- 中文名:鐘躍崎
- 性別:男
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 職稱:教授
- 1990.9-1994.6 西北紡織工學院,毛紡織工程
- 1994.8-1998.2 西北紡織工學院,紡織材料 碩士
- 1998.9-2001.7 東華大學,紡織材料與紡織品設計 博士
- 2001.8-2005.6德州大學奧斯汀歸嫌船分校凳閥備(The University of Texas at Austin)博士後
- 2005.12-2011.10東華大學副教授、碩士生導師
- 2011.11至今東華大學教授,博導
2.作為第一作者撰寫的Fast Virtual Garment Dressing on Posed Human Model在TBIS2008國際學術會議上獲得Outstanding Research Paper。
3.作為第一作者撰寫的Reconstructing 3D Garment from Still Images一文在CAID&CD 2009國際學術會議上獲得優秀論文。
《數字尋懂化服裝設計與管理》,十五國家級規劃教材,參編,中國紡織出版社,2006.5, ISBN 7-5064-3863-1;
《Computer technology for textiles and apparel》,參編,Woodhead Textiles Series No.121, WOODHEAD PUBLISHING LIMITED, 2010, ISBN 1-84569-729-4
三維虛擬服凝料背裝快速姿態同步方法(ZL 200910194537.5)
三維人體模型的全自動測量方法(ZL 200910194538.X)
網路環境中三維服裝的合身性評價方法(ZL 200910056230.9)
1、Zhong YQ, Fast Penetration Resolving for Multi-layered Virtual Garment Dressing,Textile Research Journal, 2009, 79(9): 815-821.(SCIIDS Number: 449YP)( DOI: 10.1177/0040517508095611)
2、Zhong YQ and Xu BG, A physically based method for triangulated surface flattening,Computer aided design, 2006, 38(10): 1062-1073 (SCIIDS Number: 094XT)( DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2006.05.002)
3、Zhong YQ and Xu BG, Automatic Segmenting and Measurement on Scanned Human Body, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2006, 18(1): 19-30(SCIIDS Number: 020TN)( DOI: 10.1108/09556220610637486)
4、Zhong YQ and Xu BG ,Three-dimensional Garment Dressing Simulation, Textile Research Journal 200979(9): 792-803. (SCIIDS Number: 449YP)( DOI: 10.1177/0040517508090779)
5、Zhong YQ, Fast Virtual Garment Dressing on Posed Human Model, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2008, p883-888,Hong Kong (ISTP, IDS Number: BIT87 ,Outstanding Research Paper)
6、Zhong YQ, Fit and Tight-Fit Garment Design Based on Parameterized 3D Sketching, The Fiber Society 2009 Spring Conference-International Conference on Fibrous Materials 2009, p1320-1324, Shanghai, China. (ISTP)
7、Zhaoli Wang, Yueqi Zhong, Shanyuan Wang, Rongwu Wang, Xiongying Wu, Cross-sectional Shape Factor Characterization for Solid Profiled Fiber Based on Boundary Fluctuation Curve, Fiber Society Annual Conference, The Fiber Society 2009Spring Conference,p588-591 (ISTP)
8、Zhong YQ, Garment Design Based on 3D Sketches,西安工程大學學報,2009,23(3):246-251.
9、Zhong YQ, Garment design based on 3D sketches, Proceedings Of 2009 International Textile Science And Technology Forum, Xian, Peoples R China, Apr 11-12, 2009, p456-461.(ISTP)
10、Zhong YQ, Redressing 3D Garments Based on Pose Duplication, Textile Research Journal,2010, 80(10): 904-916 (SCI)
11、Zhong YQ , Liu HY, Jiang JF, Liu L, 3D Human Body Morphing Based on Shape Interpolation, The 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2009), Nanjin, China, 2009(EI), p1027-1030.
12、JIANG Gaoping,ZHONG Yueqi,WANG Rongwu, A Recognition Method for Wool and Cashmere Fiber Based on the Feature of the Spectral Line, The 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2009), Nanjin, China, 2009(EI), p 4679-4682.
13、Zhong YQ, Reconstructing 3D garment from Still Images, Proceeding 2009 IEEE 10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design: E-Business, Creative Design, Manufacturing - CAID and CD'2009, p1900-1905, 2009, (CAID&CD 2009), Wenzhou,China, 2009(EI)
14、蔣高平,鐘躍崎,王榮武,基於譜線特徵的羊絨與羊毛鑑別,紡織學報,2010 31 (4): 15-19
15、楊剛,鐘躍崎,基於同層穿透的掃描服裝的重用性,紡織學報,2010,31(10): 137-141
17、Shen YJ, Tian Y, Zhong YQ,Virtual Garment Demonstration Based On Layered Images, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2010, p89-92,Shanghai. (ISTP)
18、Liu HY, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Numerical Stability of Integration Methods for Cloth Simulation, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2010, p1097-1101,Shanghai. (ISTP)
19、Jiang JF, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Sketch-Based Draping and Wrinkles for Virtual Skirt, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2010, p1125-1129,Shanghai. (ISTP)
20、Liu HY, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Mesh topology in scanned garment reconstruction, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2011,Vol. 23 Iss: 2/3, pp.170 – 183(SCI), DOI:10.1108/09556221111107351
21、Wang ZL, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Profiled fiber cross-sectional shape characterization for identification, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2011,Vol. 23 Iss: 2/3, pp.131 – 141 (SCI), DOI: 10.1108/09556221111107324
22、Liu HY, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Intersection Resolution Method for Cloth Simulation, 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE 2011), pp.491-494. April 15-17, 2011, Wuhan, China (EI)
23、Jiang JF, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, 3D Mesh Deformation Technology for Generation of Virtual Garments, TBIS2011, pp.25 – 29, May 27-29, 2011,Beijing(ISTP)
24、Liu HY, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Combination of Implicit Integration and Collision Response for Cloth Simulation, TBIS2011, pp.1066 – 1070, May 27-29, Beijing (ISTP)
25、Wang ZL, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Profiled Fiber Microscopic Cross-sectional Image Segmentation, TBIS2011, pp.1321 – 1325, 2011, May 27-29, 2011, Beijing (ISTP)
26、Zhong YQ, Jiang JF, Wang ZL, Liu HY, 3D Garment Prototyping from 2D Drawings, CSIE 2011, Part I, CCIS 152, pp.252-257, May 21-22, 2011, Zhengzhou, China (EI).
27、Zhong YQ, Simulating 3D Winter Clothing towards Online Garment Demonstration, 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS), Vol. 3, pp.2559-2562, June 27-29, 2011, Nanjing, China (EI).
28、Zhong YQ, A Photo Based 3D Garment Making System for Educational Purpose in Style Reconstruction and Evaluation, The 6th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2011), pp. 839-842, August 3-5, 2011, SuperStar Virgo, Singapore.(EI).
29、Jiang JF, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Sketch-based wrinkle generation for three-dimensional virtual garment prototyping, Textile Research Journal, 81(18) 1893–1902, 2011 (SCI)
30、Li Y, Zhong YQ, Automatic detecting anthropometric landmarks based on spin image, TextileResearch Journal (In Press) (SCI)
31、Wang ZL, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, A New Shape Factor Measure for Characterizing the Cross Section of Profiled Fiber, Textile Research Journal (In Press) (SCI)
《數位化服裝設計與管理》,十五國家級規劃教材,參編,中國紡織出版社,2006.5, ISBN 7-5064-3863-1;
《Computer technology for textiles and apparel》,參編,Woodhead Textiles Series No.121, WOODHEAD PUBLISHING LIMITED, 2010, ISBN 1-84569-729-4
三維虛擬服裝快速姿態同步方法(ZL 200910194537.5)
三維人體模型的全自動測量方法(ZL 200910194538.X)
網路環境中三維服裝的合身性評價方法(ZL 200910056230.9)
1、Zhong YQ, Fast Penetration Resolving for Multi-layered Virtual Garment Dressing,Textile Research Journal, 2009, 79(9): 815-821.(SCIIDS Number: 449YP)( DOI: 10.1177/0040517508095611)
2、Zhong YQ and Xu BG, A physically based method for triangulated surface flattening,Computer aided design, 2006, 38(10): 1062-1073 (SCIIDS Number: 094XT)( DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2006.05.002)
3、Zhong YQ and Xu BG, Automatic Segmenting and Measurement on Scanned Human Body, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2006, 18(1): 19-30(SCIIDS Number: 020TN)( DOI: 10.1108/09556220610637486)
4、Zhong YQ and Xu BG ,Three-dimensional Garment Dressing Simulation, Textile Research Journal 200979(9): 792-803. (SCIIDS Number: 449YP)( DOI: 10.1177/0040517508090779)
5、Zhong YQ, Fast Virtual Garment Dressing on Posed Human Model, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2008, p883-888,Hong Kong (ISTP, IDS Number: BIT87 ,Outstanding Research Paper)
6、Zhong YQ, Fit and Tight-Fit Garment Design Based on Parameterized 3D Sketching, The Fiber Society 2009 Spring Conference-International Conference on Fibrous Materials 2009, p1320-1324, Shanghai, China. (ISTP)
7、Zhaoli Wang, Yueqi Zhong, Shanyuan Wang, Rongwu Wang, Xiongying Wu, Cross-sectional Shape Factor Characterization for Solid Profiled Fiber Based on Boundary Fluctuation Curve, Fiber Society Annual Conference, The Fiber Society 2009Spring Conference,p588-591 (ISTP)
8、Zhong YQ, Garment Design Based on 3D Sketches,西安工程大學學報,2009,23(3):246-251.
9、Zhong YQ, Garment design based on 3D sketches, Proceedings Of 2009 International Textile Science And Technology Forum, Xian, Peoples R China, Apr 11-12, 2009, p456-461.(ISTP)
10、Zhong YQ, Redressing 3D Garments Based on Pose Duplication, Textile Research Journal,2010, 80(10): 904-916 (SCI)
11、Zhong YQ , Liu HY, Jiang JF, Liu L, 3D Human Body Morphing Based on Shape Interpolation, The 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2009), Nanjin, China, 2009(EI), p1027-1030.
12、JIANG Gaoping,ZHONG Yueqi,WANG Rongwu, A Recognition Method for Wool and Cashmere Fiber Based on the Feature of the Spectral Line, The 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2009), Nanjin, China, 2009(EI), p 4679-4682.
13、Zhong YQ, Reconstructing 3D garment from Still Images, Proceeding 2009 IEEE 10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design: E-Business, Creative Design, Manufacturing - CAID and CD'2009, p1900-1905, 2009, (CAID&CD 2009), Wenzhou,China, 2009(EI)
14、蔣高平,鐘躍崎,王榮武,基於譜線特徵的羊絨與羊毛鑑別,紡織學報,2010 31 (4): 15-19
15、楊剛,鐘躍崎,基於同層穿透的掃描服裝的重用性,紡織學報,2010,31(10): 137-141
17、Shen YJ, Tian Y, Zhong YQ,Virtual Garment Demonstration Based On Layered Images, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2010, p89-92,Shanghai. (ISTP)
18、Liu HY, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Numerical Stability of Integration Methods for Cloth Simulation, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2010, p1097-1101,Shanghai. (ISTP)
19、Jiang JF, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Sketch-Based Draping and Wrinkles for Virtual Skirt, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2010, p1125-1129,Shanghai. (ISTP)
20、Liu HY, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Mesh topology in scanned garment reconstruction, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2011,Vol. 23 Iss: 2/3, pp.170 – 183(SCI), DOI:10.1108/09556221111107351
21、Wang ZL, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Profiled fiber cross-sectional shape characterization for identification, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2011,Vol. 23 Iss: 2/3, pp.131 – 141 (SCI), DOI: 10.1108/09556221111107324
22、Liu HY, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Intersection Resolution Method for Cloth Simulation, 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE 2011), pp.491-494. April 15-17, 2011, Wuhan, China (EI)
23、Jiang JF, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, 3D Mesh Deformation Technology for Generation of Virtual Garments, TBIS2011, pp.25 – 29, May 27-29, 2011,Beijing(ISTP)
24、Liu HY, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Combination of Implicit Integration and Collision Response for Cloth Simulation, TBIS2011, pp.1066 – 1070, May 27-29, Beijing (ISTP)
25、Wang ZL, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Profiled Fiber Microscopic Cross-sectional Image Segmentation, TBIS2011, pp.1321 – 1325, 2011, May 27-29, 2011, Beijing (ISTP)
26、Zhong YQ, Jiang JF, Wang ZL, Liu HY, 3D Garment Prototyping from 2D Drawings, CSIE 2011, Part I, CCIS 152, pp.252-257, May 21-22, 2011, Zhengzhou, China (EI).
27、Zhong YQ, Simulating 3D Winter Clothing towards Online Garment Demonstration, 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS), Vol. 3, pp.2559-2562, June 27-29, 2011, Nanjing, China (EI).
28、Zhong YQ, A Photo Based 3D Garment Making System for Educational Purpose in Style Reconstruction and Evaluation, The 6th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2011), pp. 839-842, August 3-5, 2011, SuperStar Virgo, Singapore.(EI).
29、Jiang JF, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, Sketch-based wrinkle generation for three-dimensional virtual garment prototyping, Textile Research Journal, 81(18) 1893–1902, 2011 (SCI)
30、Li Y, Zhong YQ, Automatic detecting anthropometric landmarks based on spin image, TextileResearch Journal (In Press) (SCI)
31、Wang ZL, Zhong YQ, Wang SY, A New Shape Factor Measure for Characterizing the Cross Section of Profiled Fiber, Textile Research Journal (In Press) (SCI)