

《醫學院校碩士研究生英語讀與寫》是2013年中國人民大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是黃一瑜 、閔楠 、殷紅梅。


  • 書名:醫學院校碩士研究生英語讀與寫
  • 作者:黃一瑜 ,閔楠 ,殷紅梅
  • ISBN:9787300174495
  • 定價:39.00
  • 出版社中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013-6-1


ISBN:10位[7300088880] 13位[9787300088884]


導入環節包括進行簡單話題討論時需的辭彙、詞組,並附有中文注釋,2-4個討論題目。正文A後及部分正文B後附有文中專有辭彙的簡短明了的注釋。練習部分包含對課文中細節把握準確性的檢測題型,如正誤判斷,以及需要結合文中觀點拓展性的討論話題,同時練習中還包括與課文主題相關的中文段落翻譯和寫作練習。寫作練習分為三類,一類是限定性題目寫作,一類是開放性題目寫作,再一類是概括所給段落的主要觀點並發表自己的看法,這幾種類型涵蓋了近 年來碩士研究生英語水平測試以及醫學院校博士研究生英語入學考試的題型。為了便於學生更好地進行閱讀拓展訓練,正文B在辭彙注釋上比較詳細,非常有利於學生的自主學習。該部分的練習主要是幫助學生檢測自主閱讀過程的效果,題型主要包括正誤判斷、閱讀理解、完成句子或根據課文大意改寫的完型填空。


Unit 1
Text A The Hippocratic Oath
Text B 12 Principles from Christoph Wilhelm von Hufeland
Unit 2
Text A Why Should Human Beings Be Moral?
Text B Why Should I Be Moral?(Revised)
Unit 3
Text A Patients Have Rights, but Doctors Have Rights, Too
Text B Does the Doctor-Patient Relationship Mean More to Doctors than Patients?
Unit 4
Text A An Assessment of Rights Theory in a Specific health Care Context
Text B How to Improve Communication Between Doctors and Patients
Unit 5
Text A Killing Trust Between Doctors and Patients
Text B Bioterrorism: Red Scare for a New Millennum
Unit 6
Text A Will He Choose to Save Your Life?
Text B Biogterrosism as a Public Health Threat
Unit 7
Text A Altruism and Payment in Blood Donation
Text B Blood Safety and Donation: A Global View
Unit 8
Text A Cognitive Changes Associated with Aging
Text B Personality Changes Associated with Aging
Unit 9
Text A Organ Transplantation: Ethical Dilemmas and Policy Choices
Text B Five Organ Procurement Policies and Proposals: A Comparison (Continued)
Unit 10
Text A Education Against Gender-Based Violence
Text B Ending Widespread Violence Against Women
Unit 11
Text A Someone Who Believed in Them Helped Them to Recover
Text B What If Everyone Were a Donor?
Unit 12
Text A A NaturalDisaster and a Human Tragedy
Text B Natural Disaster, but Avoidable Tragedy
Unit 13
Text A Food Additives
Text B Additional Information about Additives(Continued)
Unit 14
Text A Environmenatl Risks to Childeren's Health in the Home
Text B The WHO Approach to Housing and Health


