- 中文名:鄭言貞
- 畢業院校:哈爾濱工程大學
- 性別:女
- 職稱:北京化工大學副教授
1999.9 - 2003.7 哈爾濱工程大學 環境工程專業 工學學士
2003.9 - 2007.11 哈爾濱工程大學 材料學專業 工學博士
2011.12 - 至今 北京化工大學 化學工程學院 副教授,博士生導師
2013.7-2014.7 美國華盛頓大學 材料科學與工程學院 訪問學者
2010.6-2011.11 北京化工大學 化學工程學院 講師
2008.4 - 2010.6 北京化工大學 化學工程學院 博士後
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:寬譜帶吸收染料敏化上轉換器@鈣鈦礦晶體核殼吸光體的設計製備及光伏器件研究(21476019);起止年月:2015.1-2018.12;資助金額:89萬;項目狀態:在研;項目負責人
2. 長春一汽的橫向項目:全固態電池樣件的研發(HB2017003);起止年月: 2017.4-2017.7;到款額:2.88萬;項目狀態:結題;項目負責人
3. 北京市高等學校青年英才計畫;起止年月:2013.1-2015.12;資助金額:15萬,項目負責人
4. 國家自然科學基金青年基金:新型光電轉換鋅基微納複合雙層薄膜的製備與套用性能研究(20906004) 起止年月:2010.1-2012.12;資助金額:20萬;項目狀態:結題;項目負責人
5. 中央高校基本科研業務費自主創新項目:準固態/固態微納半導體光電材料及器件研究(ZZ);起止年月:2012.1-2013.12;資助金額:12萬;項目狀態:結題;項目負責人
6. 國家留學基金資助出國留學項目(公派訪問學者項目):高效光電轉換多功能鋅基薄膜的構築及光伏電池研究;留學目的地:美國;留學期限:1年
7. 中國博士後科學基金特別資助:具有光回響擴展能力的新型光電轉換鋅基薄膜的製備與套用基礎研究(201003042),起止年月:2010.11-2011.11;資助金額:10萬;項目狀態:結題;項目負責人
8. 中國博士後科學基金:光電轉化微納複合結構ZnO薄膜的製備與套用性能研究(20080440303);起止年月:2008.12-2010.6;資助金額:3萬;項目狀態:結題;項目負責人
1. 科技部863 計畫:高效光電轉換納米材料和器件關鍵技術;縱向;起止年月:2013.01-2015.12;資助金額:915萬;項目狀態:結題;主要參與人
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:染料敏化太陽電池自驅動強化光催化降解污染物體系研究;起止年月:2014.1-2017.12;資助金額:83萬;項目狀態:在研;主要參與人
3. 國家自然科學基金委面上基金:基於垂直取向的鋅基雜化本體異質結薄膜的設計製備、界面調控及光伏器件研究(201176019),起止年月:2012.1-2015.12;資助金額:60萬;項目狀態:結題;主要參與人
4. 國家自然科學基金委面上基金:可見光回響異質半導體納晶多孔薄膜的製備與催化性能研究(No.20977005),起止年月:2010.1-2012.12;資助金額:32萬;項目狀態:結題,主要參與人
[1] H.-B. Fang, X. Zhang, J. Wu, N. Li, Y.-Z. Zheng*, X. Tao, Fragmented Phosphorus-Doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nano?akes with Broad Sub-bandgap Absorption for Highly Ef?cient Visible-Light Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2018, 225, 397-405.(IF:11.698)
[2] X.-H. Zhang, N. Li, J. Wu, Y.-Z. Zheng*, X. Tao, Defect-rich O-incorporated 1T-MoS2 nanosheets for remarkably enhanced visible-light photocatalytic H2 evolution over CdS: The impact of enriched defects, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2018, 229, 227–236.(IF:11.698)
[3] N. Li, J. Wu,Y. Lu, Z. Zhao, H. Zhang, X. Tao, Y.-Z. Zheng*, X. Tao, Stable Multiphasic 1T/2H MoSe2 Nanosheets Integrated with 1D Sulfide Semiconductor for Drastically Enhanced Visible-light Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2018, /doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.07.002.(IF:11.698)
[4] X. Dong, D. Chen, J. Zhou, X. Lai, X. Li, X. Lv, Y.-Z. Zheng*, X. Tao, High crystallization of multiple cation perovskite absorber for low-temperature stable ZnO solar cells with high-efficiency over 20%, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 7218-7227.(IF:7.233)
[5] Y.-Z. Zheng*, X. Li, E.-F. Zhao, X. Lv, F.-L. Meng, C. Peng, X.-S. Lai, M. Huang, G. Cao, X. Tao, J.-F. Chen, Hexamethylenetetramine-mediated growth of grain-boundary-passivation CH3NH3PbI3 for highly reproducible and stable perovskite solar cells, J. Power Sources, 2018, 377, 103-109.(IF:6.945)
[6] F. Meng, X. Lv, J. Wu, Y.-Z. Zheng*, G. Cao, X. Tao,Hybrid Rinse Solvent Processing Highly Flat Perovskite Films on Planar Substrate, Electrochem. Commun., 2018, 91, 71-74. (IF:4.660)
[7] N. Li, J. Wu, H.-B. Fang, X.-H. Fang, Y.-Z. Zheng*, X. Tao,Au-nanorod-anchored {001} facets of Bi4Ti3O12 nanosheets for enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalysis, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2018, 448, 41-49.(IF:4.439)
[8] Y.-Z. Zheng*, E.-F. Zhao, F.-L. Meng, X.-S. Lai, X.-M. Dong, J.-J. Wu, X. Tao, Iodine-doped ZnO nanopillar arrays for perovskite solar cells with high efficiency up to 18.24%, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 12416-12425.(IF:9.931)
[9] Y.-Z. Zheng, X. Tao, J.-W. Zhang, X.-S. Lai, N. Li, Plasmonic enhancement of light-harvesting efficiency in tandem dye-sensitized solar cells using multiplexed gold core/silica shell nanorods, J. Power Sources, 2018, 376, 26-32.(IF:6.945)
[10] X. Lai, X. Li, X. Lv, Y.-Z. Zheng*, F. Meng, X. Tao, Broadband dye-sensitized upconverting nanocrystals enabled near-infrared planar perovskite solar cells, J. Power Sources, 2017, 372, 125-133.(IF:6.945)
[11] F. Meng, J. Wu, E. Zhao, Y.-Z. Zheng*, M. Huang, L. Dai, X. Tao, J.-F. Chen, High-efficiency Near-Infrared Enabled Planar Perovskite Solar Cells by Embedding Upconversion Nanocrystals, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 18535-18545.(IF:7.233)
[12] Y. Luo, F. Meng, E. Zhao, Y.-Z. Zheng*, Yali Zhou, Xia Tao, Fine control of perovskite-layered morphology and composition via sequential deposition crystallization process towards improved perovskite solar cells, J. Power Sources, 2016, 311, 130-136.(IF:6.945)
[13] F. Meng, Y. Luo, Y. Zhou, J. Zhang, Y.-Z. Zheng*, Guozhong Cao, Xia Tao, Integrated plasmonic and upconversion starlike Y2O3:Er/Au@TiO2 composite for enhanced photon harvesting in dye-sensitized solar cells, J. Power Sources, 2016, 316, 207-214. (IF:6.945)
[14] R. Ye, H.-B. Fang, Y.-Z. Zheng*, N. Li, Y. Wang, X. Tao, Fabrication of CoTiO3/g?C3N4 Hybrid Photocatalysts with Enhanced H2 Evolution: Z?Scheme Photocatalytic Mechanism Insight, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 13879-13889.(IF:8.097)
[15] H.-B. Fang, N. Li, Z. Xue, Y. Zhang, Y.-Z. Zheng*, X. Tao, Ef?cient charge separation promoting visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity of MnOx decorated WS2 hybrid nanosheets, Electrochem. Commun., 2016, 72, 118-121. (IF:4.660)
[16] H.-B. Fang, Y. Luo, Yan-Zhen Zheng*, Wanhong Ma, Xia Tao, Facile Large-Scale Synthesis of Urea-Derived Porous Graphitic Carbon Nitride with Extraordinary Visible-Light Spectrum Photodegradation, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 2016, 55, 4506-4514.(IF:3.141)
[17] Y.-Z. Zheng, H. Ding, E. Uchaker, X. Tao*, J.-F. Chen, Q. Zhang, G. Cao*, Nickel-mediated polyol synthesis of hierarchical V2O5 hollow microspheres with enhanced lithium storage properties, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 1979-1985.(IF:9.931)
[18] Y. Wang, H. Fang, Y.-Z. Zheng*, R. Ye, X. Tao, J.-F. Chen, Controllable assembly of well-de?ned monodisperse Au nanoparticles on hierarchical ZnO microspheres for enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic and antibacterial activity, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 19118-19128. (IF:7.233)
[19] Y.-Z. Zheng, J. Zhao, S. Bi, X. Tao, M. Huang, J. Chen*, Dual interfacial modi?cations of hierarchically structured iodine-doped ZnO photoanodes for high-ef?ciency dye-sensitized solar cells, Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 157, 258-265. (IF:5.116)
[20] Y. Xu, S. Lu, Y.-Z.n Zheng*, H.-B. Fang, X. Tao*, Jian-Feng Chen, Visible-light driven C@TiO2 porous ?lms: Enhanced photoelectrochemical and photoelectrocatalytic performance, Catal. Commun., 2015, 69, 63-67 (IF:3.463)
[21] Y.-Z. Zheng, H. Ding, Y. Liu, X. Tao*, G. Cao, J.-F. Chen, In situ hydrothermal growth of hierarchical ZnO nanourchin for high-ef?ciency dye-sensitized solar cells, J. Power Sources, 2014, 254, 153-160. (IF:6.660)
[22] Y.-Z. Zheng, H. Ding, Y. Liu, X. Tao*, G. Cao, J.-F. Chen, In-Situ Hydrothermal Growth of Bi-Hierarchical ZnO Nanoarchitecture with Surface Modi?cation for Ef?cient Hybrid Solar Cells, Electrochim. Acta, 2014, 14 116-122. (IF:5.116)
[23] Y.-Z. Zheng, X. Tao*, Q. Hou, D. Wang, W. Zhou, J.-F. Chen, Iodine-Doped ZnO Nanocrystalline Aggregates for Improved Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Chem. Mater., 2011, 23, 3-5. (IF:9.890)
[24] Y.-Z. Zheng, J.-X. Zhao, H. Zhang, J.-F. Chen, W. Zhou, X. Tao*, Dual-functional ZnO nanorod aggregates as scattering layer in the photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cells, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 11519-11521. (IF:6.29)
[25] Y.-Z. Zheng, X. Tao*, L. Wang, H.Xu, Q. Hou, W. Zhou, J. Chen, Novel ZnO-Based Film with Double Light-Scattering Layers as Photoelectrodes for Enhanced Efficiency in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Chem. Mater., 2010, 22, 928-935. (IF:9.890)
1. 中國石油和化學工業聯合會科學技術獎科技進步獎二等獎,排名第二
1. Xia Tao, Yan-Zhen Zheng, Biopolyelectrolyte Multilayer Microshells: Assembly, Property and Application.ISBN:978-1-60876-105-0, 2009 Nova Science Publishers.
1. 陶霞, 鄭言貞, 許輝, 王立新, 陳建峰. 一種半導體氧化物微納複合結構薄膜的製備方法,專利號:200810240149.1 ,授權時間:2011-4-27
2. 張密林,鄭言貞. 一種製備碳納米管負載水合氧化釕複合材料的方法,專利號:ZL 200710072229.6,授權時間:2010-2-10
3. 陶霞, 候茜, 鄭言貞 許輝 陳建峰. 碘摻雜鈦基薄膜材料及其製備方法,專利號:200910093279.1 ,授權時間:2011-2-2
4.鄭言貞,陶霞,劉玉,陳建峰, ZnO納米晶/納米棒聚集體薄膜材料及其製備方法,專利號:ZL 201310031223.X,授權日:2016-07-06
5. 陶霞, 葉榮欽,鄭言貞,一種鈣鈦礦材料/有機聚合物複合光催化劑、製備及套用,授權專利號ZL 201510632467.2,授權日:2017年10月13日。
6. 鄭言貞,趙二菲,陶霞,孟凡理,張想鳳,一種骨棒結構的鈣鈦礦薄膜材料的製備及其套用,授權專利號ZL 201610204463.9,授權日:2018年3月30日。