀畢業生
2010、2011 國家獎學金


