- 書名:酒窖設計
- 作者:深圳市藝力文化發展有限公司
- 出版日期:2012年3月1日
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
- ISBN:9787561167380, 7561167385
- 品牌:大連理工大學出版社有限公司
- 外文名:Cheers! Wine Cellar Design
- 出版社:大連理工大學出版社
- 頁數:295頁
- 開本:16
- 定價:280.00
D.arc Group+RBA
Della Valle Bernheimer
Marsh and AssociatesInc.
Marsh and AssociatesInc.
Marsh and AssociatesInc.
Marshanti Associates,Inc.
Marsh and Associates,Inc.
Marsh and Associates,Inc.
Marsh and Associates.Inc.
Jacohsen Architechwe
CCS Architecture
TVS Wine Cellars
TVSWine Cellars/Ericlledlund Design LLCcredit
TVSWine Cellars
TVSWine Cellars
TVSWine Cellars
Concrete Architectural Associates
Laidlaw Schultz Architects
Oinghal Damu Dingsheng Environmental Art Design Co.,Ltd.
Thomas Warner Wine Cellars
Thomas Warner Wine Cellars
Thomas Warner Wine Cellars
Thomas Waruer Wing Cellars
Thomas Warner Wine Cellars
Crox International Co.,Lt41.
Traverse Architectural Group
Traverse Architectural Group
Timothy Corrlgan
Barbara GilbertInteriors
Werner Tscholl
Classic Cellar Deslgu
Classic Cellar Design
Classic Cellar Design
Focus Wiue Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Duckeyc Basements,luc
Buckeye Basements,lnc
Revel Custom Cellars
Revel Costom Cellars
Studio Kalamar
H202 Wine Cellar Design
H202 Wine Cellar Design
Trade Mark Design & Build
Trade Mark Design & Build
Trade Mark Design & Build
Sandra Nunnerley
Atelier Peter Kis
Francesc Rife Stadlo
Francesc Rife Stutllo
Wu Xiaowei Design Firm
llong Kong Aotns Design Studio
HongKong Aotus Design Studio
HongKong Aotns Design Studio
Architects Collective
Shenzken Meljing Teclmology Co.,Ltd.
Javier Barba
Alain Benoit
Chester Lindsey Architects
Sluulghal Dada Interior Design Stndio
3SIXO Architectlwe & Design
Store Friem Hy Logistics Holdings Limited
Cyrille Dreart
Evelyne Bok
Mok Design & Associates
Della Valle Bernheimer
Marsh and AssociatesInc.
Marsh and AssociatesInc.
Marsh and AssociatesInc.
Marshanti Associates,Inc.
Marsh and Associates,Inc.
Marsh and Associates,Inc.
Marsh and Associates.Inc.
Jacohsen Architechwe
CCS Architecture
TVS Wine Cellars
TVSWine Cellars/Ericlledlund Design LLCcredit
TVSWine Cellars
TVSWine Cellars
TVSWine Cellars
Concrete Architectural Associates
Laidlaw Schultz Architects
Oinghal Damu Dingsheng Environmental Art Design Co.,Ltd.
Thomas Warner Wine Cellars
Thomas Warner Wine Cellars
Thomas Warner Wine Cellars
Thomas Waruer Wing Cellars
Thomas Warner Wine Cellars
Crox International Co.,Lt41.
Traverse Architectural Group
Traverse Architectural Group
Timothy Corrlgan
Barbara GilbertInteriors
Werner Tscholl
Classic Cellar Deslgu
Classic Cellar Design
Classic Cellar Design
Focus Wiue Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Focus Wine Cellars
Duckeyc Basements,luc
Buckeye Basements,lnc
Revel Custom Cellars
Revel Costom Cellars
Studio Kalamar
H202 Wine Cellar Design
H202 Wine Cellar Design
Trade Mark Design & Build
Trade Mark Design & Build
Trade Mark Design & Build
Sandra Nunnerley
Atelier Peter Kis
Francesc Rife Stadlo
Francesc Rife Stutllo
Wu Xiaowei Design Firm
llong Kong Aotns Design Studio
HongKong Aotus Design Studio
HongKong Aotns Design Studio
Architects Collective
Shenzken Meljing Teclmology Co.,Ltd.
Javier Barba
Alain Benoit
Chester Lindsey Architects
Sluulghal Dada Interior Design Stndio
3SIXO Architectlwe & Design
Store Friem Hy Logistics Holdings Limited
Cyrille Dreart
Evelyne Bok
Mok Design & Associates