



  • 中文名:酒店管理與經營(第2版英漢對照) 
  • 作者:王群、黃本海、郭斯佳
  • 出版時間:2017年8月1日
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308169615
  • 定價:40.0 元


  旅遊業的快速發展帶來了酒店業發展的突飛猛進,也使得酒店從業人員的數量劇增。酒店業的國際化需要國際化的管理與服務,這就要求員工掌握系統的酒店管理與服務的專門英語知識,具備更強的專門英語套用能力。當前,在我國酒店從業人員中,具備較高的酒店行業專門英語理論水平和較強的專門英語套用能力的員工的比例還很低,行業專門英語的教育和教學還不能很好地滿足酒店行業各種微環境的需要。因此,“行業英語(ESP)微環境套用研究”應運而生。作為該研究的重要成果,《酒店管理與經營(第2版 英漢對照)》旨在本著“必需、實用、套用”的原則,對酒店微環境進行深入調研,基於整個酒店經營與管理的過程,把專業理論知識和專門英語運用於崗位工作的各個環節,以專業理論指導來解決崗位工作中的實際問題。《酒店管理與經營(第2版 英漢對照)》在體現實用性的同時,還注意一定的系統性,也反映了國內外酒店業的新觀點和新經驗。《酒店管理與經營(第2版 英漢對照)》適合酒店管理人員和服務人員使用,同時也適用於大專院校相關專業學生。


Part One English for Hospitality Basics
Chapter One Hotel Basics 酒店基礎
Lesson 1 Hotel Functions, Types, and Ratings
Lesson 2 Hotel Organizational Structure
Lesson 3 Hotel Operating Models
Lesson 4 Guest Cycle and Hotel Services
Chapter Two Service Guide 服務指南
Lesson 5 Hotel Profile, Welcome Speech, and Environmental Commitment
Lesson 6 Hotel Rules and Regulations
Lesson 7 Front Office Services
Lesson 8 Housekeeping Services
Lesson 9 Food & Beverage Services
Lesson 10 Conference and Recreation Servi
Chapter Three Hotel Management 酒店管理
Lesson 11 Hotel Management
Lesson 12 Hotel Human Resources Management
Lesson 13 Hotel Finance Management
Lesson 14 Hotel Engineering Management
Lesson 15 Hotel Security Management
Lesson 16 Hotel Marketing Management
Chapter Four Rooms Division 房務部
Lesson 17 Overview of Front Office Department
Lesson 18 Front Desk and Room Reservation Desk
Lesson 19 Reception Desk, Information Desk, and Business Center
Lesson 20 Cashier's Desk and Concierge Desk
Lesson 21 Hotel Lobby and Telephone Operator
Lesson 22 Overview of Housekeeping Department
Lesson 23 Functions of Housekeeping Department
Lesson 24 Room Description
Lesson 25 Room Cleaning and House Keeping
Chapter Five Food & Beverage Division 餐飲部
Lesson 26 Overview of Food & Beverage Division
Lesson 27 Food Service Department
Lesson 28 Chinese Food and Western Food
Lesson 29 Beverage Service Department and Banqueting Department
Lesson 30 Room Service Department, Culinary Department, Stewarding Department, and Purchasing Department
Chapter Six Convention, Recreation, and Complaint 會議服務、康樂服務與投訴處理
Lesson 31 Convention Service and Recreation Service
Lesson 32 Handling Complaints
Part Two English for Hotel
Chapter Seven Situational Expressions 情景交際用語
Lesson 33 Room Reservationist
Lesson 34 Registration Clerk
Lesson 35 Concierge
Lesson 36 Information Clerk
Lesson 37 Cashier
Lesson 38 Business Secretary and Operator
Lesson 39 Sales Person and Floor Attendant
Lesson 40 Housemaid
Lesson 41 Restaurant Staff (I)
Lesson 42 Restaurant Staff (II)
Lesson 43 Management
Chapter Eight Hotel Application Forms 酒店套用表單
Lesson 44 Hotel Application Forms (I)
Lesson 45 Hotel Application Forms (II)
Appendix 附錄
Appendix I General Expressions 基本交際用語
Appendix II Hotel Organizations and Positions 酒店組織機構與酒店職位
Appendix III HoteITerms 酒店術語表
Appendix IV Chinese Food Menu 中式選單
Appendix V Western Food Menu 西式選單
Appendix VI Wine List 酒單
Appendix VII Drinks List 飲料單
Appendix VIII Learning Activities 學習活動


