- 中文名稱:鏡中你我
- 作者:ccabxyz
- 類型:近代現代
- 連載平台:晉江文學網
本文獻給群里的輪子姑娘!沒有她辛辛苦苦的翻譯,我就不會產生這個梗的腦洞……姑娘辛苦了,4w多字的翻譯真是太厲害了……333333本文腦洞起始於pm上面關於畫像的描述,原文是:Some magical portraits are capable of considerably more interaction with the living world. Traditionally, a headmaster or headmistress is painted before their death. Once the portrait is completed, the headmaster or headmistress in question keeps it under lock and key, regularly visiting it in its cupboard (if so desired) to teach it to act and behave exactly like themselves, and imparting all kinds of useful memories and pieces of knowledge that may then be shared through the centuries with their successors in office.翻譯過來大概是:畫像並不能代表被畫的人本人的所有特徵,更多的是畫畫的人眼中被畫的人。但霍格沃茨校長的畫像被畫出來之後會被關在小黑屋裡(不),被各位校長手把手的教出來,這才有如此鮮活的校長肖像。於是我的腦洞開大發了……