



  • 書名:銀川統計年鑑2012
  • 作者:銀川市統計局 
  • 出版日期:2012年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787503766381
  • 外文名:Yinchuan Statistical Yearbook
  • 出版社:中國統計出版社
  • 頁數:684頁
  • 開本:16




Special Issue
Government Work Report of Yinchuan
Report on the Fifth Session of the Thirteen Congress
Report on The Implementation Situation of Yinchuan’National Economy and Social Development Planning in
2011 and The Plan(Draft)for 2012
Report on The Implementation Situation of Yinchuan’Budget in 2011 and The draft budget for 2012
Statistical Bulletin on The 2011 National Economic and Social Development of People’s Republic of China
Statistical Bulletin on The 2011 National Economic and Social Development of Ningxia
Statistical Bulletin on The 2011 National Economic and Social Development of Yinchuan
Statistial Data
General Survey
1—1 行政區劃及區劃面積
Administrative Divisions and Area of Zoning
1—2 氣象情況
1—3 主要年份地區生產總值
Gross Domestic Product in Main Years
1—4 主要年份地區生產總值構成
Composition of Gross Domestic Product in Main Years
1—5 主要年份地區生產總值指數
Indices of Gross Domestic Product in Main Years
1—6 主要年份地區生產總值指數
Indices of Gross Domestic Product in Main Years
1—7 地區生產總值構成
Composition of Gross Domestic Product
1—8 主要年份人均社會經濟發展主要指標
Key Indicators of Per Capita Socio—economic Development in Main Years
1—9 主要年份國民經濟和社會發展主要指標
Principal Indicators on National Economic and Social Development in Main Years
1—10 主要年份國民經濟和社會發展結構指標
Structural Indicators on National Economic and Social Development in Main Years
1—11 平均每天主要社會經濟活動
Major Indicators on Average Daily Social and Economic Activities
1—12 銀川市主要經濟指標與全國、全區對比
The Main Economic Indicators of Yinchuan Compared to Country and Region
M aior Indicators on National Economic and Social Development in Main Years by City and County
Population and Labor Resources
2—1 主要年份人口發展情況
Basic Statistics of Population Development in Main Years
2—2 戶數、人口及變動情況
Household,Population and Change Conditions
2—3 主要年份全市人口自然變動情況
Natural Change of City Population in Main Years
2—4 常住人口計畫生育情況
The Resident Population of Family Planning
2—5 常住人口節育情況
The Resident Population of Family Birth Control
2—6 婚姻狀況
Marital Status
2—7 全社會從業人員情況
Total Number of Employed Persons in the Whole Country
2—8 主要年份單位從業人員和勞動報酬情況
Basic Statistics of Employees and Earning in Main Years
2—9 全市單位從業人員人數
Number of Engaged Persons in the City Units
2—10 全市單位從業人員勞動報酬
Earning of Employed Persons in the City Units
1—11 市區單位從業人員人數
Number of Engaged Persons in the Urban Units
2—12 市區單位從業人員勞動報酬
Revenue of Engaged Persons in the Urban Units
3—1 主要年份農林牧漁業總產值
Gross Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery in Main Years
3—2 主要年份農林牧漁業總產值指數
Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Related Indices in Main Years
3—3 主要年份農林牧漁業總產值指數
Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Related Indices in Main Years
3—4 主要年份農民生活情況及主要農產品產量
Farmers Living Conditions and Output of Major Farm Products in Main Years
3—5 農林牧漁業總產值
Gross Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery
3—6 農林牧漁業增加值
Value—added of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery
3—7 農業基本情況及從業人員
Basic Statistics on Rural Areas and Employed Persons
3—8 農業機械化情況
Agriculture Machinery
3—9 農業主要能源物資消耗及農用水利建設情況
Major Energy Material Consumption and Water Conservancy Contruction on Agriculture
3—10 主要農產品生產情況
Production of Major Farm Products
3—11 蔬菜及特種作物生產情況
Production of Vegetables and Specialty Crops
3—12 水果、枸杞生產情況
Production of Fruits and Wolfberrys
3—13 林業生產情況
Production of Forestry
3—14 漁業生產情況
Production of Fishery
3—15 畜牧業生產情況
Production of Animal Husbandry
Industry and Energy
4—1 主要年份全部工業總產值
Gross Output Value of Industrial in Main Years
4—2 主要年份工業產品產量
Output of Major Industrial Products in Main Years
4—3 主要年份規模以上工業總產值
Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises above Designated Size in Main Years
4—1 規模以上工業企業主要產品產量
Output Volume of Major Industrial Products in Enterprises above Designated Size
4—5 全市規模以上工業企業主要經濟指標
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
4—6 規模以上工業企業主要經濟指標(市區)
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(City)
4—7 工業企業按工業總產值排序前50名
The Sort before 50 of Industrial Enterpries According to Industrial Output Value
4—8 工業企業按固定資產原價排序前50名
The Sort before 50 of Industrial Enterpries According to Original Value of Fixed Assets
4—9 工業企業按利稅總額排序前50名
The Sort before 50 of Industrial Enterpries According to Total Profits and Taxes
4—10 全市規模以上工業分行業產值能耗
Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industries
4—11 全市規模以上工業企業能源購進、消費與庫存情況
Energy Purchase,Consumption and Inventory of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
4—12 全市規模以上工業企業能源購進、消費與庫存附表情況
Energy Purchase,Consumption and Inventory of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
4—13 全市規模以上工業分品種分行業能源消費
Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Variety by Industries
4—14 規模以上工業分行業產值能耗(市區)
Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Industries(City)
4—15 規模以上工業企業能源購進、消費與庫存情況(市區)
Energy Purchase,Consumption and Inventory of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(City)
4—16 規模以上工業企業能源購進、消費與庫存附表情況(市區)
Energy Purchase,Consumption and Inventory of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(City)
4—17 規模以上工業分品種分行業能源消費(市區)
Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Variety by Industries(City)
4—18 全市規模以上工業企業水消費
Water Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
4—19 全市規模以上工業企業水消費(市區)
Water Consumption of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(City)
Investment in Fixed Assets
5—1 主要年份全社會固定資產投資
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country in Main Years
5—2 主要年份按行業分的城鎮固定資產投資
Total Investment in Fixed Assets By Sector in Main Years
5—3 全社會固定資產投資及房屋建築面積
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country
5—4 按國民經濟行業分的固定資產投資
Total Investment in Fixed Assets By Sector
5—5 各種分組的固定資產投資
Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Classification
5—6 城鎮固定資產投資
Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area
5—7 固定資產投資效果
The Efieet of Fixed Assets Investment
5—8 主要重點項目建設情況
Coustruetion Condition of Major Keystone Project
5—9 房地產開發企業投資情況
Investment Statistics on Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5—10 房地產開發企業經營情況
Operating Statistics on Enterprises for Real Estate Development
5—11 房地產開發施工、竣工房屋面積
Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and Completed for Real Estate Development
5—12 房地產開發商品房銷售與出租情況
Saled and Rented of Real Estate Commercialized Buildings
5—13 房地產開發企業資質等級一、二級企業名單
The List of Real Estate Development Enterprise by Quahhication Clriteria of Frist and Second Grade
6—1 主要年份建築業主要指標
Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises in Main Years
6—2 全部建築業企業主要指標
Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises
6—3 建築業總產值
Total Output Value of Construction
6—4 建築業契約簽訂及承包工程完成情況
Contracts Signed and Completion of Contracted Projects by Construction Enterprises
6—5 房屋建築施工面積及竣工面積
Floor Space of Buildings Constructed and Completed
6—6 房屋建築竣工價值
Output Value of Floor Space of Buildings Completed
6—7 建築業企業自有施工機械設備及勞動人員情況
Machinery and Equipment Owned and Employed Persons by Construction Enterprises
6—8 建築業企業財務狀況
Financial Indicators on Construction Enterprises
6—9 勞務分包建築業企業生產經營情況
Production and Business Statistics of Labour Subcontractors in Construction Industry
6—10 全部建築業企業主要指標(市區)
Main Indicators Oil Construction Enterprises(City)
6—11 建築業總產值(市區)
Total Output Value of Construction(City)
6—12 建築業契約簽訂及承包工程完成情況(市區)
Contracts Signed and Completion of Contracted Projects by Construction Enterprises(City)
6—13 房屋建築施工面積及竣工面積(市區)
Floor Space of Buildings Constructed and Completed(City)
6—14 房屋建築竣工價值(市區)
Output Value of Floor Space of Buildings Completed(City)
6—15 建築業企業自有施工機械設備及勞動人員情況(市區)
Machinery and Equipment Owned and Employed Persons by Construction Enterprises(City)
6—16 建築業企業財務狀況(市區)
Financial Indicators on Construction Enterprises(City)
6—17 勞務分包建築業企業生產經營情況(市區)
Production and Business Statistics of Labour Subcontractors in Construction Industry(City)
6—18 建築業總承包資質等級一、二級企業名單
Construction Industry List by Contracted Qualification Criteria with First or Secord Grade
6—19 建築業專業承包資質等級一、二級企業名單
Construction Industry List by Professional Contractor Qualification Criteria with First or Secord Grade
Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services
7—1 主要年份交通運輸業主要經濟指標
Major Economic Indicators of Transport Conveyance in Main Years
7—2 主要年份郵電業主要經濟指標
Major Economic Indicators of Post and Telecommunication Services in Main Years
7—3 全社會客貨運輸量
Traffic Volume of Passenger and Freight
7—4 機動車擁有量
Ownership Volume of Motor Vehicle
7—5 郵政、電信業務量
Business Volume of Post and Telecommunication Services
Domestic Trade,Foreign Trade and Tourism
8—1 主要年份社會消費品零售總額分類情況
Total Retail Saled Values of Consumer Goods by Category in Main Years
8—2 社會消費品零售總額
Total Retail Saled of Consumer Goods
8—3 限額以上批發和零售業商品購進、銷售、庫存總額
Total Purchases,Sales and Stock of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades
8—4 限額以上批發和零售業商品分類銷售額
Saled Values of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Category
8—5 限額以上批發和零售業法人企業主要財務狀況
Financial Indicators of Wholesale and Retail by Enterprises above Designated Size
8—6 限額以上批發和零售業連鎖經營情況
Chain Operations Statistics of Wholesale and Retail by Enterprises above Designated Size
8—7 限額以上住宿和餐飲業經營情況
Bussiness of Hotels and Catering Servies by Enterprises above Designated Size
8—8 限額以上住宿和餐飲業法人企業主要財務狀況
Financial Indicators of Hotels and Catering Servies by Enterprises above Designed Size
8—9 限額以上批發和零售業購進、銷售、庫存總額(市區)
Total Purchases,Sales and Stock of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Enterprises above Designated Size(City)
8—10 限額以上批發和零售業商品分類銷售額(市區)
Sale Values of Wholesale and Retail by Enterprises above Designated Size by Category(City)
8—11 限額以上批發和零售業法人單位主要財務狀況(市區)
Financial Indicators of Wholesale and Retail by Enterprises above Designated Size(City)
8—12 限額以上住宿和餐飲業經營情況(市區)
Bussiness of Hotels and Catering Servies by Enterprises above Designated Size(City)
8—13 限額以上住宿和餐飲業法人企業主要財務狀況(市區)
Financial Indicators of Hotels and Catering Servies by Enterprises above Designated Size(City)
8—14 重點商品交易市場成交情況
Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value
8—15 利用外資情況
Basic Statistics on Utilization of Foreign Capital
8—16 進出口貿易總額
Total Trade Value of Imports and Exports
8—17 主要出口商品數量
Number of Major Export Commodities
8—18 旅遊情況
Basic Statistics of Traveling
8—19 批發零售企業按銷售額排序(市區)
The Sort of Wholesale and Retail Enterprises in Terms of Sales Value(City)
8—20 批發零售企業按零售額排序(市區)
The Sort of Wholesale and Retail Enterprises in Terms of Retail Value(City)
8—21 批發零售企業按固定資產原價排序(市區)
The Sort of Wholesale and Retail Enterprises in Terms of Original Value of Fixed Assets(City)
8—22 批發零售企業按利潤總額排序(市區)
The Sort of Wholesale and Retail Enterprises in Terms of Total Profits(City)
8—23 住宿餐飲業按營業收入排序(市區)
The Sort of Hotels and Catering Servies Enterprises by Business Income(City)
8—24 住宿餐飲業按客房收入排序(市區)
The Son of Hotels and Catering Servies Enterprises by Hotel Rooms Income(City)
8—25 商品交易市場按成交額排序
The Sort of Commodity Trading Market by Turnover Values
8—26 商品交易市場按營業面積排序
The Sort of Commodity Trading Market by Business Area
8—27 銀川市星級賓館一覽表
List of Star Hotels in Yinchuan City
Fiscal Financial and Insurance
9—1 主要年份地方財政收支情況
Local Financial Revenue and Expenditure in Main Years
9—2 地方財政收入
Local Financial Revenue
9—3 地方財政支出
Local Financial Expenditure
9—4 主要年份金融機構存、貸款餘額
Total Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions in Main Years
9—5 金融機構年末存、貸款餘額
Total Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions at Year—end
9—6 政策性銀行年末存、貸款餘額
Total Deposits and Loans of Policy Banks at Year—end
9—7 中資全國性四家大型銀行年末存、貸款餘額
Total Deposits and Loans of State—owned Commercial Banks at Year—end
9—8 地方性金融機構年末存、貸款餘額
Total Deposits and Loans of Local Financial Institutions at Year—end
9—9 保險業務情況
Basic Statistics for Insurance Companies
People’s Living Conditions and Price Indices
10—1 主要年份城市居民收支及價格指數情況
Income and Expenditure of Uran Households and Price Indices in Main Years
10—2 城市居民家庭就業情況
Employed Conditions of Urban Households
10—3 城市居民家庭年末主要消費品擁有情況
Ownership Volume of Major Consumer Goods by Urban Households at Year—end
10—4 城市居民家庭現金收支情況(年人均)
Basic Statistics of Cash Income and Expenditure by Urban Households(Annual Average)
10—5 城市居民平均每人全年購買商品數量
Per Capita Annual Purchases of Major Commodities by Urban Households
10—6 城市居民家庭住房基本情況
Housing Statistics of Uran Households
10—7 農村居民家庭基本情況
Basic Statistics of Rural Households
10—8 農民人均總收入、純收人
Per Capita Annual Total Income and Net Income of Rural Households
10—9 農民人均總支出
Total Expenditure of Per Capita Annual by Rural Households
Per Capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households
Per Capita Consumption of Consumer Goods by Rural Households
Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per Hundred by Rural Households
Consumer Price Indices
Retail Price Indices by Classification
Variety of Price Indices
Industrial Producer Price Indices
Purchasing Price Indices of Industrial Producer
Sales Price Indices of Houses in Yinchuan
Price Indices of Real Estate
City Public Utilities
11—1 主要年份城市設施水平
The Level of Urban Facilities in Main Years
11—2 主要年份城市環境衛生
Environmental Sanitation in Main Years
11—3 主要年份城市供水
Tap Water Supply of City in Main Years
11—4 主要年份城市園林綠化
Parks and Green Areas of City in Main Years
11—5 主要年份城市公共運輸
Public Transportation of City in Main Years
11—6 主要年份市政建設及城市燃氣
Public Facilities and City Cas in Main Years
11—7 主要年份城市規模及用地情況
Size and Land Used of City in Main Years
Education,Science and Technology and Culture
12—1 主要年份各類學校在校學生數
Number 0f Students Enrollment by Level and Type in Main Years
12—2 主要年份各類學校專任教師數
Number of Full—time Teachers by Level and Type of Schools in Main Years
12—4 學齡兒童入學和國小、國中畢業生情況
Enrollment of School—age Children and Graduates of Primary and Secondary Schools
12—5 廣播電視基本情況
Basic Statistics on Radio and TV Stations
12—16 新聞出版情況
Publication of Books,Magazines and Newspapers
12—7 公共圖書館基本情況
Facilities and Services of Public Libraries
12—8 藝術表演團體基本情況
Basic Statistics of Art Perflormance Troupes
12—9 民眾藝術館、文化館基本情況
Basic Statistics of Mass Art Centres and Cultral Centres
Basic Statistics on Scientific Reserch of Indusrtial Enterprises above Designated Size in Yinchuan
Public Health,Sports,Civil Administration,Justic and Others
13—1 主要年份衛生髮展情況
Basic Statistics of Health Care Development in Main Years
13—2 衛生機構、床位、人員數
Number of Health Care Institutions,Beds and Persons
13—3 衛生事業
Health Protection
13—4 中心敬老院、敬老院情況
Basic Statistics of Homes for the Elderly
13—5 民眾體育活動情況
Basic Statistics of Mass Sports
13—6 體育場地數(標準)
Number of Spots Venues(Standard)
13—7 重點優撫對象人員情況
Basic Statistics of Key Preferencial Treatment Group
13—8 社會救濟對象情況
Basic Statistics of Social Relief
13—9 律師、公證、調解工作基本情況
Basic Statistics on Lawyers,Notarization and Mediation
Public Security
Funeral and Interment
Basic Statistics of Level One Grade Above Earthquake
Basic Statistics of Industrial Waste Water,Waste Gas&Solid Wastes Discharge and Utilization
Intensity of Main Pollutant Emissions by Ten Thousand Value Added of Industry
Statistical Data by City and County
14—1 各市縣地區生產總值
Gross Domestic Product by City and County
14—2 各市縣農林牧漁業總產值
Gross Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by City and County
14—3 各市縣規模以上工業企業主要財務指標
Main Financial Indicators on Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by City and County
14—4 各市縣固定資產投資
Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area by City and County
14—5 各市縣城鎮居民人均可支配收入
Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of Urban Households by City and County
14—6 各市縣農民家庭平均每人純收入來源情況
Per Capital Annual Income of Rural Households by City and County
Events of Yinchuan Bureau Statistics in 2011


